Topic: Who are"the 47%" of Americans who Mitt Romney said in a vide
msharmony's photo
Wed 09/19/12 07:50 AM

Come November, theeconomy — and who would be betterto fix it — will probably be at the forefront of voters’ minds. But like pretty much every election of the last 60 years, voters’ choice will be colored by their views about taxes. Ifyou believe the rich pay too little, chances are you will vote for Barack Obama. If you think tax rates on wealthy Americans are still too high, you will vote for Mitt Romneyinstead. Speaking to his donors at a fund-raiser, Mr. Romney argued he has no chance of gaining the vote of the nearly half of Americans who pay no federal income tax. But he probably has a good chance ofcapturing the vote oftheir fellow citizens who think paying notax is unfair.
Maybe the way to start building a consensus about how much people should be taxed is tomake the connectionbetween the taxes people pay and the benefits they finance.

that is the dilemma, the focus on 'taxes', as people dont understand our strength is GDP And taxes make only , at most, 1/2 of the revenue raised there

products and services, often provided by those who dont earn enough to pay 'taxes' also contributes to the strength of the country

but how do we balance the focus on 'income tax'

those with the most money have the most power, and many believe that to be fair

so maybe they are paying for their continued power by contributing more 'income tax'

but on the other hand, those with little to no power pay no income tax and because so many struggle the argument continues to be made that more taxation upon them would not be just

the end game is, those with the money continue to have higher tax rates but also get more power in return

and those without the money, work just as hard or harder, arent required to pay taxes for power they dont have, and continue to stay in the working class keeping the wealthy in power and barely keeping themself above water

,,,,what is the balance,,? flat tax doesnt work because those with more money also have better accountants and find more loopholes,,,,

income adjusted tax isnt working because the culture is flipping to one which only values a citizens voice by how much income tax thay pay and so many are struggling so much already without the tax,,,,

GreenEyes48's photo
Thu 09/20/12 08:48 AM
The politicians have definitely succeeded in dividing us as a nation...Things have become "dog-eat-dog" today and it's sickening...Some of the attitudes are not realistic at all...Over the past decades corporations have had "free rein." They shut-down plants in the USA and moved our former jobs overseas...Many people have been laid-off or "squeezed out" due to all the ongoing mergers...Wages have been "frozen" or even "slashed."...If one decent-paying job opens-up there are hundred of applicants lined-up competing for a single job...Many people go to work in the service industry for very low-pay because they can't find decent-paying jobs in their former fields anymore...Our problems started decades ago when corporations realized they could produce their products in third world countries "dirt-cheap."...I grew-up during the "boom years" of the 50's and 60's when good-paying jobs were plentiful and easy to find. But this hasn't been the case for a long time now...There is no "job security" anymore. Anyone who is "sitting pretty" right now is subject to be laid-off and "put out to pasture" tomorrow. (With the odds against them when it comes to finding a compable job in their field.)....Savings and unemployment benefits don't last forever and prices keep going up and up...Some people realize that their options are limited. And they take low-wage jobs just to have a job at all and bring some money in to feed their families and pay rent or their mortgage etc..Some people work 2 jobs and they still don't earn anywhere near what they used to "make" at their former jobs. (Before they got "cut" and laid-off and "put out to pasture.")

GreenEyes48's photo
Thu 09/20/12 08:48 AM
Edited by GreenEyes48 on Thu 09/20/12 08:55 AM
Romney offended some people in our country who are struggling to stay "afloat" the best they can in a dwindling job-market..And I think his words and his arrogance will come back to "haunt him" with many voters.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 09/20/12 09:17 AM

Given Mitt Romney’s limited intellect and his clumsy people skills, the odds are that he never would have made it very far in America if he had not been born into a family of prominence and privilege.

Yet, in Romney’s mind, he’s the victim here, the beleaguered white guy from a rich family; the kid who attended top-ranked prep schools and Harvard University; the business executive who was set up by wealthy friends with tens of millions of dollars to succeed in private equity. Romney was born on third base with a silver spoon in his mouth and convinced himself that he had not only hit a triple but had taught himself to be a world-class silversmith.
have you saved as many Companies as he did?:laughing:

smart2009's photo
Thu 09/20/12 10:12 AM

Given Mitt Romney’s limited intellect and his clumsy people skills, the odds are that he never would have made it very far in America if he had not been born into a family of prominence and privilege.

Yet, in Romney’s mind, he’s the victim here, the beleaguered white guy from a rich family; the kid who attended top-ranked prep schools and Harvard University; the business executive who was set up by wealthy friends with tens of millions of dollars to succeed in private equity. Romney was born on third base with a silver spoon in his mouth and convinced himself that he had not only hit a triple but had taught himself to be a world-class silversmith.
have you saved as many Companies as he did?:laughing:


Bravalady's photo
Thu 09/20/12 10:16 AM

I'm sure you'll find a large portion of said 47% on this site. Romney told it like it was, liberals who wish to live off the government. Why attack Romney for speaking the truth? Oh tat's right, the truth hurts. Dumba$$ can tell lie after lie yet the media and his brainwashed followers never say ANYTHING about that! Romney states a fact and he's attacked. I thought the Left was supposed to be passive, they're almost as nasty as the extreme muslims. The Left will stoop to anything to discredit the GOP. They NEEEEED their Messiah so they won't have to go out and be self-suffcient.

THAT'S your 47%. I agree with Romney. Shiiit on 'em.

See, I don't understand this. Two posts just above you analyzed the numbers and showed that there were good reasons for those people not paying federal income tax, and also noted that these same people may well be paying other taxes, or may have paid them until they retired. Doesn't that make any difference to your opinion at all?

Chazster's photo
Thu 09/20/12 11:47 AM
Well he said 47% who will vote for the president no matter what, but maybe 30% of people vote so wouldn't it very more correct to say 15% of Americans?

mightymoe's photo
Thu 09/20/12 02:57 PM

That's your opinion and you're entitled to speak it. Do just that before that idiot takes away your right. Tell me how they had the authority to yank that "filmmaker" out of his own home to question him? What laws did he break? The first amendment? This country is headed towards socialism on a fast track. Think USSR pre-Gorbachev. THAT is Obama's goal. Plain and simple. Enjoy this while it lasts msharmony.

he's speeding up the process to it also...the social republic of the almost united states...
So what the heck are we supposed to do? People cannot support themselves many through no fault of their own. The rich are getting richer this is not in dispute and the working poor are getting poorer.

Should we have some form of social Darwinism that Mit wants and let them starve to death or go to a for profit prison or do we try to raise them up? Free market capitalism is failing and t hat is the trouble, not the solution.

my only answer to that is vote out the incumbents... if vote them out every election, maybe they will get the message...thats the only answer i can think of, because rommey nor the muslim will do anything to help, IMO

andrewzooms's photo
Thu 09/20/12 03:11 PM
Why are his comments so offensive? Even Mondale got 40.6 percent of the vote in 1984. Most lopsided Presidential election.

GreenEyes48's photo
Thu 09/20/12 08:13 PM
Edited by GreenEyes48 on Thu 09/20/12 08:19 PM
I'm sure Romney and Ryan and their GOP cronies thought the election would be a "piece of cake" for them. ..All they had to do was repeat worn-out lines from Ronald Reagan and keep harping about the bad economy and they figured they would be a "shoe-in!"...But they haven't come-up with much "substance" or any "concrete solutions" so far...Hearing Romney's disdain for so many Americans on the secret video was (and still is) a big "turn-off." He can come out and try to redeem himself all he wants in his stump-speeches but he showed his "true colors" to voters who've been trying to "size him up."...I supported Romney over Mc Cain in 2008...I supported Romney over the other GOP candidates this time around too. But no more.

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/21/12 08:48 AM

Romney offended some people in our country who are struggling to stay "afloat" the best they can in a dwindling job-market..And I think his words and his arrogance will come back to "haunt him" with many voters.

I agree. IT was another miscalculation and misinterpretation. He took a statistic and ran with it without considering what he was saying. More people are on support or assistance of some type now doing the same things they did when they WERENT on support just because they are no longer EARNING what they earned before. ASsistance is MEANS TESTED, which only means that more people have less means than before, not that they are 'moochers'.

It was a dumb statement to say. It will be, with certain working class people as detrimental as Obamas statement about not building things alone was with certain business owners and elites.

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/21/12 08:49 AM

Well he said 47% who will vote for the president no matter what, but maybe 30% of people vote so wouldn't it very more correct to say 15% of Americans?

he at least wouldnt have pissed off as many people...

it would be easier to swallow him dismissing 15 percent of people than to hear him dismiss nealy HALF

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/21/12 08:57 AM

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/21/12 09:02 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 09/21/12 09:03 AM
TY for posting that, I am a fan of FULL TRUTH over edited snippets spun for one side or the other and I try to research on my own most of the time instead of relying on 'news stories'

the full text is on the web

in my opinion
it only shows where he got his statistic from

does little to change the context

"“Thereare 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they arevictims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they areentitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it, that that’s an entitlement. And thegovernment should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what.”

this 'who believe they are victimes. who believe government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe they are entitled.....

thats a ROMNEY ASSUMPTION that is reflective of his personal opinion,,,,and will hurt his campaign

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 09/21/12 10:37 AM
msharmony...I agree with you. And I haven't felt the same about Romney since the video came out...Sometimes it's easy to give someone the benefits of our doubts. But I can't do this anymore with Romney..It might have been different if he just talked about the "block" of people he assumed would vote for President Obama. But to call such a large percentage of Americans "irresponsible" and "victim thinkers" was just too much to take... He definitely showed his "true colors" and true nature. I don't want to put someone like Romney in office as the leader of our country...It's impossible to trust him now... Who will he "pander to" next? How many "flip-flops" will he do in the weeks before the election?...Good that it won't be long before the start of the debates. I hope Romney and Obama are both asked pointed questions. Nothing should be left out. Let's see who does the most "weaseling."

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/21/12 12:54 PM

msharmony...I agree with you. And I haven't felt the same about Romney since the video came out...Sometimes it's easy to give someone the benefits of our doubts. But I can't do this anymore with Romney..It might have been different if he just talked about the "block" of people he assumed would vote for President Obama. But to call such a large percentage of Americans "irresponsible" and "victim thinkers" was just too much to take... He definitely showed his "true colors" and true nature. I don't want to put someone like Romney in office as the leader of our country...It's impossible to trust him now... Who will he "pander to" next? How many "flip-flops" will he do in the weeks before the election?...Good that it won't be long before the start of the debates. I hope Romney and Obama are both asked pointed questions. Nothing should be left out. Let's see who does the most "weaseling."

the debates are usually the 'meat' of the elections for me

instead of the advertising and media that others have put together

just direct observation of the CANDIDATES, their composure, their intelligence, their adaptability, their ideas,,,,right from their own mouths,,

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 09/21/12 03:13 PM

msharmony...I agree with you. And I haven't felt the same about Romney since the video came out...Sometimes it's easy to give someone the benefits of our doubts. But I can't do this anymore with Romney..It might have been different if he just talked about the "block" of people he assumed would vote for President Obama. But to call such a large percentage of Americans "irresponsible" and "victim thinkers" was just too much to take... He definitely showed his "true colors" and true nature. I don't want to put someone like Romney in office as the leader of our country...It's impossible to trust him now... Who will he "pander to" next? How many "flip-flops" will he do in the weeks before the election?...Good that it won't be long before the start of the debates. I hope Romney and Obama are both asked pointed questions. Nothing should be left out. Let's see who does the most "weaseling."

the debates are usually the 'meat' of the elections for me

instead of the advertising and media that others have put together

just direct observation of the CANDIDATES, their composure, their intelligence, their adaptability, their ideas,,,,right from their own mouths,,
I feel the same way you do about the debates. I wish there was a debate on tonight or this weekend!...It's time to put the 2 men together side by side and ask them pointed questions and "grill" them and observe their reactions and responses etc. (As you mentioned in your post.)...Let's get this thing over with! I'm tired of all of the negative ads and "talking heads" and "talking points" day after day! How do you feel about it?... We have so many problems in our country that need attention and solutions right now...Time to stop all the silly "games" and get down to "business!" This is how I feel anyway!

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/21/12 06:15 PM

msharmony...I agree with you. And I haven't felt the same about Romney since the video came out...Sometimes it's easy to give someone the benefits of our doubts. But I can't do this anymore with Romney..It might have been different if he just talked about the "block" of people he assumed would vote for President Obama. But to call such a large percentage of Americans "irresponsible" and "victim thinkers" was just too much to take... He definitely showed his "true colors" and true nature. I don't want to put someone like Romney in office as the leader of our country...It's impossible to trust him now... Who will he "pander to" next? How many "flip-flops" will he do in the weeks before the election?...Good that it won't be long before the start of the debates. I hope Romney and Obama are both asked pointed questions. Nothing should be left out. Let's see who does the most "weaseling."

the debates are usually the 'meat' of the elections for me

instead of the advertising and media that others have put together

just direct observation of the CANDIDATES, their composure, their intelligence, their adaptability, their ideas,,,,right from their own mouths,,
I feel the same way you do about the debates. I wish there was a debate on tonight or this weekend!...It's time to put the 2 men together side by side and ask them pointed questions and "grill" them and observe their reactions and responses etc. (As you mentioned in your post.)...Let's get this thing over with! I'm tired of all of the negative ads and "talking heads" and "talking points" day after day! How do you feel about it?... We have so many problems in our country that need attention and solutions right now...Time to stop all the silly "games" and get down to "business!" This is how I feel anyway!

I agree with you.

The ads have always been annoying but this year they are especially preposterous with the fingerpointing, bashing, and conspiracies,,

andrewzooms's photo
Fri 09/21/12 06:29 PM
The Candidate who produces the least amount of Ads shall win the election.

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/21/12 06:31 PM

The Candidate who produces the least amount of Ads shall win the election.

may as well eliminate the ads

just the debates and out,,,,