Topic: Pastor Repents
Elihu's photo
Tue 06/26/12 03:57 AM
A bit over twenty years ago the Lord called my wife and I to be pastors in His Body.

At the time I did not consult the Lord as to His description of a pastor. I just looked around at the contemporary church and saw what I thought was a pastor and set off to become one of them.

Right from the start the Lord began to correct my thinking, but to my shame it took nearly 15 years for me to allow His thoughts on the matter penetrate my heart.

The religious spirits that prevail in our western churches had a grip on my heart (more on that later) and so I got caught up in the clergy/laity , pew/pulpit, preacher/people system of institutional churchianity that we have all inherited from the apostate catholic cult.

Although the so called reformation did away with maryolatry, indulgences, purgatory etc., it did not do away with ecclesiastical hierarchy, written or unwritten liturgies and consecrated buildings. None of which can be found in any shape or form in the New Testament.

Eventually the Lord got it through my thick head and my wife and I finally repented of our foolishness and I said to the Lord, "You are going to have to rewrite my job description." The Lord's reply was, "No, son, you just didn't read it right in the first place."

In the passing of time He brought these scriptures to mind about leadership.

Matthew 20:25-27

25 But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. 26 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. 27 And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave—

Does a slave have authority over those he serves? I had to answer NO. He only has authority to serve.

Matthew 23:8-11

8 But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. 9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. 10 And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. 11 But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.

What would be the contemporary titles Jesus would reprove of today? I had to answer that pastor, reverent, bishop, pope etc., would be reproved and prohibited by our Lord.

1 Peter 5:1-3

5 The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: 2 Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; 3 nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock;

Again the Lord shows through this scripture that the only way a leader is to lead is by example for the authority of being a lord over them is exempted.

At one time the Lord made it plain to me that if I was looking for a leader for myself, I was to look for someone who had more love than me for they alone could lead me into loving more. I was to look for someone with more faith than I had so that my faith might grow and to look for someone with more wisdom than I so that I might put away foolishness by following their example.

And likewise, I would only be able to fulfill the call to pastor in my life when I could demonstrate more love, faith and wisdom than those I was appointed to minister to.

I learnt that bible colleges are very poor places to prepare one for ministering the way God wants ministry to happen. I know, we went through a bible college (I wont mention names) and afterward we met this older couple who we came to refer to as our spiritual mum and dad and they discipled us into the ministry and OH what a difference hands on demonstrated functioning in the Spirit makes in bringing one to maturity. Not to mention the school of hard knocks as we are disciplined by the Lord Himself.

SO I am not surprised that you found none to help whilst in churchianity. The thing that continues to amaze me is that God still turns up in some or these institutions people call churches. People think that because healings happen and sometimes deliverance and revelation knowledge flows, that they are doing things right. The truth is that if anyone shows half an once of faith God will move on their behalf and they can be in a pub and He will do it because He honours His Word. That is why He turns up in worship for His Word says that He inhabits the praises of His people. Face it, new Christians do untold things wrong and God is still with us for He declares that He will never leave us or forsake us. HALLELUJAH!

One of the most shocking thing the Lord revealed to me was about the ongoing use of monolog preaching used to instruct the saints. He showed me that for all the good that it does, more harm is done by the fact that the people are kept in a passive mode by not functioning in His Spirit, that while I was preaching I was cutting off the sap from flowing into the branches and instead of growing they were withering up through lack of opportunity to minister in the Spirit themselves. I was supposed to equip them in the manner that we had been equipped by that couple I mentioned before.

My heart had deceived me. The flesh likes preeminence, or it likes passiveness, sometimes flitting from one to another. These two aspects of the flesh nature need to come to the cross for it is these attitudes of the carnal nature that make place for the religious system to arise.

I thank the Lord that He has granted me repentance and given me grace to be the pastor He intended. Without position, without stipend, often persecuted by the very people we are out to serve, only trusting in Him and His anointing to accomplish the work He has for me to do.

Enough for now. Off to bed. Work in the morning. Praise the Lord.

Peace to all in Jesus Name


Ladywind7's photo
Tue 06/26/12 04:28 AM
Everything you wrote is what the Lord has been telling me. Jesus is telling me he wants 'church' in the streets. This is why our conversations/fellowship is here. Fellowship can be viewed for all to see the beauty and majesty of the Lord. THIS IS HIS HOUSE

no photo
Tue 06/26/12 06:01 PM
Edited by CeriseRose on Tue 06/26/12 06:02 PM
Interesting article, Elihu!

Welcome to Mingle2 Christian Singles Forum!

I strongly agree with your findings on these topics.

I'm sure that all of The Lord's workers can testify to the many inconsistencies
they've encountered on their journeys.

I am glad to hear that The Lord Himself has made clear distinction for you.

The Holy Spirit is present and welcome with us here. Please do make yourself at home.