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Topic: Would you relocate?
mango42's photo
Wed 08/08/12 10:43 AM
Hi all, i would relocate if i found the right women and the weather is good not like in England here lollaugh

tdg08's photo
Thu 08/09/12 05:18 PM
Most definately, for the right lady I would go anywhere. Not that I am pushing for that, but a new adventure or journey sounds very interesting right now.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 08/10/12 09:06 AM
Ahhhh....the old relocate question. I think most of us would do it for the "right" reasons (and those reasons are different for each person). For me, I am currently working where I am traveling to different locations to work. Right now, I am enjoying it and want to do it for a few years. In the midst of doing this, I will also find a new home base for myself since my work allows me the flexibility to live where I want. I am about a year or two away from deciding where my new home will be. Do I have favorites as to where I want to live? Of course. I have five actually and I plan to visit all five to decide where I truly want to be. It's exciting for me. Now, that is the plan as it stands for now. If I were to meet someone who didn't live in any of the places I am considering to live at, and I truly wanted to be with this person, then plans could change. Maybe she moves to me. But, if it came down to me moving for love, and I truly wanted it, then of course I would do it. Life is too short to live in fear.

no photo
Fri 08/10/12 10:08 AM
Absolutely not.

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