Topic: Reaction to the VP Debate
Dodo_David's photo
Fri 10/12/12 03:19 PM
Here is an excerpt from Michael Medved's commentary published by The Daily Beast:

The debate became queasy, unpleasant, uncomfortable to watch, not because Biden overpowered his opponent on substance (he emphatically did not), but because the normal, reassuring, ritualized sense of congeniality and decorum seemed altogether lacking. When TV professionals analyze the viewing audience in detail, I’d be surprised if a huge number of debate watchers didn't tune out the broadcast in disgust or at least uneasiness after the first half hour.

I watched the proceedings on a big screen together with 250 listeners from the Seattle flagship station for my radio show. In the discussion afterward, one of the women present said that Biden made her cringe by reminding her precisely of her abusive ex-husband. Another 23-year-old came up to me afterward and emphatically agreed, saying she had just left her own abusive relationship and that watching Biden’s antics gave her the creeps in the same way that her former boyfriend’s dismissive snickering always made her feel inadequate.

Your thoughts?

USmale47374's photo
Fri 10/12/12 03:31 PM
Decor is frequently absent in heated debates, and that understandable. The participants are usually passionate about their opinions. In last night's VP debate, I'm pleased that Vice President Biden tacked issues such as Social Security and abortion, and I think he scored points on both issues.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 10/12/12 03:40 PM
I thought it was amusing. Definitely more fun than the Obama Romney
snoozefest. Better soundbites.

Biden was better prepared, sounded less canned and was funnier to
watch. Ryan looked nice in the Halloween spirit as Eddie Munster tho@!


metalwing's photo
Fri 10/12/12 04:09 PM

I thought it was amusing. Definitely more fun than the Obama Romney
snoozefest. Better soundbites.

Biden was better prepared, sounded less canned and was funnier to
watch. Ryan looked nice in the Halloween spirit as Eddie Munster tho@!


That's funny!!!laugh

willing2's photo
Fri 10/12/12 04:16 PM
Drunk Uncle Joe reminded me and my last three ex-wives.

I would be as condescending and abusive as he was.

I'd joke about their sincerity and dismiss them as irrelevant.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 04:28 PM

Here is an excerpt from Michael Medved's commentary published by The Daily Beast:

The debate became queasy, unpleasant, uncomfortable to watch, not because Biden overpowered his opponent on substance (he emphatically did not), but because the normal, reassuring, ritualized sense of congeniality and decorum seemed altogether lacking. When TV professionals analyze the viewing audience in detail, I’d be surprised if a huge number of debate watchers didn't tune out the broadcast in disgust or at least uneasiness after the first half hour.

I watched the proceedings on a big screen together with 250 listeners from the Seattle flagship station for my radio show. In the discussion afterward, one of the women present said that Biden made her cringe by reminding her precisely of her abusive ex-husband. Another 23-year-old came up to me afterward and emphatically agreed, saying she had just left her own abusive relationship and that watching Biden’s antics gave her the creeps in the same way that her former boyfriend’s dismissive snickering always made her feel inadequate.

Your thoughts?

I found it no less cringe worthy than the Presidential debate, but I found it more revealing,,,,

InvictusV's photo
Fri 10/12/12 04:49 PM
Biden acted like the pompous a$$ he has always been and those of us that have had the displeasure of watching him represent Delaware for 200 years as a Senator were not surprised..

willing2's photo
Fri 10/12/12 05:17 PM
I bet he treats his old lady likewise.
She looked haggard.

Ryan was pointing at his watch and kids.
Time to get them to bed.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/12/12 05:35 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 10/12/12 05:43 PM
All I saw was American Idols version of rhetorical political BS throwers! I was watching online tho, so I may have missed a lot of the MSM BS thrown afterwards.

If you repeat the lies enough, even more so with TV, you can almost convince yourself they're true!