Topic: how much is too much working out?
heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 08/07/12 09:20 AM
Currently, I lift weights 3 days/week and do Kung Fu 3-4 days/week. I'm underweight and need to bulk up some. On my weight-lifting days, I work for 1 hour. Should I cut down my gym time? There's a lot of conflicting info out there. Thanks! drinker

Chazster's photo
Fri 08/10/12 03:49 PM
Not necessarily. For one what is your routine and progression like. Second what is your diet like. If you are not eating enough you won't grow.

no photo
Fri 08/10/12 04:10 PM

Currently, I lift weights 3 days/week and do Kung Fu 3-4 days/week. I'm underweight and need to bulk up some. On my weight-lifting days, I work for 1 hour. Should I cut down my gym time? There's a lot of conflicting info out there. Thanks! drinker

No, don't cut down on your workout, find out how many calories you are burning lifting and doing Kung Fu, add those to the calories you burn doing nothing (resting metabolic rate), then add in enough calories to increase your weight to the desired amount...Keep in mind, you cannot add in calories from just any food group, you must eat a high protien, high carb diet to build muscle mass....

Google Muscle Hack....everything you need to know can be found there...Good Luck!!

s1owhand's photo
Sat 08/11/12 11:10 AM
Working out for a couple hours a day is good and healthy
I certainly don't think you are overdoing it.

no photo
Sat 08/11/12 12:07 PM
work out ( with weights) for no more than 75 minutes anytime you work out.
After about 75 minutes your testosterone starts to deteriorate so you are then just making yourself tired instead of doing any good.

Always use a good protein drink to recover. It makes a huge difference

To build bulk try Syntha 6 protein shake
you can get it online

other good proteins are Gold standard whey
USN is another good one but it's low in carbs so it won't help to build bulk but is good for lean muscle

To build bulk use heavier weights with fewer reps
For leaner muscle and to get ripped use lighter weights with more reps
Work out on different muscles on alternate days
ie, day 1 arms, chest and back
day 2 legs, abs and shoulders
hope this helps

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 08/11/12 01:45 PM

work out ( with weights) for no more than 75 minutes anytime you work out.
After about 75 minutes your testosterone starts to deteriorate so you are then just making yourself tired instead of doing any good.

Always use a good protein drink to recover. It makes a huge difference

To build bulk try Syntha 6 protein shake
you can get it online

other good proteins are Gold standard whey
USN is another good one but it's low in carbs so it won't help to build bulk but is good for lean muscle

To build bulk use heavier weights with fewer reps
For leaner muscle and to get ripped use lighter weights with more reps
Work out on different muscles on alternate days
ie, day 1 arms, chest and back
day 2 legs, abs and shoulders
hope this helps

Should the shake be consumed right after a workout? I typically have mine before, and another in the afternoon.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 08/11/12 01:50 PM

Not necessarily. For one what is your routine and progression like. Second what is your diet like. If you are not eating enough you won't grow.

As far as diet-3 eggs with salsa, cheese, and sour cream for breakfast and a protein shake. (sometimes I have the shake mid morning)

for lunch, I have a protein of some sort with a spinach salad topped with fruit, nuts, and dressing.

mid afternoon, another protein shake

Dinner, at least a fistfull worth of protein, some cooked side veggies and another spinach salad

I also usually have a banana in the morning, whether I hit the gym or not. Sometimes I have desert, but not necessarily.

I mostly drink water, but sometimes I like gingerale and sweet tea.

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 03:34 AM

work out ( with weights) for no more than 75 minutes anytime you work out.
After about 75 minutes your testosterone starts to deteriorate so you are then just making yourself tired instead of doing any good.

Always use a good protein drink to recover. It makes a huge difference

To build bulk try Syntha 6 protein shake
you can get it online

other good proteins are Gold standard whey
USN is another good one but it's low in carbs so it won't help to build bulk but is good for lean muscle

To build bulk use heavier weights with fewer reps
For leaner muscle and to get ripped use lighter weights with more reps
Work out on different muscles on alternate days
ie, day 1 arms, chest and back
day 2 legs, abs and shoulders
hope this helps

Should the shake be consumed right after a workout? I typically have mine before, and another in the afternoon.

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 03:35 AM
I have shakes 3 times a day
one for breakfast
one immediately after a work out
one half hour before bed

rudyXXprimo's photo
Mon 08/27/12 04:25 PM
Have you heard of the bench pyramid? Its a really good bench workout that will get you stronger and bulk up. At 5'7, 207 lbs, I can bench 230, squat a good 315, and olympic lift 155.

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 08/27/12 06:22 PM

Not necessarily. For one what is your routine and progression like. Second what is your diet like. If you are not eating enough you won't grow.

As far as diet-3 eggs with salsa, cheese, and sour cream for breakfast and a protein shake. (sometimes I have the shake mid morning)

for lunch, I have a protein of some sort with a spinach salad topped with fruit, nuts, and dressing.

mid afternoon, another protein shake

Dinner, at least a fistfull worth of protein, some cooked side veggies and another spinach salad

I also usually have a banana in the morning, whether I hit the gym or not. Sometimes I have desert, but not necessarily.

I mostly drink water, but sometimes I like gingerale and sweet tea.

Studied originally to be a dietician and long been an advocate of eating a good diet to have optimum health.

I am not a fan of drinking protien shakes because I often find people ignore the need to have lots of water to keep the shakes from not stressing the kidneys/renal and other systems. Epic fail if you build muscle and collasp your kidneys or liver or end up with rotten teeth and fractures because this diet still sounds low on calcium. Be devoted to having your annual blood tests and tell you doctor honestly how much you are consumeing of food suppliments and any vitamins and herbs ect. Some of vitamins, minerals, and other incredients are toxic in the doeses some people who don't take advantage of a PROFESSIONAL licensed dietician to review your overall consumption. Actually a Dietician is more highly skilled than most general practicioners.

What is conspicuously absent from your diet is water, dairy specificlly whole milk, fat, and complex sugars for energy. Sweet tea unless it is green tea at night is on the wrong end of the day and probably not that good for you if it is white cane sugar or corn syrup.
It is Excellent that you are Not includeing a lot of sodas, energy drinks, or caffine.

It is important to keep in mind that Fat for an otherwise healthy active adult is not a bad thing if it is kept in percentage appropriate to other food groups. Yes unsaturated fats are best but not exclusively.

Try adding some avocados, olive oil, fish oil, real butter, small amounts of mayo, whole grain pasta and oats. Maybe some nut butters. And maybe even a dab of dark chocolate. The earlier in the day you eat fat colories the better because it converts to energy and muscle rather being stored as fat around your middle.

My concern is that your photos look like you are very lean and it would be easy for you to actually loose weight so I weigh yourself at least weekly. I would also make certain that you have a complete endocrine check to make sure you don't have any issues there.

Hope this helps.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 08/27/12 11:03 PM

Not necessarily. For one what is your routine and progression like. Second what is your diet like. If you are not eating enough you won't grow.

As far as diet-3 eggs with salsa, cheese, and sour cream for breakfast and a protein shake. (sometimes I have the shake mid morning)

for lunch, I have a protein of some sort with a spinach salad topped with fruit, nuts, and dressing.

mid afternoon, another protein shake

Dinner, at least a fistfull worth of protein, some cooked side veggies and another spinach salad

I also usually have a banana in the morning, whether I hit the gym or not. Sometimes I have desert, but not necessarily.

I mostly drink water, but sometimes I like gingerale and sweet tea.

Studied originally to be a dietician and long been an advocate of eating a good diet to have optimum health.

I am not a fan of drinking protien shakes because I often find people ignore the need to have lots of water to keep the shakes from not stressing the kidneys/renal and other systems. Epic fail if you build muscle and collasp your kidneys or liver or end up with rotten teeth and fractures because this diet still sounds low on calcium. Be devoted to having your annual blood tests and tell you doctor honestly how much you are consumeing of food suppliments and any vitamins and herbs ect. Some of vitamins, minerals, and other incredients are toxic in the doeses some people who don't take advantage of a PROFESSIONAL licensed dietician to review your overall consumption. Actually a Dietician is more highly skilled than most general practicioners.

What is conspicuously absent from your diet is water, dairy specificlly whole milk, fat, and complex sugars for energy. Sweet tea unless it is green tea at night is on the wrong end of the day and probably not that good for you if it is white cane sugar or corn syrup.
It is Excellent that you are Not includeing a lot of sodas, energy drinks, or caffine.

It is important to keep in mind that Fat for an otherwise healthy active adult is not a bad thing if it is kept in percentage appropriate to other food groups. Yes unsaturated fats are best but not exclusively.

Try adding some avocados, olive oil, fish oil, real butter, small amounts of mayo, whole grain pasta and oats. Maybe some nut butters. And maybe even a dab of dark chocolate. The earlier in the day you eat fat colories the better because it converts to energy and muscle rather being stored as fat around your middle.

My concern is that your photos look like you are very lean and it would be easy for you to actually loose weight so I weigh yourself at least weekly. I would also make certain that you have a complete endocrine check to make sure you don't have any issues there.

Hope this helps.

Thanks! drinker Sorry I forgot my water consumption. My goal is 80 oz a day, but I tend to fall short of that by ~half most of the time. grumble I sometimes drink sweet tea. Water is my drink of choice, though. Thanks for mentioning my pic. I need to update that-it's quite old. I'm a little bulkier now.

Chazster's photo
Wed 08/29/12 03:08 PM

work out ( with weights) for no more than 75 minutes anytime you work out.
After about 75 minutes your testosterone starts to deteriorate so you are then just making yourself tired instead of doing any good.

Always use a good protein drink to recover. It makes a huge difference

To build bulk try Syntha 6 protein shake
you can get it online

other good proteins are Gold standard whey
USN is another good one but it's low in carbs so it won't help to build bulk but is good for lean muscle

To build bulk use heavier weights with fewer reps
For leaner muscle and to get ripped use lighter weights with more reps
Work out on different muscles on alternate days
ie, day 1 arms, chest and back
day 2 legs, abs and shoulders
hope this helps

This is BS. Don't ever think lower weights and more reps will want you out or is ever good. You should always lift heavy. Billing vs not bulking or citing is only about diet. Lifting heavy Burns more calories.