Topic: Dems say Repubs Lie? They BOTH do!
Chazster's photo
Wed 09/05/12 11:51 AM

I disagree. President's declare war and treaties Thus I agree to stating that is more related to government. Missions however when it comes to information gathering and actually doing them, that is the people in the field.

presidents also AUTHORIZE missions,, so its not different at all

Do you honestly think every mission goes yo the president foe authorization? Who brought our troops there are started this mission? Bush. Who did the work? The troops. Who at most answered the phone? Obama.

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/05/12 11:51 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 09/05/12 11:53 AM

as Ive said a dozen times before

healthcare reform
troops out of Iraq
averting a second great depression
START treaty
repeal of DODT
economic stimulus (if he can stay in long enough for the next guy not to get the credit for positive effects)
consumer protections
immigrant policy

..there will be plenty there for serious conversation,, but the clowns will always find something to laugh about,,

Reform that over 50% of the country doesn't like
The troops got Osama
You can't prove a depression was averted or that he was the reason.
He gets credit just for signing a bill that was started before he ever took office?
How many Americans like his immigration policy?

1. Reform splits the country pretty evenly, in favor and against'
2. The troops got Osama, but as far as PRESIDENTIAL HISTORY, it will be credited to OBAMAS term, the same way they credit presidents when they start or end wars, even though the 'troops' actually are doing the fighting
3. HISTORIANS will discuss whether a depression was averted
4. HE gets credit/blame equally, it happens for things that started before he came in office.
5. By the time HISTORIANS record his term, when affects are obvious through REFLECTION, the numbers who support it might be quite large

OBAMA DID NOT AVERT ANYTHING!!! it was bush that set up those bailouts, and obama jumped on the bandwagon and started patting himself on the back for what a great job he thought he did...

read the first paragraph...

and this is the nitpickery I talk about

we pick and choose dont we? we give credit for accomplishments where we want to but we dont always consistently accept BLAME for consequences of those actions when they involve FINANCES

so in the fiscal year of 2008 which ended october of 2009

if we are going to try to hold on to BUsh as responsible for policies enacted under OBama, why do we not go the distance and hold him RESPONSIBLE for the resulting addition to the DEBT

why is the FINANCIAL portion OBamas fault, but the policy results BUshs credit?

2009 was tricky because it in volved BOTH bush and OBAMA,, but people pushing their candidate dont want to aknowledge any positive in the other candidates or any negative in their own

so great, if we are not going to give CFEDIT to OBAMA for the result of the bailouts, why continue to BLAME him for the addition to the debt that resulted?

i have no idea what your talking about, bush was blamed for everything... don't even try to deny that


in THIS discussion and political discussions all over in CURRENT TIMES

those who wish to BLAME obama for the debt often refuse to give him CREDIT for any of those same policies that actually contributed to the debt

likewise, those who say Obama inherited the financial mess from BUsh dont want to credit BUsh with those things that worked effectively (but ADDED To the debt)

they want it both ways,,


fiscal policy and debt go hand in hand
and fiscal policy can affect debt for YEARS

so we need to be consistent about giving the credit and the blame and not splitting it for bipartisan points

they are either BOTH to be credited, or BOTH to be blamed, we cant keep assigning our candidate to all the good that came from and blaming the other for any bad,,,

Chazster's photo
Wed 09/05/12 11:54 AM
Because Maybe Bush was there signing the policies and when they were being created. He was not there to pressure Congress to stop spending for the majority of the year. Thus you get credit for what you create. Congress controls the budget but acting president needs to restrain Congresses spending. That's Why.

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/05/12 12:08 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 09/05/12 12:09 PM

Because Maybe Bush was there signing the policies and when they were being created. He was not there to pressure Congress to stop spending for the majority of the year. Thus you get credit for what you create. Congress controls the budget but acting president needs to restrain Congresses spending. That's Why.


Maybe the President AND the congress create a BUDGET for the fiscal year of what can be spent,,, period

from 2008-2009 it was BUSHS budget with the congress, and Obama allowed it to be followed through,,,,

I mean, MAYBES could take up the whole bandwidth,, MAYBE the PResident cant make Congress


the budget they agree to is what they have, signed off on by the previous administration

Chazster's photo
Wed 09/05/12 12:39 PM

Because Maybe Bush was there signing the policies and when they were being created. He was not there to pressure Congress to stop spending for the majority of the year. Thus you get credit for what you create. Congress controls the budget but acting president needs to restrain Congresses spending. That's Why.


Maybe the President AND the congress create a BUDGET for the fiscal year of what can be spent,,, period

from 2008-2009 it was BUSHS budget with the congress, and Obama allowed it to be followed through,,,,

I mean, MAYBES could take up the whole bandwidth,, MAYBE the PResident cant make Congress


the budget they agree to is what they have, signed off on by the previous administration

2007-2008 was the last budget Bush signed with a deficit a bit over 400 billion. Obama signed in about 400 billion extra expenditures into the 2009 budget after bush left doubling the deficit Bush planned on and then they collected less taxes than expected as well. That was the last budget we had. Obama has never made them create a budget

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/05/12 01:16 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 09/05/12 01:17 PM

Because Maybe Bush was there signing the policies and when they were being created. He was not there to pressure Congress to stop spending for the majority of the year. Thus you get credit for what you create. Congress controls the budget but acting president needs to restrain Congresses spending. That's Why.


Maybe the President AND the congress create a BUDGET for the fiscal year of what can be spent,,, period

from 2008-2009 it was BUSHS budget with the congress, and Obama allowed it to be followed through,,,,

I mean, MAYBES could take up the whole bandwidth,, MAYBE the PResident cant make Congress


the budget they agree to is what they have, signed off on by the previous administration

2007-2008 was the last budget Bush signed with a deficit a bit over 400 billion. Obama signed in about 400 billion extra expenditures into the 2009 budget after bush left doubling the deficit Bush planned on and then they collected less taxes than expected as well. That was the last budget we had. Obama has never made them create a budget

Bush last fiscal year was 2009
when he signed it was 458 billion
at the end of that fiscal year he signed FOR it was 1.4 trill

in 2008 we took in 2.5T and spent 2.9T

in 2009 we took in 2.1T and spent 3.5T

a combination of .4T LESS in revenue and .6T more in spending

adding 1 trill to the previous deficit

the JOINT responsibility for that increase is better explained here

Chazster's photo
Wed 09/05/12 01:27 PM
you link didn't work. Here is one and an example of what's in it.

With projected receipts less than projected outlays, the budget proposed by President Bush predicts a net deficit
 of approximately $400 billion dollars, adding to a United States governmental debt
 of about $11.4 trillion. The actual spending signed into law in the final bill was increased by over $400 billion. And actual tax receipts totaled approximately $2.1 trillion, $600 billion less than the $2.7 trillion expected. The actual deficit in 2009 was $1.4 trillion.[3]

he final spending bills for the budget were not signed into law until March 11, 2009 by President Barack Obama, nearly five and a half months after the fiscal year began. 

So Bush budgeted for about 400 billion deficit, income was 600 billion less than expected, Obama added 400 billion. Obama never made sure another budget was passed.

no photo
Wed 09/05/12 02:44 PM
I like the title of this thread.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 09/05/12 03:22 PM

as Ive said a dozen times before

healthcare reform
troops out of Iraq
averting a second great depression
START treaty
repeal of DODT
economic stimulus (if he can stay in long enough for the next guy not to get the credit for positive effects)
consumer protections
immigrant policy

..there will be plenty there for serious conversation,, but the clowns will always find something to laugh about,,

Point of Information:

Before his presidency ended, President Bush (the younger) reached an agreement with the government of Iraq on the removal of the U.S. military from Iraq. That agreement required the troops to be gone by a certain date.

So, the American troops would be leaving Iraq no matter who occupied the Oval Office. Obama may have overseen the removal of the troops, but the removal is the result of what Bush did before leaving the White House.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 09/05/12 03:37 PM
Out of fairness, I would like to point out that before George W. Bush left the Oval Office, plenty of conservative commentators criticized Bush for his failure to address immigration reform and for the amount of federal money spend during his presidency.

President Obama did inherit a messy situation when he first entered the White House. However, after nearly 4 years in the White House, Obama has not expressed the idea that President Truman expressed: "The buck stops here." There is a point when blaming a predecessor for current problems becomes ridiculous.

no photo
Wed 09/05/12 04:58 PM

msharmony's photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:58 AM

I disagree. President's declare war and treaties Thus I agree to stating that is more related to government. Missions however when it comes to information gathering and actually doing them, that is the people in the field.

presidents also AUTHORIZE missions,, so its not different at all

Do you honestly think every mission goes yo the president foe authorization? Who brought our troops there are started this mission? Bush. Who did the work? The troops. Who at most answered the phone? Obama.

I honestly KNOW this mission required the PResident to authorize it.
Who fights our wars under ANY president? the troops...

AND? does that cause history to ignore the part those Presidents play?


msharmony's photo
Thu 09/06/12 08:02 AM

as Ive said a dozen times before

healthcare reform
troops out of Iraq
averting a second great depression
START treaty
repeal of DODT
economic stimulus (if he can stay in long enough for the next guy not to get the credit for positive effects)
consumer protections
immigrant policy

..there will be plenty there for serious conversation,, but the clowns will always find something to laugh about,,

Point of Information:

Before his presidency ended, President Bush (the younger) reached an agreement with the government of Iraq on the removal of the U.S. military from Iraq. That agreement required the troops to be gone by a certain date.

So, the American troops would be leaving Iraq no matter who occupied the Oval Office. Obama may have overseen the removal of the troops, but the removal is the result of what Bush did before leaving the White House.

this is inconsistent with the post that followed

does Bushs decisions carry over 'no matter what', or does 'the buck stop' with the overseeing President?

msharmony's photo
Thu 09/06/12 08:03 AM

photoshopped picture

notice the CLARITY of the OBAMAS compared to the out of focus background,,,,,

Chazster's photo
Thu 09/06/12 08:06 AM

I disagree. President's declare war and treaties Thus I agree to stating that is more related to government. Missions however when it comes to information gathering and actually doing them, that is the people in the field.

presidents also AUTHORIZE missions,, so its not different at all

Do you honestly think every mission goes yo the president foe authorization? Who brought our troops there are started this mission? Bush. Who did the work? The troops. Who at most answered the phone? Obama.

I honestly KNOW this mission required the PResident to authorize it.
Who fights our wars under ANY president? the troops...

AND? does that cause history to ignore the part those Presidents play?


So which part of FINDING Osama went to him?

msharmony's photo
Thu 09/06/12 08:10 AM

I disagree. President's declare war and treaties Thus I agree to stating that is more related to government. Missions however when it comes to information gathering and actually doing them, that is the people in the field.

presidents also AUTHORIZE missions,, so its not different at all

Do you honestly think every mission goes yo the president foe authorization? Who brought our troops there are started this mission? Bush. Who did the work? The troops. Who at most answered the phone? Obama.

I honestly KNOW this mission required the PResident to authorize it.
Who fights our wars under ANY president? the troops...

AND? does that cause history to ignore the part those Presidents play?


So which part of FINDING Osama went to him?

History wont say President Obama found OSama, nor Bush or Clinton (who ALL presided over military that were trusted with the responsibility to gather the intellgence)

History will say President OBAMA AUTHORIZED The follow through of available intelligence to capture/takedown OBL

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 09/06/12 01:04 PM

as Ive said a dozen times before

healthcare reform
troops out of Iraq
averting a second great depression
START treaty
repeal of DODT
economic stimulus (if he can stay in long enough for the next guy not to get the credit for positive effects)
consumer protections
immigrant policy

..there will be plenty there for serious conversation,, but the clowns will always find something to laugh about,,

Point of Information:

Before his presidency ended, President Bush (the younger) reached an agreement with the government of Iraq on the removal of the U.S. military from Iraq. That agreement required the troops to be gone by a certain date.

So, the American troops would be leaving Iraq no matter who occupied the Oval Office. Obama may have overseen the removal of the troops, but the removal is the result of what Bush did before leaving the White House.

this is inconsistent with the post that followed

does Bushs decisions carry over 'no matter what', or does 'the buck stop' with the overseeing President?

What I said in my first post (about the removal of soldiers from Iraq) does not pertain to what I said in the following post.
I had domestic issues in mind when I wrote the following post.

msharmony's photo
Thu 09/06/12 01:07 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 09/06/12 01:11 PM

as Ive said a dozen times before

healthcare reform
troops out of Iraq
averting a second great depression
START treaty
repeal of DODT
economic stimulus (if he can stay in long enough for the next guy not to get the credit for positive effects)
consumer protections
immigrant policy

..there will be plenty there for serious conversation,, but the clowns will always find something to laugh about,,

Point of Information:

Before his presidency ended, President Bush (the younger) reached an agreement with the government of Iraq on the removal of the U.S. military from Iraq. That agreement required the troops to be gone by a certain date.

So, the American troops would be leaving Iraq no matter who occupied the Oval Office. Obama may have overseen the removal of the troops, but the removal is the result of what Bush did before leaving the White House.

this is inconsistent with the post that followed

does Bushs decisions carry over 'no matter what', or does 'the buck stop' with the overseeing President?

What I said in my first post (about the removal of soldiers from Iraq) does not pertain to what I said in the following post.
I had domestic issues in mind when I wrote the following post.

this seems a double standard to me

"President Obama did inherit a messy situation when he first entered the White House. However, after nearly 4 years in the White House, Obama has not expressed the idea that President Truman expressed: "The buck stops here." There is a point when blaming a predecessor for current problems becomes ridiculous. "


"So, the American troops would be leaving Iraq no matter who occupied the Oval Office. Obama may have overseen the removal of the troops, but the removal is the result of what Bush did before leaving the White House."

if there is a point when the predecessor is no longer to 'blame', isnt there some point where they also have to give up or at least SHARE the 'credit' with the one who was 'overseeing' things?

let me give an example

if you had a dog, and previous to you the dog had been beaten and yelled at quite regularly

and when you had the dog, you yelled at him a few times , causing him to retreat further

,, would you expect ALL The blame for that dogs fear? or would it be a CUMULATIVE responsibility between you AND the previous owner?

and how would you view that previous owner if they stepped forward and condemned you for making the dog retreat further and went on to insist that you should, as a result of that retreat(from the few times you yelled at him) place the dog BACK IN THEIR CARE? because he was 'better off' (not as FEARFUL) when they had him?

Chazster's photo
Fri 09/07/12 05:46 AM

I disagree. President's declare war and treaties Thus I agree to stating that is more related to government. Missions however when it comes to information gathering and actually doing them, that is the people in the field.

presidents also AUTHORIZE missions,, so its not different at all

Do you honestly think every mission goes yo the president foe authorization? Who brought our troops there are started this mission? Bush. Who did the work? The troops. Who at most answered the phone? Obama.

I honestly KNOW this mission required the PResident to authorize it.
Who fights our wars under ANY president? the troops...

AND? does that cause history to ignore the part those Presidents play?


So which part of FINDING Osama went to him?

History wont say President Obama found OSama, nor Bush or Clinton (who ALL presided over military that were trusted with the responsibility to gather the intellgence)

History will say President OBAMA AUTHORIZED The follow through of available intelligence to capture/takedown OBL

So then your answered is none.

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/07/12 07:29 AM

I disagree. President's declare war and treaties Thus I agree to stating that is more related to government. Missions however when it comes to information gathering and actually doing them, that is the people in the field.

presidents also AUTHORIZE missions,, so its not different at all

Do you honestly think every mission goes yo the president foe authorization? Who brought our troops there are started this mission? Bush. Who did the work? The troops. Who at most answered the phone? Obama.

I honestly KNOW this mission required the PResident to authorize it.
Who fights our wars under ANY president? the troops...

AND? does that cause history to ignore the part those Presidents play?


So which part of FINDING Osama went to him?

History wont say President Obama found OSama, nor Bush or Clinton (who ALL presided over military that were trusted with the responsibility to gather the intellgence)

History will say President OBAMA AUTHORIZED The follow through of available intelligence to capture/takedown OBL

So then your answered is none.

yep, never made the claim that He did find them,,so the question was fairly off topic and the answer obvious

HISTORY will credit the LEADERSHIP Of OBAMA for the mission that rid the world of OSAMA