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Topic: America Needs Adults in Charge
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/19/12 10:37 AM


'noones heard of'...well, I guess that depends upon who 'noone' is

I hadnt heard of George W before he ran, probably because Im from OHio and not TX

plenty of people in Illinois and Washington had heard of Obama, just like most candidates who are well known in the regions they represent and become better known ONCE they are on the national political stage,,,

Yep, anyone owing a loan shark or wanting their bribe to count in Chicago knew Obozo, Daly and Emanuel....

community action at its best!

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/19/12 10:39 AM


'noones heard of'...well, I guess that depends upon who 'noone' is

I hadnt heard of George W before he ran, probably because Im from OHio and not TX

plenty of people in Illinois and Washington had heard of Obama, just like most candidates who are well known in the regions they represent and become better known ONCE they are on the national political stage,,,

Yep, anyone owing a loan shark or wanting their bribe to count in Chicago knew Obozo, Daly and Emanuel....

community action at its best!

whoa whoa

willowdraga's photo
Fri 10/19/12 10:41 AM

lol, I bet he spends more time working than most the people who keep griping about him having any down time,,,

laugh laugh laugh

If I am the 'defense brigade' , I wonder if there is a 'hater brigade',, or 'attack brigade'

what what rofl

Who's hating.

I'm just expressing fact.

He was elected because he ain't Caucasian.

obviously? why else would a black man be elected?...HAAA

history really backs up that logic....laugh laugh

laugh :wink:

willowdraga's photo
Fri 10/19/12 10:45 AM
Oh and to set the record straight on R&R.


Home • Ask FactCheck • President Obama’s Vacation Days
President Obama’s Vacation Days
Posted on January 11, 2010
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Q: Has President Obama taken more vacation time than his predecessors?

A: According to one count, Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush spent more time on "vacation" during their first year than President Obama did. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton spent less time on "vacation."


President Obama has spent all or part of 26 days "on vacation" during his first year as president, according to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller.

Knoller, who has covered every president since Gerald Ford and is known for keeping detailed records on presidential travel, counts the following among President Obama’s "vacations" in 2009:

A four-day holiday weekend in Chicago in February where the president played some basketball and treated First Lady Michelle Obama to a Valentine’s Day dinner date.
An eight-day stay with his family at a rented house on Martha’s Vineyard in August.
A trip out west to the U.S. states of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Arizona that combined both business and pleasure. The president held town hall meetings on health care during the trip. And he went fly fishing and took trips to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon with his wife and two daughters.
An 11-day stay in Hawaii where the president and his family celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Some of the president’s recent predecessors, however, have spent more days — either entirely or partially — away from the White House "on vacation" during their first year in office.

President Reagan, in 1981, spent all or part of 42 days away from the White House "on vacation" at his home in Santa Barbara, Calif, according to Knoller. President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, also spent three or four days around New Year’s Day each year in Palm Springs, Calif., at the home of philanthropist Walter Annenberg. (In 1993 the late Mr. Annenberg founded the nonpartisan Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, which is FactCheck.org’s parent organization.)

President George W. Bush spent even more time away from the presidential mansion in the nation’s capital than Reagan. Of the 77 total "vacation" trips the former president made to his Texas ranch while in office, nine of them — all or part of 69 days — came during his first year as president in 2001, according to Knoller.

Bush’s father, President George H.W. Bush, spent less time "on vacation" during his first year than his son, but spent more days than President Obama. According to travel records provided to FactCheck.org by the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, the former president took six trips — spanning all or part of 40 days — to the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, in 1989. The archivist at Bush’s presidential library told us she didn’t have a list of all vacations but did have the Kennebunkport visits.

But at least two recent presidents — by Knoller’s count — took less "vacation" time during their first year than President Obama — Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

According to Knoller, Carter spent just 19 days "on vacation" in 1977. Most of that time, Knoller says, the former president spent at his home in Plains, Ga. President Clinton took all or part of 174 days of vacation during his eight years as president — most of that "vacation" time was during the summer, according to Knoller. But Knoller says Clinton only took 21 "vacation" days during his first year.

It’s worth mentioning that President Obama has also made 11 trips — all or part of 27 days — to Camp David, the presidential retreat in Frederick County, Md. Knoller, however, says he doesn’t count trips to Camp David as part of any presidents’ "vacation" time. But for the sake of comparison, President George W. Bush, made more trips to that country residence than Obama. According to Knoller, Bush made 25 trips — a total of 78 days — to Camp David in 2001.

But no matter how much time a president actually spends away from the official residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Knoller says that the commander in chief is never really off the clock. "I have long held the view that a US president is never really on vacation," Knoller told FactCheck.org in an e-mail. "The job – and its awesome powers and responsibilities – is his wherever he is and whatever he’s doing."

–D’Angelo Gore

Knoller, Mark. CBS News White House Correspondent, Radio. E-mail sent to FactCheck.org. 6 Jan 2010.

Knoller, Mark. "Can a President Really Take a Vacation?" CBS News "Political HotSheet" Blog. 24 Dec 2009.

Knoller, Mark. "Obama Seeks Rest on Foray Out West." CBS News "Political HotSheet" Blog. 14 Aug 2009.

Hendler, Clint. "Mark Knoller Knows." Columbia Journalism Review. 9 Dec 2009.

Elliott, Phillip. "Obama Returns Home for First Time as President." Associated Press. 13 Feb 2009.

Associated Press. "Obama family vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard." MSNBC.com. 23 Aug 2009.

Nakaso, Dan. "President Obama and his family leave Isles after Hawaii vacation." Honolulu Advertiser. 4 Jan 2010.

willowdraga's photo
Fri 10/19/12 10:47 AM
Edited by willowdraga on Fri 10/19/12 10:47 AM
It appears the Repubs think they need more R&R for some reasonwhoa

willowdraga's photo
Fri 10/19/12 10:51 AM
I personally like President Obama's fun side. He sure is turning gray though. So much to worry about....

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/19/12 10:54 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 10/19/12 10:58 AM

I personally like President Obama's fun side. He sure is turning gray though. So much to worry about....

The only thing he worries about is losing re-election, disappointing his masters and how to tell Michelle the vacations, and lavish spending are over and they may have to move!

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/19/12 10:58 AM

I personally like President Obama's fun side. He sure is turning gray though. So much to worry about....

I would never trade places,, thats for sure

too much expectation with too little actual authority,,,its like being elected God or Superhero,,,

bless him for taking on the challenge,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/19/12 11:01 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 10/19/12 11:03 AM

I personally like President Obama's fun side. He sure is turning gray though. So much to worry about....

I would never trade places,, thats for sure

too much expectation with too little actual authority,,,its like being elected God or Superhero,,,

bless him for taking on the challenge,,,

He thinks he was elected god! Even calls himself the messiah, jokes about his super-hero costume!

You nailed that one! laugh

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/19/12 11:11 AM

I personally like President Obama's fun side. He sure is turning gray though. So much to worry about....

I would never trade places,, thats for sure

too much expectation with too little actual authority,,,its like being elected God or Superhero,,,

bless him for taking on the challenge,,,

He thinks he was elected god! Even calls himself the messiah, jokes about his super-hero costume!

You nailed that one! laugh

if you say so,,,whoa

Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:21 AM

LOL......I knew it wouldn't be long before the "Barry Defense Brigade" would be here. But Harmony is right on this, the man may be president, but even the POTUS deserves a little R&R.

I can understand a little R&R but over 17 vacations in less then four years in office.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:24 AM

lol, I bet he spends more time working than most the people who keep griping about him having any down time,,,

laugh laugh laugh

If I am the 'defense brigade' , I wonder if there is a 'hater brigade',, or 'attack brigade'

what what rofl

Who's hating.

I'm just expressing fact.

He was elected because he ain't Caucasian.

Just look at what Samuel L. Jackson said...........

Jackson also said "I voted for Barack because he was black. ’Cuz that’s why other folks vote for other people – because they look like them".


Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:25 AM

Before 2008, when was the last time a negro ran for president?

Jesse Jackson.............

Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:28 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Sat 10/20/12 01:28 AM


'noones heard of'...well, I guess that depends upon who 'noone' is

I hadnt heard of George W before he ran, probably because Im from OHio and not TX

plenty of people in Illinois and Washington had heard of Obama, just like most candidates who are well known in the regions they represent and become better known ONCE they are on the national political stage,,,

Yep, anyone owing a loan shark or wanting their bribe to count in Chicago knew Obozo, Daly and Emanuel....

community action at its best!

So did known Mobsters and hitmen and Daley gave them special awards and keys to the city!

Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:32 AM


'noones heard of'...well, I guess that depends upon who 'noone' is

I hadnt heard of George W before he ran, probably because Im from OHio and not TX

plenty of people in Illinois and Washington had heard of Obama, just like most candidates who are well known in the regions they represent and become better known ONCE they are on the national political stage,,,

Yep, anyone owing a loan shark or wanting their bribe to count in Chicago knew Obozo, Daly and Emanuel....

community action at its best!

whoa whoa

Angelo J. "The Hook" LaPietra a member of the Chicago Outfit and a member of the Mafia Commission....... Wanna know why he was called The Hook? He earned his nickname "The Hook" due to the way he murdered his victims—those that did not, or could not pay up. He would take his victim—bound and gagged—and hang him on a meat hook, (piercing the victim's rib cage with the meat hook) and then torture him to death with a blow-torch. The torch would not actually be the cause of death. The victims most often died from suffocation.

These are the type of people Daley and the Democrats gave special treatment and awards to. Yea, keep rolling your eyes.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:34 AM

LOL......I knew it wouldn't be long before the "Barry Defense Brigade" would be here. But Harmony is right on this, the man may be president, but even the POTUS deserves a little R&R.

I can understand a little R&R but over 17 vacations in less then four years in office.

depends upon how many days each 'vacation' is

10 two day vacations is still less than five two week vacations

I think the president has a total of a little over 100 days of 'vacation' during the four years

far from the highest number in comparison to past presidencies

Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:39 AM

LOL......I knew it wouldn't be long before the "Barry Defense Brigade" would be here. But Harmony is right on this, the man may be president, but even the POTUS deserves a little R&R.

I can understand a little R&R but over 17 vacations in less then four years in office.

depends upon how many days each 'vacation' is

10 two day vacations is still less than five two week vacations

I think the president has a total of a little over 100 days of 'vacation' during the four years

far from the highest number in comparison to past presidencies

A little over 100 days?!?!? You realize the average American doesn't get 7 days a year! Now a days the majority of American's arn't take a vacation at all because they cant afford it and this a$$hole has over 100 days in four years? What a classless jerk.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:43 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 10/20/12 01:44 AM

LOL......I knew it wouldn't be long before the "Barry Defense Brigade" would be here. But Harmony is right on this, the man may be president, but even the POTUS deserves a little R&R.

I can understand a little R&R but over 17 vacations in less then four years in office.

depends upon how many days each 'vacation' is

10 two day vacations is still less than five two week vacations

I think the president has a total of a little over 100 days of 'vacation' during the four years

far from the highest number in comparison to past presidencies

A little over 100 days?!?!? You realize the average American doesn't get 7 days a year! Now a days the majority of American's arn't take a vacation at all because they cant afford it and this a$$hole has over 100 days in four years? What a classless jerk.

do you realize what the average LAWYER is able to take for vaations a year, or the average CEO,

or that certain jobs like teachers or construction are able to take even more than that (summer break or winter season,,,etc)?

why should they pretend to have less income than they do?

three or four weeks a year isnt that extraordinary for americans who have attained some type of 'professional' status,, my parents took that much per year back when I was a kid and they were only middle class,,,

Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:51 AM

LOL......I knew it wouldn't be long before the "Barry Defense Brigade" would be here. But Harmony is right on this, the man may be president, but even the POTUS deserves a little R&R.

I can understand a little R&R but over 17 vacations in less then four years in office.

depends upon how many days each 'vacation' is

10 two day vacations is still less than five two week vacations

I think the president has a total of a little over 100 days of 'vacation' during the four years

far from the highest number in comparison to past presidencies

A little over 100 days?!?!? You realize the average American doesn't get 7 days a year! Now a days the majority of American's arn't take a vacation at all because they cant afford it and this a$$hole has over 100 days in four years? What a classless jerk.

do you realize what the average LAWYER is able to take for vaations a year, or the average CEO,

or that certain jobs like teachers or construction are able to take even more than that (summer break or winter season,,,etc)?

why should they pretend to have less income than they do?

three or four weeks a year isnt that extraordinary for americans who have attained some type of 'professional' status,, my parents took that much per year back when I was a kid and they were only middle class,,,

The average lawyer DOESN'T get that and the ones who do pay for it THEMSELVES not the taxpayers. They also are running a nation with the highest unemployment numbers in history and a 16 trillion dollar debt that is growing on a daily basis and are not the commander in chief in a time of war and terrorism Not to mention the so called vacations George W. Bush supposedly took were at his ranch in Texas that HE paid a LARGE amount of money out of HIS own pocket to put in a Presidential office with housing for staff and Secret Service Agents and visiting dignataries.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:56 AM

LOL......I knew it wouldn't be long before the "Barry Defense Brigade" would be here. But Harmony is right on this, the man may be president, but even the POTUS deserves a little R&R.

I can understand a little R&R but over 17 vacations in less then four years in office.

depends upon how many days each 'vacation' is

10 two day vacations is still less than five two week vacations

I think the president has a total of a little over 100 days of 'vacation' during the four years

far from the highest number in comparison to past presidencies

A little over 100 days?!?!? You realize the average American doesn't get 7 days a year! Now a days the majority of American's arn't take a vacation at all because they cant afford it and this a$$hole has over 100 days in four years? What a classless jerk.

do you realize what the average LAWYER is able to take for vaations a year, or the average CEO,

or that certain jobs like teachers or construction are able to take even more than that (summer break or winter season,,,etc)?

why should they pretend to have less income than they do?

three or four weeks a year isnt that extraordinary for americans who have attained some type of 'professional' status,, my parents took that much per year back when I was a kid and they were only middle class,,,

The average lawyer DOESN'T get that and the ones who do pay for it THEMSELVES not the taxpayers. They also are running a nation with the highest unemployment numbers in history and a 16 trillion dollar debt that is growing on a daily basis and are not the commander in chief in a time of war and terrorism Not to mention the so called vacations George W. Bush supposedly took were at his ranch in Texas that HE paid a LARGE amount of money out of HIS own pocket to put in a Presidential office with housing for staff and Secret Service Agents and visiting dignataries.

a successful lawyer does get that kind of time off, like I said, my parents were only middle class and able to take that time off

and they are more than able to pay for their own trips except as first family they now require PROTECTION which they wouldnt otherwise require or have to pay for on their own

the unemployment rate is not the highest in history,

the debt has been growing daily for several administrations,

even if we subtract the days Bush spent at his 'ranch', his vacation days still outnumber the Obamas

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