Topic: heres the thing. | |
Its a debate ... it is not my view ...
Before you try and rip me a new one, I have put this question up as a debatable point. Nothing more. |
still----------here's the thing--
I'm sorry but it is not somethign that should even be up for debate as it is asking wehter or not a lady has the right to feel safe and unpressured. This is a god-given right, not one that we as top of the food/predator chain can debate and take away.
But it is up for debate as she, herself asked about getting sexually harassed ...
Why is she getting harassed for sex? Is it due to the nature of the pictures? Is it due to the fact she is a young attractive woman? Not all men have the wherewithall to contain their sexual predatory instincts. Having a go at me because I want to explore the populous' opinion will help nothing. Plus what is a god-given right? (Cue religious ideologial debate) We are also not top of the food chain. Stick us in a field with a bear or in the water with a dolphin, and then see who is top of the food chain. |
she did not ask WHY she was in these situations, she asked what to do when everyone she meets only wants sex.
And even if she had asked if it was due to something in her personally, you shuld still not bring upo the way she dresses as that is stillw rong. period. And as far as your comment "Not all men have the wherewithall to contain their sexual predatory instincts" That is why we have courts of law and jail systems. If you as a young man can not control yourself then you belong in jail. period, as you are a danger to society. |
But the difference between not controlling your predatory instincts legally and illegally is not the matter for debate.
After two or three dates, the guy makes a more overt sexual move on the girl, than she likes and it becomes uncomfortable. You have made some very big assumptions that are totally wrong. Firstly you assumed that I have a problem with her dressing as she does. That I think that the reason she gets offers of sex is due to her scantily clad pictures. Secondly you assumed that this topic should not be brought up. Wrong again. Without debate, there can be no understanding of the problem. Thirdly you assumed that the predatory sexual instinct is a bad thing. When it is controlled, then it leads to procreation and furthering the species. Without it, the human race would die. Just continuing to say that bringing up the subject is wrong is like saying driving on the left side of the road is wrong. No basis in fact and no reasons why it should not be debated. |
also ... Im older than you, and why do you assume that only young men have preadtory sexual instincts?
Well this is interesting. If she is talking about why men that contack her on this site. Maybe a little suggestion that might help. Is change the pic's on her profile but at the same time it must not be that big of a deal knowing she has 53 friends on her friends list. So out of all them friends she has. Not one has respect her????
Sweety, don't let anyone bully you into sex. Sex is a wonderful experience shared by two people. If your desire is to wait for marriage to share that experience with your husband, then the guys should respect it.
Rememberm, though that guys are competitive in sports as well as women. They think of sex with a women as a conquest. If you heard the way men talk in jail about women, you would realize that only the guy that really loves a women respects her. The others just think of women like something to be used then passed around. You are better then that, so take your time in losing your viginity and make sure he is the right one for you. Sorry, if I offended any of you guys. |
BRAVO Bl8nt!! I so agree!!! nothing like getting permanent luggage (herpes) or aids. Take your time sweetie. Your life depends on it.
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