Topic: Crossing
sweetcountrygirl's photo
Mon 10/16/06 10:12 PM
our paths have crossed and here we stand
together hand in hand
your friendship has guided me although it was short lived
I'll hold forever a vision of what could have been
I wont ever forget walking with you in the rain

sharing with you has been a pleasure
deep within I've shard the laughter
your goodness and beauty was quite unexpected
men are not supposed to be that way
like a rainbow on a sunny day
you carried me from the darkness
and helped laugh again

happiness overwhelms me
laughter flows through me
and although we have said our goodbyes
the echo of your name will never die

michael1313's photo
Fri 10/20/06 06:54 PM
you moved me in a very special way,
you made me feel loved,today,,,
in this moment of sorrow,
can only hope,
there will be a tommorrow
for if our love fades,and you go away
I may not see another day...
'tis you for me,my spirit said so,
but if he was wrong,then away I'll go.
not here to hurt,you nor me,,,
not wasting time sitting under my tree,
thinking of you,of you loving me,,,
wishing that you,,,were only for me...

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/20/06 07:18 PM
Fate brought us together
for a moment in time.
We laughed and cried together.
We exposed our very souls
to each other.
I never knew that someone
like you was capable
of such depth of emotion.
You made me feel as
if I were a child again
and the world was a brand
new place to explore!
Each day with you
was special.
You are gone now,
the moment in
time has passed.
Tho the moment is
gone you are never
far from my heart.
Am I in your heart too?
I pray so.