Topic: Bush outlaws free speech
Fanta46's photo
Sat 08/04/07 11:42 PM
It doesnt say protesting the war. It says aiding the enemy through sabatoge, or by financialy contributing to terrorist activities.

Robert1680's photo
Sat 08/04/07 11:46 PM
thank you for clearing that up Fanta- is this the already placed
"patriot act"? or something different

gardenforge's photo
Sat 08/04/07 11:53 PM
Read my post on another thread about John Kerry. 3 purple hearts 2 from self inflicted wounds. Total time lost from duty for all 3 wounds was a couple days. They amounted to no more than scratches. Then after his 3 boo boos he petitioned to have his tour curtailed because that was allowable if you had been wounded 3 times. I guess he was afraid that he would actualy get hurt if he stayed his whole tour. Also read what his fellow officers said about him (Swift Boat Captains) and read what he said in front of Congress under oath about everybody who served in Viet Nam. Then he threw his medals at the Whitehouse, but then he claimed they weren't his medals they were someone elses then they were his but they were only the ribbons not the medals. Every time he opens his mouth a different story comes out.

He tried to run for office as a war hero and when that didn't work he became a peace activist aligned himself with Jane Fonda et al and badmouthed everybody who ever served in Viet Nam and ran again.

no photo
Sat 08/04/07 11:59 PM
most of the people who served in Vietnam were murderers anyway...

no photo
Sun 08/05/07 12:35 AM
so what this bill tells me is that it's ok for america to fund terrorists , but no one else... you all can fund the neocons , and they are bigger terrorists than saddam or osama will ever be.... and then you build Saddam and Osama fund them, arm them, as well as the contras...wanna talk reality here???

so this is the 'selective terrorist' concept??? lol

it's ok for your gov. to choose which terrorist flavour of the week...but no one else .....

bush is the terrorist and the weapon of mass destruction....

Fanta46's photo
Sun 08/05/07 01:33 AM
its an addition,or a clarification? Robert!drinker drinker

no photo
Sun 08/05/07 01:47 AM

<----speaks in sign language since she has no free speech!!!!!!

kidatheart70's photo
Sun 08/05/07 01:59 AM
You're in Canada dear. Your still safe for a little while.:wink:

no photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:24 AM
Oi Vey!!!!

I keep forgetting........geeeeeez!!!:wink: laugh laugh

adj4u's photo
Sun 08/05/07 04:15 AM
it is worsre read section 5 of the patriot act


patriot act of 2001

RandomX's photo
Sun 08/05/07 04:19 AM
WTF..."most of the people who served in Vietnam were murderers anyway..." With Comments like that its no wonder America is So divided. Jeebus

RandomX's photo
Sun 08/05/07 04:24 AM
And Yes I did Vote for GEB Twice am I all that thrilled with the Results he has produced? NO! with more free trade agreements (CAFTA)the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) And his getting into bed with Teddy Kennedy on that Amnesty umm I mean Compromise Immigration Reform Act. As a Conservative I am Appalled and Des gusted. But given the Choices I had I erred on the side of my Social Beliefs and did what I had to do.....

RandomX's photo
Sun 08/05/07 04:25 AM
GWB you know what I mean LOL...

KerryO's photo
Sun 08/05/07 06:44 AM
Bl8ant writes:

" aftewr reading these forums ya have to see how stupid the american public is.... the fact that most of you have no decent education is blantly obvious...

your gov has deliberately kept you sick and stupid obese and ill educated ...

it's priorities are clear and they are not your health and well being , nor your freedom"

Yup, it's the old story about How to Boil a Frog....

-Kerry O.

don4169's photo
Sun 08/05/07 06:51 AM
ok, the university of maryland took my money and i'm brain damaged now. and to think, i thought it was because i am a polish yankee.
what school did you attend so i can go there and get smart?

KerryO's photo
Sun 08/05/07 07:29 AM
Don writes rhetorically:

" ok, the university of maryland took my money and i'm brain damaged now. and to think, i thought it was because i am a polish yankee.
what school did you attend so i can go there and get smart? "

I graduated summa cum laude from the School of Hard Knocks. There, they teach one to always-- ALWAYS-- ask the question "What's _really_ going on here?" That you don't have to lie to deceive people with statistics, you merely have to tell the truth selectively. And that humans are disputatious creatures who will usually do the expedient thing when it allows them to bend the rules of the game of hoisting opponents (read: usually, anyone in the way of their getting what they want at the moment) into the soupe du jour.

-Kerry O.

no photo
Sun 08/05/07 07:44 AM
This is probably the most disrurbing thread I've seen here on any of the categories, and imagine the groung that statement covers.

Several schools of thought here:

1-Bush vs Hitler. Invading a sovereign nation without just cause would be the most obvious comparison. But this-this strikes at the very core of us as American citizens. The right to free assambly. The right and ability to question. I mentioned in an earlier post that conservatism at it's most basic is a lot closer to communism than liberalism ever thought about being. Ladies and gentlemen, I present Exhibit A. The Bush Administration combines the worst of Hitler AND communism. how many years in prison do I get for that statement?

2-Neocons sing the (idiotic) mantra of "Liberal Media". Excuse the hell outof me, but WHAT LIBERAL MEDIA?? To this day, neither the Bush Administration, neo-con talk show hosts, Fox News, or ANY poster on any JustSayHi thread has ever given ONE PROVEN EXAMPLE of left-wing bias in the media. Sorry, folks, the phrase "because they are" is not proof. I challenge anybody to give examples. In an earlier thread, I gave proof of a RIGHT-WING bias in the media(besides Fox News). Remember the made-up story about "Clinton staffers trashing the WHite House". You know, the one Matt Drudge admitted to making up, putting on his web site, and, in his ownwords, "Waiting to see who bit"? The story itself ran on page 1 of every newspaper, and was talked about on CNN,MSNBC, and other outlets 24/7. But when Drudge admitted the story was a fake,most papers and news stations never did a retraction. Those that did buried it where most people would barely notice. This current story has not been reported on by most news outlets. Why? If the media WAS liberally-biased, this would be the kind of story they'd jump all over. Why didn't they? Simple. The Media is NOT liberally biased. If anything, the mainstream media has done more to cover this administration's shenanigans than they have for any president before Bush.

3-The American people, especially quite a few of you here. Some of you are taking the "Who cares, long as I've got my beer, cigs, Internet, and American Idol"attitude. Does no one even care about what's happening to us these days? Apparantly not. Go back and read your history books, particularly the rise of Hitler. Hitler didn't rise to power because of a bloody coup, killing the former leader, or anything so dramatic. The real reason Hitler rose to power was because of the total apathy of the German citizens. They didn't care who led them, as long as they "got theirs". I see the same thing here today. This administration is chopping away at the Constitution and our rights as citizens. But we don't care as long as we can turn on a ball game, drink our beer, and be amazed at Paris, Brittney, Lindsay, ect.

Yes, this is long. And I'm waiting for some of you to call me a "looney Liberal", and start sprouting the old "Conspiracy theory" line again, and that's fine. But, one day, we'll all wake up one morning, and realize that we have nowhere near the rights that we once had.

And that's the most disturbing thought of all.

don4169's photo
Sun 08/05/07 07:44 AM

no photo
Sun 08/05/07 07:51 AM

In point 2 in my most recent post, I meant to say,

"The mainstream media has done more to cover UP this administration's shenanigans than they have for any President before Bush".

Apologies to all.

no photo
Sun 08/05/07 09:15 AM
So he did or did not outlaw free speech? I'm hearing conflicting commentary here. My guess is that it is still ok to protest the war if you prefer to do so. I expect I won't be doing so since I don't have enough of the details to justify such a protest. Besides that I am concerned that maybe at this point we need to finish what was started or at least reach some stable form of society for the people there, even though that might be very, very difficult. let me mention here that nobody seems to have a clear method for accomplishing that. I have some ideas of course, and I am sure some others have ideas as well, but the political popularity of the solution is questionable at best. Mostly I have concern as to whether objective reasoning and political will can me marshaled into cohesive action.

As for Blatant's comment "most of the people who served in Vietnam were murderers anyway...", That was rather inconsiderate and hardly fair. I would consider that sort of commentary to be inflammatory and unjust. I also consider it to show a callous disregard for the truth, which goes to the character of the person making such a comment. Sorry Blatant, take a look at yourself. Does this mean you consider the Left's game-boy Kerry to be a murderer too? Just a twist of irony for the thread.