Topic: School's Trying To Ban Halloween!
Ruth34611's photo
Mon 10/29/12 04:47 PM

So true.

I don't really care about Halloween but if some Baptist tries to stop me from celebrating it by force, guess what?

Time for a witches meeting.

Just let me know where to park my broom. :wink:

no photo
Mon 10/29/12 04:48 PM

So true.

I don't really care about Halloween but if some Baptist tries to stop me from celebrating it by force, guess what?

Time for a witches meeting.

Just let me know where to park my broom. :wink:

Broom closet.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 10/29/12 04:50 PM

Broom closet.

laugh :thumbsup:

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 10/29/12 06:00 PM

Broom closet.

laugh :thumbsup:

Care for a refreshment before the meeting?

Here is a bucket of water for you.

no photo
Mon 10/29/12 06:25 PM
laugh laugh

GreenEyes48's photo
Mon 10/29/12 07:25 PM

Watch the word "freedom" mean less and less.

The day Barry took office freedom because a thing of the past!
I've always associated "anti Halloween" campaigns with the "Religious Right" and Evangelicals etc...I've heard them say that the devil and demons are tied to the celebration of Halloween at times.

Yes this is also true. I live in a Bible belt where having a statue of a dragon in your house or a pentacle around your neck is considered evil and you are working with the devil.

There is an active group here trying to get Halloween banned. I think they are baptists.

So many fears!...I've never lived around hard-core religious "devotees." But I've caught some of their shows on the radio (or on TV) where they implant fears and warn their "flock" about all the dangers in the world...I'm old! Back in the 50's when I was a kid most of the nation watched a popular psychic on TV. (People of all faiths.) His show was called "Griswell Predicts." (I think.)...I don't remember people out here in the West being so fear-based until the late 60's or 70's when the "Moral Majority" or "Religious Right" gained a foothold and political power and clout.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 10/30/12 01:27 AM

I don't think much of Halloween anymore. I don't care if it is banned. I think its ridiculous.

First, candy is not good for anyone.

Second, adults are sometimes dressing up and knocking on doors and that is pretty scary because they could be there to rob you.

Let's egg her house!


That would be breaking the law. I would have you all arrested. Then I would sue you for damages and make you clean it up and paint my house.

Its all ridiculous pranks.

Destruction of property.

It's only a citation that would get pled down and probably even dropped. That's if you even caught the person and I don't see a lawsuit going through because of an egg.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 10/30/12 01:28 AM

I don't think much of Halloween anymore. I don't care if it is banned. I think its ridiculous.

First, candy is not good for anyone.

Second, adults are sometimes dressing up and knocking on doors and that is pretty scary because they could be there to rob you.

Let's egg her house!


That would be breaking the law. I would have you all arrested. Then I would sue you for damages and make you clean it up and paint my house.

Its all ridiculous pranks.

Destruction of property.

(Rings her doorbell and runs) smokin

You forgot to leave the flaming bag of dog poop on the door step!

Lpdon's photo
Tue 10/30/12 01:29 AM

It's pathetic. It's just Halloween. It's not harming anyone. What will they ban next? Christmas? It's getting ridiculous.

I have to concur,, kids have so little to celebrate together anymore,,

let them keep the dress up day,,,,

As long as they don't come knocking and begging at my door I don't care.

Leave your front lights off.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 10/30/12 01:31 AM

Watch the word "freedom" mean less and less.

The day Barry took office freedom because a thing of the past!
I've always associated "anti Halloween" campaigns with the "Religious Right" and Evangelicals etc...I've heard them say that the devil and demons are tied to the celebration of Halloween at times.

These are the lefties, nice try. I have never seen or read where the Right has tried to shut down halloween.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 10/30/12 01:32 AM

Once I dressed up real scary for Halloween as the Angel of death and the costume was so scary it frightened me when I went past a mirror.

The death face was very realistic and I had long flowing black robes.

I was wearing this costume when a tiny child about three years old, maybe younger came up to the door, encouraged by her mother who was behind her telling her to go get some candy.

It was her very first house. She did trust her mother, but she was terrified when she saw me. Her mother started laughing, and came up to comfort the child. She said this was her very first house.

That child was so cute. She had these great big eyes and they were full of fear but she still came forward for her candy.

She will probably remember that for the rest of her life.

I made a kid cry when I was dressed as a Borg. LOL

What a Borg?

Lpdon's photo
Tue 10/30/12 01:37 AM

It's pathetic. It's just Halloween. It's not harming anyone. What will they ban next? Christmas? It's getting ridiculous.

I have to concur,, kids have so little to celebrate together anymore,,

let them keep the dress up day,,,,

I agree.

School parties are just as necessary to kids as recess is.

People need to just lighten the F up. rant

So true.

I don't really care about Halloween but if some Baptist tries to stop me from celebrating it by force, guess what?

Time for a witches meeting.

Ummm you said earlier in the thread to get rid of it, candy is bad for them. Make up your mind.

GreenEyes48's photo
Tue 10/30/12 07:27 AM

Watch the word "freedom" mean less and less.

The day Barry took office freedom because a thing of the past!
I've always associated "anti Halloween" campaigns with the "Religious Right" and Evangelicals etc...I've heard them say that the devil and demons are tied to the celebration of Halloween at times.

These are the lefties, nice try. I have never seen or read where the Right has tried to shut down halloween.
Liberals can get carried away when it comes to playing "nanny." But in the case of Halloween I've only heard Evangelicals complain about it.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/30/12 07:47 AM

I don't think much of Halloween anymore. I don't care if it is banned. I think its ridiculous.

First, candy is not good for anyone.

Second, adults are sometimes dressing up and knocking on doors and that is pretty scary because they could be there to rob you.

Let's egg her house!


That would be breaking the law. I would have you all arrested. Then I would sue you for damages and make you clean it up and paint my house.

Its all ridiculous pranks.

Destruction of property.

It's only a citation that would get pled down and probably even dropped. That's if you even caught the person and I don't see a lawsuit going through because of an egg.
unless it is a rotten one!bigsmile

no photo
Tue 10/30/12 08:09 AM
I truly don't feel the need to change WHO I am because people are immigrating to my country.. I did a survey last Christmas when talking to people all over the world.. instead of the newly suggested "seasons greetings" or "happy holidays" crap.. I said Merry Christmas to everyone.. the only ones that responded in kind were the immigrants.. seems we're creating a lot of bs for nothing.. if people move to our respective countries it's because they like what WE have going on or they'd have stayed home..

as far as I'm concerned.. you can respect others cultures but we shouldn't loose sight of our own!

I'm a liberal and I LOVE Halloween and dressing up with the kids!! Often times I couldn't afford buying costumes but we ALWAYS dreamed up something awesome from old clothes, make-up and imaginations!!

I don't think we should give up ANY of our traditions because someone else thinks we should.. I believe we should hold onto our values and enjoy the fun times we have to share with our kids.. after all.. it's a holiday for THEM.. not bureaucratic suits who THINK they know better! rant

navygirl's photo
Tue 10/30/12 09:46 AM

Once I dressed up real scary for Halloween as the Angel of death and the costume was so scary it frightened me when I went past a mirror.

The death face was very realistic and I had long flowing black robes.

I was wearing this costume when a tiny child about three years old, maybe younger came up to the door, encouraged by her mother who was behind her telling her to go get some candy.

It was her very first house. She did trust her mother, but she was terrified when she saw me. Her mother started laughing, and came up to comfort the child. She said this was her very first house.

That child was so cute. She had these great big eyes and they were full of fear but she still came forward for her candy.

She will probably remember that for the rest of her life.

I made a kid cry when I was dressed as a Borg. LOL

What a Borg?

Yep a borg.

no photo
Tue 10/30/12 09:54 AM
We are the Borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.

navygirl's photo
Tue 10/30/12 10:04 AM

We are the Borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.

You took the words out of my mouth. laugh

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/30/12 10:38 AM
Why is it that when something like this happens, the liberals are automatically to blame...

As for the topic at hand, halloween is supposed to be fun, we are told that our kids have to accept other nations religions and holidays but then we ban or cancel our own?

Our kids will end up resenting the other kids and then we have bullying and fighting and we blame the kids. They do what we teach them. Not to mention, "we dont want the other kids to feel left out". Guess what, as adults they are gonna be left out of alot of things. They need to learn to accept that they can't always be part of everything that goes on. Sometimes they won't get chosen, they won't get to go to prom with the girl they want to...such is life.

Halloween is about expression and fun, if some kids can't celebrate it, that isn't fair but again, such is life. It won't always be fair, life doesn't give two hoots that your school district taught you that you should be picked and be able to be part of anything you want.

Please don't use the "some children can't afford costumes" line on me. I grew up poor, I got creative with household things to make costumes. I never bought a single costume growing up, so that line is baloney (yes i spelled it wrong on purpose as i hate the lunchmeat lol)

Candy isn't healthy for anyone, but it will still be eaten. Don't blame the candy if you don't know how to properly take care of your mouth after eating it. The food is not the bad guy, it's an inanimate object that you eat. Proper care for your body falls on you. Exercise, proper teeth brushing, and general care will help people.

Teaching our children to realize that life isn't fair will get them ready for adulthood, not teaching them that will set them up for failure.

no photo
Tue 10/30/12 10:57 AM
Please don't use the "some children can't afford costumes" line on me. I grew up poor, I got creative with household things to make costumes. I never bought a single costume growing up, so that line is baloney (yes i spelled it wrong on purpose as i hate the lunchmeat lol)

We made most of our costumes from everything at home. I didn't know many kids who store bought their costumes.