Topic: Record 46.5mil Americans on foodstamps.
smart2009's photo
Fri 08/03/12 09:03 AM
Record 46.5mil Americans on foodstamps. Charts show significant rise in number collecting foodstampssince Oct 05.

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/03/12 09:10 AM
interesting numbers

as the number of recipients go up the assistance received per goes down, which keeps actual spending pretty consistent

but its sad that so many americans need help to get by in such a 'great' country, there definitely need to be overhauls somewhere so we can go back to being a country that works ,,,literally,

and whose work is compensated fairly so as not to be in such need of basics,,,

no photo
Fri 08/03/12 11:09 AM
I wonder how many are really American citizens?