Topic: 21 year old that gets it | |
Coming from a Soldier makes the letter even more better. Yes, it does doesn't it... ![]() Looking at the two opposite sides of the spectrum. I mean this man would put his life on the line for The USA. And the lovely third Generation Welfare Receivables, who never put any effort into a society that works and contributes for them to have shelter and food. and the 'welfare' receivable would WORK too if they could find it military are paid by taxes, should we restrict what they buy to eat or where they live as well? after all , who is anybody to declare what someone is 'contributing' are mothers raising healthy, productive children not contributing as much as a soldier who hangs out on a ship during peacetime keeping it clean and learning to shoot a gun or cook? is the person working BESIDE another person in a job not deserving of the same FREEDOM with the money/resource they are earning because it doesnt come from the same source? companies dont just HIRE anyone, but they sure as hell are willing to work them for 'free', saving them wages, benefits, taxes, etc,,,, or should those who cant find employment or lost employment just not be able to work or RECEIVE any thing for their work, because it comes from the wrong payroll? the class bigotry is astounding in this country,,, Is a mother on welfare contributing because she is a mother? No. Honestly it costs more to support more people on welfare. The mother could more easily work and be self supporting if she didn't have kids. Kids on welfare and that have single parents are more likely to be on welfare themselves and more likely to be criminals. It's all in the statistics. you have a different definition of contribute than I do are housewives ,therefore, not contributing? or does it just matter on whether they have a spouse bringing in the money? a mother wouldnt be a mother if she didnt have kids, but she could more easily BE THERE for her children if the FATHER was supporting them,, but people dont gripe nearly enough about how lax our culture is towards the MANS responsibilities Being on welfare is now a five year deal, whether the kids will one day go on or not, is irrelevant... Everyone is likely to need help from SOMEONE for at least a total of five years out of their life,,but not everyone has family and social networks to give them that help Contributing to the family? Sure. But we are talking about contributing to the economy. Now sure we can take the family unit as a whole and say they are contributing if at least one member is. Like my sister who works while her husband is unemployed. She contributes and he doesn't but as a family unit they contribute. |
actually we have some of those things here implemented!
If you're on "Public Money",you will take the Jobs you're directed to until you find one of your Own! If you draw Money from your Unemployment Insurence you will have a Caseworker,and you're obliged to send out a certain amount of Job-applications,also if the Unemployment-Office sends you on a Job,you're obliged to take it,or face certain Penalties! In short,you'll have to look for a Job,and prove that you are,or face some Shortages in the Insurance-Money you get! |
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Wed 07/18/12 09:18 AM
IMO, that letter pretty well states what the majority of the 'dead-beat', load bearers are thinking. More and more of their wages go to many who simply refuse to take a job. I doubt they mind helping those who are out there contributing. contributing doesn't mean sittin' on yer hams raisin' kids either. They can't behave while working, send 'em on to juvie. Any job will raise a persons self esteem. Unless they were raised to be welfare dependents. really? did slaves have high esteem? they certainly had plenty of 'jobs'.... the ability to provide and to be treated human are pretty important to self esteem just having a 'job' doesnt provide EITHER of those things if its only paying for the resources needed to WORK that job,,, When was the last time you saw slaves working? The new age slave sits on their deadass complaining about how much the world owes them. ![]() This is an example of the type of ethics and morals generated by the Welfare Mentality. More slave revolting? |
IMO, that letter pretty well states what the majority of the 'dead-beat', load bearers are thinking. More and more of their wages go to many who simply refuse to take a job. I doubt they mind helping those who are out there contributing. contributing doesn't mean sittin' on yer hams raisin' kids either. They can't behave while working, send 'em on to juvie. Any job will raise a persons self esteem. Unless they were raised to be welfare dependents. really? did slaves have high esteem? they certainly had plenty of 'jobs'.... the ability to provide and to be treated human are pretty important to self esteem just having a 'job' doesnt provide EITHER of those things if its only paying for the resources needed to WORK that job,,, When was the last time you saw slaves working? The new age slave sits on their deadass complaining about how much the world owes them. ![]() This is an example of the type of ethics and morals generated by the Welfare Mentality. More slave revolting? What's interesting is that welfare for non disabled non elderly started in the 1960s. At that time or just prior the birthrate of children outside of marriage was about 5% and held steady until after that. Then about every 10 years it grew roughly 8% until now we have it at 40%. Lack of consequences. |
IMO, that letter pretty well states what the majority of the 'dead-beat', load bearers are thinking. More and more of their wages go to many who simply refuse to take a job. I doubt they mind helping those who are out there contributing. contributing doesn't mean sittin' on yer hams raisin' kids either. They can't behave while working, send 'em on to juvie. Any job will raise a persons self esteem. Unless they were raised to be welfare dependents. really? did slaves have high esteem? they certainly had plenty of 'jobs'.... the ability to provide and to be treated human are pretty important to self esteem just having a 'job' doesnt provide EITHER of those things if its only paying for the resources needed to WORK that job,,, When was the last time you saw slaves working? The new age slave sits on their deadass complaining about how much the world owes them. ![]() This is an example of the type of ethics and morals generated by the Welfare Mentality. More slave revolting? What's interesting is that welfare for non disabled non elderly started in the 1960s. At that time or just prior the birthrate of children outside of marriage was about 5% and held steady until after that. Then about every 10 years it grew roughly 8% until now we have it at 40%. Lack of consequences. it is interesting, also interesting how the rate of ABORTION,,,the rate of outsourcing jobs, automating jobs, and a number of other things that 'correlate' with a growing population of 'needy' americans,,,,has changed,,,, |
IMO, that letter pretty well states what the majority of the 'dead-beat', load bearers are thinking. More and more of their wages go to many who simply refuse to take a job. I doubt they mind helping those who are out there contributing. contributing doesn't mean sittin' on yer hams raisin' kids either. They can't behave while working, send 'em on to juvie. Any job will raise a persons self esteem. Unless they were raised to be welfare dependents. really? did slaves have high esteem? they certainly had plenty of 'jobs'.... the ability to provide and to be treated human are pretty important to self esteem just having a 'job' doesnt provide EITHER of those things if its only paying for the resources needed to WORK that job,,, When was the last time you saw slaves working? The new age slave sits on their deadass complaining about how much the world owes them. ![]() This is an example of the type of ethics and morals generated by the Welfare Mentality. More slave revolting? do some research, there is still slavery in the world, and there is even CHILD labor/slavery, and I doubt those children are being worked to give them 'self esteem' so much as they are to save some greedy fat cat some money,,, |
actually we have some of those things here implemented! If you're on "Public Money",you will take the Jobs you're directed to until you find one of your Own! If you draw Money from your Unemployment Insurence you will have a Caseworker,and you're obliged to send out a certain amount of Job-applications,also if the Unemployment-Office sends you on a Job,you're obliged to take it,or face certain Penalties! In short,you'll have to look for a Job,and prove that you are,or face some Shortages in the Insurance-Money you get! our rules vary from state to state, here in Nevada, cash benefits carry the same requirements,,, |
IMO, that letter pretty well states what the majority of the 'dead-beat', load bearers are thinking. More and more of their wages go to many who simply refuse to take a job. I doubt they mind helping those who are out there contributing. contributing doesn't mean sittin' on yer hams raisin' kids either. They can't behave while working, send 'em on to juvie. Any job will raise a persons self esteem. Unless they were raised to be welfare dependents. really? did slaves have high esteem? they certainly had plenty of 'jobs'.... the ability to provide and to be treated human are pretty important to self esteem just having a 'job' doesnt provide EITHER of those things if its only paying for the resources needed to WORK that job,,, When was the last time you saw slaves working? The new age slave sits on their deadass complaining about how much the world owes them. ![]() This is an example of the type of ethics and morals generated by the Welfare Mentality. More slave revolting? do some research, there is still slavery in the world, and there is even CHILD labor/slavery, and I doubt those children are being worked to give them 'self esteem' so much as they are to save some greedy fat cat some money,,, I thought the topic was about here in the US. Welfare Addicts are slaves to their drug. I wish I could claim some of them as dependents. Get some of my Tax money back. Many are, immature, self-absorbed, leeches. The only way they might grow up is to actually have them kicked out into the real world. |
IMO, that letter pretty well states what the majority of the 'dead-beat', load bearers are thinking. More and more of their wages go to many who simply refuse to take a job. I doubt they mind helping those who are out there contributing. contributing doesn't mean sittin' on yer hams raisin' kids either. They can't behave while working, send 'em on to juvie. Any job will raise a persons self esteem. Unless they were raised to be welfare dependents. really? did slaves have high esteem? they certainly had plenty of 'jobs'.... the ability to provide and to be treated human are pretty important to self esteem just having a 'job' doesnt provide EITHER of those things if its only paying for the resources needed to WORK that job,,, When was the last time you saw slaves working? The new age slave sits on their deadass complaining about how much the world owes them. ![]() This is an example of the type of ethics and morals generated by the Welfare Mentality. More slave revolting? do some research, there is still slavery in the world, and there is even CHILD labor/slavery, and I doubt those children are being worked to give them 'self esteem' so much as they are to save some greedy fat cat some money,,, I thought the topic was about here in the US. Welfare Addicts are slaves to their drug. I wish I could claim some of them as dependents. Get some of my Tax money back. Many are, immature, self-absorbed, leeches. The only way they might grow up is to actually have them kicked out into the real world. well, that would go for 'leeches' of any kind but 'leeches' who are caring for children shouldnt mean children go without shelter and LOVE and food ,,,,,, not in a country that can spend what we do on 'infrastructure' and military,,,,our children should be AT LEAST as important |
IMO, that letter pretty well states what the majority of the 'dead-beat', load bearers are thinking. More and more of their wages go to many who simply refuse to take a job. I doubt they mind helping those who are out there contributing. contributing doesn't mean sittin' on yer hams raisin' kids either. They can't behave while working, send 'em on to juvie. Any job will raise a persons self esteem. Unless they were raised to be welfare dependents. really? did slaves have high esteem? they certainly had plenty of 'jobs'.... the ability to provide and to be treated human are pretty important to self esteem just having a 'job' doesnt provide EITHER of those things if its only paying for the resources needed to WORK that job,,, When was the last time you saw slaves working? The new age slave sits on their deadass complaining about how much the world owes them. ![]() This is an example of the type of ethics and morals generated by the Welfare Mentality. More slave revolting? do some research, there is still slavery in the world, and there is even CHILD labor/slavery, and I doubt those children are being worked to give them 'self esteem' so much as they are to save some greedy fat cat some money,,, I thought the topic was about here in the US. Welfare Addicts are slaves to their drug. I wish I could claim some of them as dependents. Get some of my Tax money back. Many are, immature, self-absorbed, leeches. The only way they might grow up is to actually have them kicked out into the real world. well, that would go for 'leeches' of any kind but 'leeches' who are caring for children shouldnt mean children go without shelter and LOVE and food ,,,,,, not in a country that can spend what we do on 'infrastructure' and military,,,,our children should be AT LEAST as important I and many like me had kids, cared for kids and held jobs. If you check out the video you will see examples of how welfare raised brats turn out. |
Relevant in the fact that lost of countries are in our situation. In fact before Obama too office were were better off than most first world countries but we added about 33% more September or over 5 trillion since then. As I said, its a moot point. Read the above. So what if lots of other countries are in our situation or worse? We are all headed for the rocks if something doesn't change. Abolish the Federal Reserve and print our own money. Let the banks fail. We will survive. Print more money ? That's a horrible idea. Let's just cause hyper inflation. That will help America. You don't know anything about the financial system. I said we should print OUR OWN MONEY. INSTEAD OF borrowing it from the Federal Reserve Bank and having to pay interest on it. The Federal Reserve Bank is a private corporation and it is not part of our country or our Government. And you know nothing about money. If you just print more money and put it in circulation the value of the dollar drops. So if you say print 20% more money then the value should drop 20% and thus prices rise 20%. For all of us that don't get 20% more then we currently have we will end up with less money. We will have to pay more for imports. If we devalue the dollar we risk it's place as the international reserve currency for trade. If we lose that prices skyrocket as we have to also pay exchange fees for all imports and exports. For your information "we" currently don't print any money. The Federal Reserve prints it and loans it to us. The Federal Reserve is NOT part of our government or our country. It is a private corporation. The "dollar" (IE: Federal Reserve NOTE) is not "real money" anyway. It represents a promise to pay. It represents debt. It is a debt instrument that we (slaves) are allowed to use for our personal living expenses and to purchase products from the Corporations. (Be consumers) The dollar has no value in itself other that our belief (faith) that it can be exchanged for goods. You cannot cash it in for gold or silver. This "dollar" is losing its standing in the world. Some countries are starting to buy and sell oil with other currency and they do not need the dollar. America's credit rating is slipping. China is no longer trading the dollar for derivatives (contracts and agreements) because we defaulted on our contract to them for the gold we traded for bonds years ago. China is dumping the dollar by spending it on on real assets. (Land, companies, etc.) The Corporation of the United States of America, by the way, is bankrupt and is borrowing money from the Federal Reserve Bank to stay a float, and the Federal Reserve Bank is simply creating "money" out of thin air because they too are in dire straits. They lost all their gold in the corrupt market, the rich Elite's gambling casino. The Federal Reserve and The United States of America, (formerly the Virginia Company) are both corporations. Paying back that interest to the Federal Reserve Bank is where all of your taxes are going including all of your income tax. And even with all the money we pay in taxes, we are not getting anything paid towards the national debt (a loan) and now we can't even meet the interest payments, which is due now. Because of this fine mess they have gotten us into, they want to start world war III. |
I know what real money is. Real money has value. It is gold, silver, a pig, a cow, corn, goods, labor, etc.
Without these "real" things, the printed paper that you are calling "money" (notes) are not worth the paper it is printed on. This is what they are calling "fiat" money. Money is now created out of thin air. It is not even printed on paper. It is numbers in a computer. It is digital credit and debt. It can be transferred from one side of the world to another with the pressing of a send button. And it can disappear in the wink of an eye and vanish forever back into the abyss from whence it came. |
I know what real money is. Real money has value. It is gold, silver, a pig, a cow, corn, goods, labor, etc. Without these "real" things, the printed paper that you are calling "money" (notes) are not worth the paper it is printed on. This is what they are calling "fiat" money. Money is now created out of thin air. It is not even printed on paper. It is numbers in a computer. It is digital credit and debt. It can be transferred from one side of the world to another with the pressing of a send button. And it can disappear in the wink of an eye and vanish forever back into the abyss from whence it came. What our "money" is really worth... |
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Wed 07/18/12 09:09 PM
Today I found four shinny new pennies, 2012. They had a shield on the back.
They seem much lighter in weight than most pennies. I think the metal in them has been changed. Obama wants cheaper pennies and nickels NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The U.S. Mint is facing a problem -- especially during these penny-pinching times. It turns out it costs more to make pennies and nickels than the coins are worth. And because of that, the Obama administration this week asked Congress for permission to change the mix of metal that goes to make pennies and nickels, an expensive recipe that has remained unchanged for more than 30 years. To be precise, it cost 2.4 cents to make one penny in 2011 and about 11.2 cents for each nickel. Given the number of coins that the mint produces -- 4.3 billion pennies and 914 million nickels last year alone, those costs add up pretty quickly: a little more than $100 million for each coin. But even though Treasury has been studying new metals since 2010, it has yet to come up with a workable mix that would definitely be cheaper, and it has no details yet as to what metals should be used or how much it would save to do so. Even if a cheaper metal can be used, it might not take the cost of a penny down to less than a penny. Just the administrative cost of minting 4.3 billion pennies costs almost a half-cent per coin by itself, leaving precious little room to make a penny for less than a cent, no matter the raw material used. The raw material cost of the metals used in a current penny is only about 0.6 cents per coin, according to prices quoted on the London Metal Exchange, and a breakdown of a penny's composition from the mint. The mint paid 1.1 cents on average for the metal used in a penny in 2011, but that is the cost of ready-to-stamp blanks from the supplier, not raw material traded on commodity markets. There have been times in recent years when a run-up in zinc and copper prices has taken the raw material value of a penny above one cent. That's the case for a nickel today. Its more expensive metal mix means the raw materials in each are worth almost 6 cents per coin, based on current market prices. (States eye silver and gold currencies) Despite popular belief, since 1982 pennies have only been copper plated, not copper through and through. Much less expensive zinc makes up 97.5% of the mass of a penny, the rest is a copper coating. Nickels actually have much more copper in them -- 75% copper and 25% nickel. It's the same mix they have always had except for the World War II years, when silver and manganese replaced the nickel and some of the copper. ![]() Specifications Composition: Copper-Plated Zinc: 2.5% Cu, Balance Zn Weight: 2.500 g Diameter: 0.750 in., 19.05 mm Thickness: 1.55 mm Edge: Plain |
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Wed 07/18/12 09:11 PM
The Working Poor
According to the US Census Bureau, in 2010, 21 million people lived in working-poor families. This translates into nearly 9.6 percent of all American families living below 100 percent of poverty have at least one family member working. Working Poor Facts •Female-headed households were more than twice as likely to be among the working poor as male-headed households in 2008. •Among families with at least one member working at least half a year, families with children were 4 times more likely than families without children to live in poverty in 2008.iii •According to a survey on hunger and homelessness conducted by the United States Conference of Mayors, 88.5% of cities participating in the survey cited unemployment as one of three major causes of hunger in their city. •Thirty-nine percent of all adults served by Feeding America have completed high school or equivalent degree with no further education beyond high school. ii •34 percent of all households served by Feeding America have had to choose between paying for food and paying for medicine or medical care. ii • Sixty-five percent of working families that received SNAP were single-parent families. Texas will refuse to expand Medicaid under the new healthcare. This creates a coverage gap for workers. You see, “The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has announced that people below 133 percent of the poverty line in states that refuse the Medicaid expansion will not be assessed a penalty for not purchasing insurance that is unaffordable to them.” Well that’s good because they couldn't afford to pay the penalty either. If Texas refuses to expand Medicaid then many thousands of hard working people, and their children will not have affordable access to healthcare. That should make a lot of Texans happy, right? Yea – good going Texas who cares about those people who work as maids, cleaning people, nanny’s, and who take care of the elderly and those people who take part-time jobs because they can’t find anything else – and the heck with their kids too. But you know, those people still get sick, they still take their kids to the emergency room, and without the ability to pay for medicine, there will likely be a lot emergency room visits --- WHO PAYS FOR THAT? It won’t come from the Federal government “States have many good reasons to expand their Medicaid coverage. It will create a healthier workforce, bring jobs into the state by increasing the demand for health care and other goods and services, and provide greater economic security for millions of families. And it’s almost entirely covered by the federal government, which is paying 100 percent of the costs for the first two years and 90 percent of the costs in the long term” Good thinking Texas, and all the other states who have claimed they will not expand Medicaid either. Sounds like more tax revenue will have to be collected. OH, and all those poeple out there who want to make abortion illegal, you don't care about them after they're born (see above) so why do you care before? Oh- and all those poor people who won’t be able to afford birth control on their poverty wages – looks like you’ll have a lot of starving kids in Texas, you have to build some tough skin to see that every day and still be able to blame them for their situation and walk away indignant - but don’t worry apparently most of you never noticed it before, why should that change. |
OH, and all those poeple out there who want to make abortion illegal, you don't care about them after they're born (see above) so why do you care before?
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Wed 07/18/12 09:15 PM
OH, and all those poeple out there who want to make abortion illegal, you don't care about them after they're born (see above) so why do you care before?
![]() ![]() OH and I think your cards are beautiful (I don't believe in the reading part) but they're beautiful just the same. |
Today I found four shinny new pennies, 2012. They had a shield on the back. They seem much lighter in weight than most pennies. I think the metal in them has been changed. Obama wants cheaper pennies and nickels NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The U.S. Mint is facing a problem -- especially during these penny-pinching times. It turns out it costs more to make pennies and nickels than the coins are worth. And because of that, the Obama administration this week asked Congress for permission to change the mix of metal that goes to make pennies and nickels, an expensive recipe that has remained unchanged for more than 30 years. To be precise, it cost 2.4 cents to make one penny in 2011 and about 11.2 cents for each nickel. Given the number of coins that the mint produces -- 4.3 billion pennies and 914 million nickels last year alone, those costs add up pretty quickly: a little more than $100 million for each coin. But even though Treasury has been studying new metals since 2010, it has yet to come up with a workable mix that would definitely be cheaper, and it has no details yet as to what metals should be used or how much it would save to do so. Even if a cheaper metal can be used, it might not take the cost of a penny down to less than a penny. Just the administrative cost of minting 4.3 billion pennies costs almost a half-cent per coin by itself, leaving precious little room to make a penny for less than a cent, no matter the raw material used. The raw material cost of the metals used in a current penny is only about 0.6 cents per coin, according to prices quoted on the London Metal Exchange, and a breakdown of a penny's composition from the mint. The mint paid 1.1 cents on average for the metal used in a penny in 2011, but that is the cost of ready-to-stamp blanks from the supplier, not raw material traded on commodity markets. There have been times in recent years when a run-up in zinc and copper prices has taken the raw material value of a penny above one cent. That's the case for a nickel today. Its more expensive metal mix means the raw materials in each are worth almost 6 cents per coin, based on current market prices. (States eye silver and gold currencies) Despite popular belief, since 1982 pennies have only been copper plated, not copper through and through. Much less expensive zinc makes up 97.5% of the mass of a penny, the rest is a copper coating. Nickels actually have much more copper in them -- 75% copper and 25% nickel. It's the same mix they have always had except for the World War II years, when silver and manganese replaced the nickel and some of the copper. ![]() Specifications Composition: Copper-Plated Zinc: 2.5% Cu, Balance Zn Weight: 2.500 g Diameter: 0.750 in., 19.05 mm Thickness: 1.55 mm Edge: Plain Well, America did away with the half-pence but they didn't have Walmart then. Maybe Walmart should pay to keep those pennies minted, after all, it would propable be cheaper for them then doing away with the penny. |
OH, and all those poeple out there who want to make abortion illegal, you don't care about them after they're born (see above) so why do you care before?
![]() ![]() OH and I think your cards are beautiful (I don't believe in the reading part) but they're beautiful just the same. Thanks. ![]() I don't really hang out with droves of tarot card readers. They have forums all over the Internet. They like to get into long drawn out (sometimes boring) discussions about what cards mean, and I know that each reader has their own personal interpretation system anyway. I'm a bit of a skeptic on readings myself, but they do surprise me a lot of the time. (I don't think I would play the stock market by them though. ![]() |
I think they should offer to purchase nickles and pennies for more than they are worth and less than they cost to make, so all the penny and nickle hoarders could make a little money cashing them back into circulation.
But they probably would hate to see anyone else making money on their scam of money. |