Topic: Keeping those old phone numbers | |
I want to talk about this and I'm admitting that I'm one of these people and I'm not gonna deny it and I know your one of those people too, I bet you are. Let me describe this, there you are ...YOU'RE IN LOVE!!! your with somebody that could be the one, I bet you are you IDIOT!, there you are saying: "This could be the ONE!" there you are saying: "I could see my self with this person at least 3 to 5 yrs with this person, this is the ONE!".
And so what happens?, you move in with them or maybe you married them, you've dated for long time and then you start to blow off your friends and you have those people who you dated casually and you don't even call them, you cut them out, you carved them out of your life. You talk to those ex girlfriend and how about those booty calls, ever hear from you again? every once in a while you'll get a text message saying: "Hey what's going on? What are you doing tonight?" and you don't even respond back. But here's the dirty little secret of being in love...let see if you're one of these people? no matter how many people you tell them you're in love... no matter how many people you tell them that this could be the one... no matter how many wedding invitations you send out... somewhere deep inside your mind... there LIES! DOUBT! you don't even admit it to yourself deep down inside you say to yourself what if it doesn't work out? so in that dark little secret you have those old phone numbers, addresses, all these data of people of the past of ex-girlfriends, ex-wives, booty-calls, women who you trying to hook-up with. So, the reason I brought this up cause last Thursday night I was at a bar with my friends and I got this call from somebody who I used to date with. Her name was Jessica and she was from Peru and we use to talk on the phone, went on dates, had sex and then later she wanted to take this to the next level so I had to stop that but, do I delete her phone number? No. Later I never heard from her again in past couple of months until last Thursday she text me saying: "HEY HOW ARE YOU?" and then I text her back say: "I'M JUST HANGING OUT WITH MY FRIENDS HAVEN'T HEARD FROM YOU" and her responds was "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND" and so you get the picture. So the people who moved in with their girlfriend or maybe got engaged or about to get married... I'm talking to YOU! buster YOU! if have phone numbers like that on your phone and you won't delete them, give me a good reason why you keep those phone numbers? |
I'm not sure if I get it... I might just not be retaining anything tonight but.. I know I try to get rid of those numbers ASAP
But those guys ALWAYS come back. It's pretty annoying. |
i think it is just generally hard to cut someone out of your life you can't if you have history with someone you cannot throw your feelings out the window and say okay I'm done wish it were that simple i know what you mean once someone enters you life anyone you don't turn your shoulder on them if you begin to like them friend /boyfriend/girlfriend anyone so when they leave it's like hard to let them go or let go of the idea that they are gone because they are not supposed to be basically i don't think i worded this right lol i know it was hard for me when i loved someone i couldn't forget him didn't want to delete his phone number but i did ~Alanna
Alanna I'm talking about if your involved with someone and you have those old phone numbers on you cell and you won't delete them.
oh lol nvm sorry too late for me cannot comprehend things past 10:00 pm lol
nope and never did that delete them as soon as i can
Sure Alanna, you keeps those phone numbers just in case it doesn't work out.
nope I'm kind of stubborn never go back once i make up my mind
I totally believe her because I do the same thing. Might as well get rid of whatever you had with them because it probably didn't work out for a reason. |
totally agree with erin lol
I may be odd for thinking this,but I believe that it's possible to love certain old flames and still keep their memories old #'s and pictures. reason being is: they were once a part of your life that you can't deny; good bad or indifferent they had some kind of effect on who you are today. and the moment you deny what was is the path to forgetting who you are.
This is what I mean people why can people be honest, if you have people who you use to date or have booty calls whatever... your in a relationship and you have those kind of numbers. That's a sign of doubt in your relationship, that's way you keep those phone numbers.
having that information is only a doubt or temptation to those of a weak or unstable constitution.
i can say that i dont keep thier numbers i used to do it when i was 16 but usually the female will call me to see whats up.
Peruvian Girls man
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104 who viewed this and I think nobody wants to come clean here.
you know what im going to keep the numbers now
I don't keep numbers
I deleted them all The reason why is Why keep someone's number when That person became your past They already played a role in your life But now they're gone No use for it |
yes keep those numbers and never get into a serious relationship period.
I keep em so i know when there i know not to answer it, lol.
If you went your seperate ways on good terms, then I dont see the harm. You can stll be friends. And if the person im with is gonna get over jealous, then I dont need them. Now if I was hurt by someone..then no, no sense in keeping the number. It will just bring back bad memories. |