Topic: guys - romance time... | |
The original request was what sort of romantic date can you come up with, not what is romantic, or what do you think is romantic. So, in the spirit of the request, and because I enjoy hearing myself write something long winded and glib. Here is what I think would be a good romantic date. This is written spur of the moment, and dedicated to a woman who really does not know how beautiful she is, and probably does not hear it nearly enough.
------------------------------------------- I have a surprise for you, I am taking you out to the best night of you life (or so I hope). I'll pick you up at 7. I'll be there by 6:30, and I do not mind waiting if you are not ready. You look fantastic. No, that dress looks beautiful on you. Yes, I am quite serious. Trust me, you look gorgeous, I am honored you are accompanying me tonight. We leave your house at 7, and I open and hold the car door for you and make sure you are comfortable before I close it. We chat casually on the drive there, and I tell bad jokes and regale you with obviously outlandish stories but you laugh anyway because I am sincere and bring out the best in you. The weather is gloomy, but it doesn't matter even if it rains, because we are in a sunny moody and no storm clouds can spoil that. It turns out we are at the Opera. You like the opera don't you? Of course you do! Nothing says awesome like adventures and romance done to song. So we sit and watch the show arm in arm, and comment casually on each act and what we thought. I make a few jokes causing you to almost laugh out loud causing a disruption, so you hit me lightly on the arm and tell me to behave myself, even though you know I won't and are glad for the fact. The show is soon over and we go to leave. Your feet and legs are a bit tired you say and I offer to carry you and massage them in the car. You laugh and smirk and pop me again and tell me it is unsafe driving while massaging a ladies feet and legs. I ask you "who said anything about driving? I have a nice spot we can stop in for the evening!". You blush and laugh again, and tell me to quit being silly, to which I become somber and remind you that "There is nothing silly about me, when it comes to making you smile m'lady.". You blush again, and give some really strong thoughts to that place I spoke of to stop for the evening. I interrupt your thoughts though and ask if you are hungry. You of course are and tell me so. I know a wonderful place, do you like Italian? Don't answer that, Italian is awesome! Everyone likes it. I know the perfect place. So again I open the car door, and again you are are secured, and again with the jokes and the smiling and the laughing. Should we count streetlights, or blue cars or out of state plates? Do you think if I make faces at that cop he would pull us over? What would he cite me for exactly? I am not sure what the law says about making goofy faces at cops when you are above the age of 10 going 45 down the street. You say you would rather not find out? Sage advice, no wonder I adore you. Oh, here is the restaurant. Lets go inside shall we? I would like a booth with a good view of the restaurant please. The garlic bread here is excellent isn't it? I am in the mood for a really good lasagna, get whatever you like. No, I have never had that before... but it looks delightful. Waiter, bring us a bottle of Lambrusco please. I would like to propose a toast, to you of course. The most beautiful woman in the world! You are lovely when you turn so red don't you know? Very well, a toast to us, and to such a glorious night. The food looks delicious, maybe I chose the wrong dish, would you like to trade? No you say, we.. can we share then? Who cares who looks this way, they are just jealous because they did not think to ask.. or maybe their dates suck, I don't know. Waiter, does your singer take requests? Splendid! Does he know Sapore di sale? I would like the song dedicated to this lovely lady tonight. Yes it is beautiful isn't it? It is about a man on a beach in love with a beautiful woman. Dinner was grand wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed it? I have an idea... let us go for a walk. Yes it is late and the night is beautiful isn't it... like you. What is my idea you ask? Well, we are right here next to the ocean... I thought I would see if I could make that song a reality. Take my arm and walk with me? The night air feels so good, a refreshing breeze, especially after the stuffy day we had today. Would you like me to hold your shoes for you, I imagine it is not easy to walk in the sand with those on. Yes, the ocean looks lovely would you like to go for a midnight swim? I know you did not bring your bikini, and that dress is not made for swimming, but I won't tell. You could always take it off... I won't complain. Hey no fair, you can run faster than I can! If I have a heart attack you'll regret it! Caught you! Whoops, no fair tripping me down! Whoa, never mind, I like this, you here on top and next to me... and only the waves to keep us company. Look up at the sky, isn't it amazing? So vast and open... so many mysteries and so many riddles. Are there two people just like us across the distance, doing this exact same thing on some alien world? What do you want to be when you grow up? Where would you like to live? Do you think I was wise to wear these socks with these shoes? What am I thinking about? I am thinking about two people, sitting on a long deserted beach, listening to the ocean and talking about their dreams and fantasies and what socks go with what shoes. Yes, it is pretty romantic isn't it? Why don't we just lay here a while and take it all in, there is no rush... morning is a long way off. Take my hand... lets go on a rocket ship ride into the milky way above, just you and I tonight. Why, we might even come back down sooner or later. But if not... I think the ocean will keep our secret. ---------------------------------------------------- Aren't you glad I did not choose the circus? |
WOW,that was great!
WOW,that was great! I am glad you enjoyed it. |
and is not looking good for the guys!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() No, it isn´t. Except for Kartagane´s romantic idea(who, in my opinion could write a whole book about romantic ideas!!! ;) including an audio tape to listen to in your car... haha) no one has posted anything romantic at all!! come on!!! just a little bit of imagination!! ![]() |
WOW,that was great! I am glad you enjoyed it. oooommmggggg...bam. hit, hit hard. |
Hey no fair Un gals can be romantic planning something special for our one and only's.
Hows this.... Ask him so sweetly if you could borrow his vehical and you will pick him up after work. Then go get all dolled up, go by and get his favorite off duty clothes, then go rent a really hot sports car and have a messenger take him in a little box with the car keys, tickets to his favorite sporting event, dinner reservations to the best reaturantin your area nestled in a pair of your panties. Then stand by the car and wait for him to take charge of the evening!!! |
Wouldn't I have to first know something about the tastes and interests of the woman before I could plan a date that the woman would perceive to be romantic? Well, what do you find romantic? If it were your choice, how would you define romance and plan a romantic date? |
The original request was what sort of romantic date can you come up with, not what is romantic, or what do you think is romantic. So, in the spirit of the request, and because I enjoy hearing myself write something long winded and glib. Here is what I think would be a good romantic date. This is written spur of the moment, and dedicated to a woman who really does not know how beautiful she is, and probably does not hear it nearly enough. ------------------------------------------- I have a surprise for you, I am taking you out to the best night of you life (or so I hope). I'll pick you up at 7. I'll be there by 6:30, and I do not mind waiting if you are not ready. You look fantastic. No, that dress looks beautiful on you. Yes, I am quite serious. Trust me, you look gorgeous, I am honored you are accompanying me tonight. We leave your house at 7, and I open and hold the car door for you and make sure you are comfortable before I close it. We chat casually on the drive there, and I tell bad jokes and regale you with obviously outlandish stories but you laugh anyway because I am sincere and bring out the best in you. The weather is gloomy, but it doesn't matter even if it rains, because we are in a sunny moody and no storm clouds can spoil that. It turns out we are at the Opera. You like the opera don't you? Of course you do! Nothing says awesome like adventures and romance done to song. So we sit and watch the show arm in arm, and comment casually on each act and what we thought. I make a few jokes causing you to almost laugh out loud causing a disruption, so you hit me lightly on the arm and tell me to behave myself, even though you know I won't and are glad for the fact. The show is soon over and we go to leave. Your feet and legs are a bit tired you say and I offer to carry you and massage them in the car. You laugh and smirk and pop me again and tell me it is unsafe driving while massaging a ladies feet and legs. I ask you "who said anything about driving? I have a nice spot we can stop in for the evening!". You blush and laugh again, and tell me to quit being silly, to which I become somber and remind you that "There is nothing silly about me, when it comes to making you smile m'lady.". You blush again, and give some really strong thoughts to that place I spoke of to stop for the evening. I interrupt your thoughts though and ask if you are hungry. You of course are and tell me so. I know a wonderful place, do you like Italian? Don't answer that, Italian is awesome! Everyone likes it. I know the perfect place. So again I open the car door, and again you are are secured, and again with the jokes and the smiling and the laughing. Should we count streetlights, or blue cars or out of state plates? Do you think if I make faces at that cop he would pull us over? What would he cite me for exactly? I am not sure what the law says about making goofy faces at cops when you are above the age of 10 going 45 down the street. You say you would rather not find out? Sage advice, no wonder I adore you. Oh, here is the restaurant. Lets go inside shall we? I would like a booth with a good view of the restaurant please. The garlic bread here is excellent isn't it? I am in the mood for a really good lasagna, get whatever you like. No, I have never had that before... but it looks delightful. Waiter, bring us a bottle of Lambrusco please. I would like to propose a toast, to you of course. The most beautiful woman in the world! You are lovely when you turn so red don't you know? Very well, a toast to us, and to such a glorious night. The food looks delicious, maybe I chose the wrong dish, would you like to trade? No you say, we.. can we share then? Who cares who looks this way, they are just jealous because they did not think to ask.. or maybe their dates suck, I don't know. Waiter, does your singer take requests? Splendid! Does he know Sapore di sale? I would like the song dedicated to this lovely lady tonight. Yes it is beautiful isn't it? It is about a man on a beach in love with a beautiful woman. Dinner was grand wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed it? I have an idea... let us go for a walk. Yes it is late and the night is beautiful isn't it... like you. What is my idea you ask? Well, we are right here next to the ocean... I thought I would see if I could make that song a reality. Take my arm and walk with me? The night air feels so good, a refreshing breeze, especially after the stuffy day we had today. Would you like me to hold your shoes for you, I imagine it is not easy to walk in the sand with those on. Yes, the ocean looks lovely would you like to go for a midnight swim? I know you did not bring your bikini, and that dress is not made for swimming, but I won't tell. You could always take it off... I won't complain. Hey no fair, you can run faster than I can! If I have a heart attack you'll regret it! Caught you! Whoops, no fair tripping me down! Whoa, never mind, I like this, you here on top and next to me... and only the waves to keep us company. Look up at the sky, isn't it amazing? So vast and open... so many mysteries and so many riddles. Are there two people just like us across the distance, doing this exact same thing on some alien world? What do you want to be when you grow up? Where would you like to live? Do you think I was wise to wear these socks with these shoes? What am I thinking about? I am thinking about two people, sitting on a long deserted beach, listening to the ocean and talking about their dreams and fantasies and what socks go with what shoes. Yes, it is pretty romantic isn't it? Why don't we just lay here a while and take it all in, there is no rush... morning is a long way off. Take my hand... lets go on a rocket ship ride into the milky way above, just you and I tonight. Why, we might even come back down sooner or later. But if not... I think the ocean will keep our secret. ---------------------------------------------------- Aren't you glad I did not choose the circus? Pretty good ![]() ![]() |
She would leave on a Saturday morning, going out with her girlfriends....or so she thinks. I would send a text saying I miss her and hope she has a fun day with her friends. She responds she misses me too, not knowing that I am gonna surprise her very soon. Her and her friends arrive at a museum, and just outside this museum there is a park across the street. As they arrive and are about to enter the museum, one of the friends notices my car parked across the street. She points it out to my lady. Ooooooo. Now she is curious and the friends wonder why my car is there when I am supposed to be at work. Hmmmmm.....I bet my gal is probably getting mad by now right?
So, they walk over to where my car is, and sure enough, it is my car. The friends are all aghast. What is going on? They suggest that my gal venture into the open park and look around. She walks off, and they have grins on their faces. She is about to be surprised. She walks into the park, on a mission to find out why her man has lied to her. Oh she is mad....she is so........ And then she stops in her tracks. Her mouth opens. She finds me standing, dressed casual but looking nice. I am all smiles. I step to the right and then she sees it....a picnic prepared for her. Blanket laid down, plates out, basket in the center with all the fixings I cooked for this special day for her. She smiles cause while I don't always cook, I have taken the time to prepare a meal...a surprise meal...just for us....well, just for her. She approaches, hugs and kisses me, and then playfully tickles me for making her get upset. Her friends show up and smile. She knows they were in on it and playfully says she will get them back. But I know she is happy. Happy that I planned something for her. And I cooked. Lol. We sit down to enjoy our meal in the park, grab a frisbee and throw it around, then take a drive to the coast with the top down to our spot at the beach. Yeah, it's mushy, but that's why she is with me. |
kid napp her after work,blind fold her,throw her in the back of a van and....ooops thats not romance?????
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What do ya say we go out? I'll throw a couple burgers down your throat, then I'll introduce you to my good friend Stanley. You know, like the power drill.
WOW,that was great! I am glad you enjoyed it. I second this. ![]() |
What do ya say we go out? I'll throw a couple burgers down your throat, then I'll introduce you to my good friend Stanley. You know, like the power drill. Careful, you'll have all the girls swooning. |
The original request was what sort of romantic date can you come up with, not what is romantic, or what do you think is romantic. So, in the spirit of the request, and because I enjoy hearing myself write something long winded and glib. Here is what I think would be a good romantic date. This is written spur of the moment, and dedicated to a woman who really does not know how beautiful she is, and probably does not hear it nearly enough. ------------------------------------------- I have a surprise for you, I am taking you out to the best night of you life (or so I hope). I'll pick you up at 7. I'll be there by 6:30, and I do not mind waiting if you are not ready. You look fantastic. No, that dress looks beautiful on you. Yes, I am quite serious. Trust me, you look gorgeous, I am honored you are accompanying me tonight. We leave your house at 7, and I open and hold the car door for you and make sure you are comfortable before I close it. We chat casually on the drive there, and I tell bad jokes and regale you with obviously outlandish stories but you laugh anyway because I am sincere and bring out the best in you. The weather is gloomy, but it doesn't matter even if it rains, because we are in a sunny moody and no storm clouds can spoil that. It turns out we are at the Opera. You like the opera don't you? Of course you do! Nothing says awesome like adventures and romance done to song. So we sit and watch the show arm in arm, and comment casually on each act and what we thought. I make a few jokes causing you to almost laugh out loud causing a disruption, so you hit me lightly on the arm and tell me to behave myself, even though you know I won't and are glad for the fact. The show is soon over and we go to leave. Your feet and legs are a bit tired you say and I offer to carry you and massage them in the car. You laugh and smirk and pop me again and tell me it is unsafe driving while massaging a ladies feet and legs. I ask you "who said anything about driving? I have a nice spot we can stop in for the evening!". You blush and laugh again, and tell me to quit being silly, to which I become somber and remind you that "There is nothing silly about me, when it comes to making you smile m'lady.". You blush again, and give some really strong thoughts to that place I spoke of to stop for the evening. I interrupt your thoughts though and ask if you are hungry. You of course are and tell me so. I know a wonderful place, do you like Italian? Don't answer that, Italian is awesome! Everyone likes it. I know the perfect place. So again I open the car door, and again you are are secured, and again with the jokes and the smiling and the laughing. Should we count streetlights, or blue cars or out of state plates? Do you think if I make faces at that cop he would pull us over? What would he cite me for exactly? I am not sure what the law says about making goofy faces at cops when you are above the age of 10 going 45 down the street. You say you would rather not find out? Sage advice, no wonder I adore you. Oh, here is the restaurant. Lets go inside shall we? I would like a booth with a good view of the restaurant please. The garlic bread here is excellent isn't it? I am in the mood for a really good lasagna, get whatever you like. No, I have never had that before... but it looks delightful. Waiter, bring us a bottle of Lambrusco please. I would like to propose a toast, to you of course. The most beautiful woman in the world! You are lovely when you turn so red don't you know? Very well, a toast to us, and to such a glorious night. The food looks delicious, maybe I chose the wrong dish, would you like to trade? No you say, we.. can we share then? Who cares who looks this way, they are just jealous because they did not think to ask.. or maybe their dates suck, I don't know. Waiter, does your singer take requests? Splendid! Does he know Sapore di sale? I would like the song dedicated to this lovely lady tonight. Yes it is beautiful isn't it? It is about a man on a beach in love with a beautiful woman. Dinner was grand wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed it? I have an idea... let us go for a walk. Yes it is late and the night is beautiful isn't it... like you. What is my idea you ask? Well, we are right here next to the ocean... I thought I would see if I could make that song a reality. Take my arm and walk with me? The night air feels so good, a refreshing breeze, especially after the stuffy day we had today. Would you like me to hold your shoes for you, I imagine it is not easy to walk in the sand with those on. Yes, the ocean looks lovely would you like to go for a midnight swim? I know you did not bring your bikini, and that dress is not made for swimming, but I won't tell. You could always take it off... I won't complain. Hey no fair, you can run faster than I can! If I have a heart attack you'll regret it! Caught you! Whoops, no fair tripping me down! Whoa, never mind, I like this, you here on top and next to me... and only the waves to keep us company. Look up at the sky, isn't it amazing? So vast and open... so many mysteries and so many riddles. Are there two people just like us across the distance, doing this exact same thing on some alien world? What do you want to be when you grow up? Where would you like to live? Do you think I was wise to wear these socks with these shoes? What am I thinking about? I am thinking about two people, sitting on a long deserted beach, listening to the ocean and talking about their dreams and fantasies and what socks go with what shoes. Yes, it is pretty romantic isn't it? Why don't we just lay here a while and take it all in, there is no rush... morning is a long way off. Take my hand... lets go on a rocket ship ride into the milky way above, just you and I tonight. Why, we might even come back down sooner or later. But if not... I think the ocean will keep our secret. ---------------------------------------------------- Aren't you glad I did not choose the circus? I like the circus! That was cute, though. But, I wouldn't like the guy showing up early.. just be on time. ![]() |
I second this. ![]() Thank you. ![]() |
I second this. ![]() Thank you. ![]() I like goofball's and kartagane's responses, for putting a lot of thought into them. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What do ya say we go out? I'll throw a couple burgers down your throat, then I'll introduce you to my good friend Stanley. You know, like the power drill. what kinda burgers? that's important you know |
what kinda burgers? that's important you know White Castle obviously. You can buy them in bulk. |
I second this. ![]() Thank you. ![]() I like goofball's and kartagane's responses, for putting a lot of thought into them. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, all I will say is the chick better tell me my cooking is awesome! ![]() ![]() |
I second this. ![]() Thank you. ![]() I like goofball's and kartagane's responses, for putting a lot of thought into them. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, all I will say is the chick better tell me my cooking is awesome! ![]() ![]() and...the old goof comes out again. ![]() ![]() ![]() |