Topic: Questions you can ask
doll10's photo
Mon 08/06/07 07:12 PM
Dedicated to my kimba:

When you fall in love you can ask when
When did he first notice me?
When was our first kiss?
When will I see him again?

When you are in love you can ask where
Where is he now?
Where shall we go next?
Where is it taking us?

When you are in love you can ask what
What more can I do to make him happy?
What does he see in me?
What did I do to deserve this happiness?

When you are in love you can ask how
How great it is he is in my life!
How does my heart keeps on beating when he is not near?
How am I ever going to live without him?

But there is no “why” when you fall in love.

LAMom's photo
Mon 08/06/07 07:13 PM

pkh's photo
Mon 08/06/07 07:56 PM
So beautiful.

jimz's photo
Mon 08/06/07 07:59 PM
That is so beautiful. There should be no questions when you're in love, only answers.

brwnkimba's photo
Tue 08/07/07 10:11 AM
:heart: bigsmile