Topic: Dating Younger Guys
redcastle's photo
Sun 09/02/12 02:30 PM
what you think about it?

Ladywind7's photo
Sun 09/02/12 03:03 PM
It really depends on the maturity level of the man. I prefer a man not a boy and age is not an indicator of this. It is the right fit and the romantic flow that matters the most to me.

wux's photo
Sun 09/02/12 03:17 PM
Edited by wux on Sun 09/02/12 03:20 PM

It really depends on the maturity level of the man. I prefer a man not a boy and age is not an indicator of this. It is the right fit and the romantic flow that matters the most to me.

What do you mean "the right fit". I used to be a pipe-fitter. Back in my days.

Older women are hard to come by. If they come buy, hang on to the one who has come by, OP, because she is not going to leave you over small trivial stuff. They have more resilience. They have seen more, they know that not everything that is gold shines.

People say that young women in their twenties are less tolerant, more impatient, and more demanding. That is crap. They are just as devoted, or they can be, as an older woman, and just as much able to sacrifice. Actually, young women are better at sacrifice (coz they have more physical strength and resilience.) But older women seem more patient, not because their expectations are lower or because they have slowed down and don't care that much, or lost some of their self-respect; no, non, none of that. Older women simply know that the hurt is not meant to be a hurt, or the hurt which some see, is not a hurt, it was a mistake by the greengrocer around the corner, who told the wrong story to Mrs. Sprinisky, and now the twenty-something cries and wants to murder him, but the fifty-something has a level head and does not fall for tricks and traps by jealous fat market-women who spread evil about everyone they hate who is better looking and has a young stud for a lover.

So... where was I. Older women are just as self-respecting as the young, but they know more about life than to get hurt over silly things.

It is also a fallacy to say that an older woman fears she won't get another young stud. She will. She knows she will, at a moment's notice. It's just that she knows that she'll have to put up with the same old bs with the other replacement. When you get as old as an older woman, you'll see the patterns in life they see. There are not many different patterns. The older woman will say, "okay, he had a one night stand; I can ditch him, and get a new lover, who is evdentually bound to get a one-night stand too. Or I can keep him and forgive him. This time. I won't let it become a habit for him, though." Whereas a young woman would say, "I'll kill him!! Why was she better than me? Why did he think so? She is not!! I will ditch him and get another man, who will love me and adore me. And this loser I'll kick to the kerb." So. She gets the new lover and he has a one night stand, too. This repeats enough times, and the young chicks will gain experience; she will realize that the guys who had one night stands, in other words, all the young guys, had adored her, fully and without fail. They just had a one night stand. When she learns to accept that, that's when she will calm down and become the older lover of a young guy, the one woman I described above.

This is when she becomes an older woman. it does not matter how old she is at the time; age, wisdom, and the death of one's dreams, are not measured in years.

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 09/02/12 03:17 PM

what you think about it?

I am against dating guys, younger or older or same...laugh

wux's photo
Sun 09/02/12 03:21 PM

what you think about it?

I am against dating guys, younger or older or same...laugh

You... you dirty, bigotted, discriminating... HIPPIE!!

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 09/02/12 03:23 PM

what you think about it?

I am against dating guys, younger or older or same...laugh

You... you dirty, bigotted, discriminating... HIPPIE!!

You forgot disgusting..

wux's photo
Sun 09/02/12 03:43 PM

what you think about it?

I am against dating guys, younger or older or same...laugh

You... you dirty, bigotted, discriminating... HIPPIE!!

You forgot disgusting..

Oops. Yeah. I also forgot "brilliant" and "alluring".

I forgot what those are... haven't had first hand experience with either for decades now.

Ladywind7's photo
Sun 09/02/12 05:30 PM
Wux. To me the right fit means the right person. The chemistry, depth, beauty, maturity, similar life experiences, connection, mutual admiration is all there. You know each other 'fits' when there is a flow that is sweeping you both along into its wonder.

Ladywind7's photo
Sun 09/02/12 05:30 PM
Wux. To me the right fit means the right person. The chemistry, depth, beauty, maturity, similar life experiences, connection, mutual admiration is all there. You know each other 'fits' when there is a flow that is sweeping you both along into its wonder.

pyxxie13's photo
Sun 09/02/12 08:06 PM
Younger older ..doesn't matter as long as it's the right fit.

redcastle's photo
Sun 09/02/12 08:18 PM
I agree with you. Age shouldnt be the biggest barrier

no photo
Sun 09/02/12 08:26 PM
I don;t think about it. I am way busy to care how old the men are that I meet. (men = it is a given that we are talking about adults of course)

most men who are a lot younger are not that interested in dating someone my age- don;t blame them really, but as for me - I really don;t think about it

Kaleijoscope's photo
Sun 09/02/12 09:12 PM

what you think about it?

I am against dating guys, younger or older or same...laugh

You... you dirty, bigotted, discriminating... HIPPIE!!

as for my answer., big deal,.its just a date anyway.,

navygirl's photo
Sun 09/02/12 10:38 PM
Nope; I would not date a younger guy. Too many reasons to list but mostly just not compatible.

blueeyes2000's photo
Mon 09/03/12 03:16 AM
I don't think age should play a part in it IF both people are on the same level with a few things. Like maturity, common interests,etc.. While some younger guys are at the same maturity level as an older woman( and I said it that way because of the question), not all men are. I know some 30-40 year olds who still act like 21 year olds with the partying, women, and (im)maturity, but I also know some 20 year olds who act like they are in their 30s. It all depends on the two people involved, but it can work, I don't see a problem with it, as long as it's legal of course,lol.

jayferg419's photo
Mon 09/03/12 08:13 AM
I was recently in a relationship with a woman who dated/lived with younger guys. After getting to know her better, it became clear to me that she had an inability to participate in healthy communication with a mature, balanced, confident man. She still escaped to the ego-stroking young men gave her.

no photo
Mon 09/03/12 09:17 AM
even tho I generally prefer men closer to my own age, I can see why some women might say that....well sometimes younger guys can just be more fun, not as bossy......

nonetheless that is a generalization that is not always true and only one of many potential compatability vectors

no photo
Mon 09/03/12 04:13 PM

Me, Im not into it. Im sure if youve heard women like younger guys, you will find some, but you will also find that each person can be totally different from another.

yes, irrespective of age. well put:thumbsup: