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Topic: To Jane
SalvationJane's photo
Wed 10/18/06 06:22 AM
I want you all to know that Ranee has made it through. As soon as she
is well enough she will be going to a phsyciatric facility for
intensive treatment. She has a long road back and it will be very
difficult for her. She is in complete denial about having done this to
herself and doesn't remember a thing. Thanks everyone, I've been
exhausted and it's going to take me a few days to get my head out of my
ass. I will be in touch.


Ontario's photo
Wed 10/18/06 06:31 AM
Good for her and your family,,, any idea what triggered this attempt. I
work with teenagers that have did something like this and there is
always some event that pushs them over the edge.

Wed 10/18/06 07:21 AM
There is a divine plan that includes Ranee, and she needed a "wake up
call". She's been to the bottom now ~ and she's on her way back up!

Her journey is not completed here on earth, Jaime. Like man of us, she
may not be destined for "greatness" in the average tense, but she does
have a purpose!

I'm so relieved that she made it through. Maybe her not remembering the
details or the act is her mind's way of shielding her from whatever the
pain was that was hurting her so badly. With time, she'll probably
remember ~ and then can truly start to heal herself.

((((((((((JAIME and RANEE))))))))))

Morena350's photo
Wed 10/18/06 09:00 AM
hello jane,
Im happy to hear that she made it,
I will continue to pray for Ranee and your family
stay strong.

TERRANCE0's photo
Wed 10/18/06 09:01 AM
hope everything turns out good

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 10/18/06 12:34 PM
Best news I have heard in the last couple of days. So glad that she is
back I nknwo that she will have a long road ahead of her but at least
she is back. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Guess that ass kicking ya was gonna give her will be nothing but good
ole huggs huhhh lol enjoy that hug and give her one from all of us.

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