I've been waiting a while to come back to this thread. The simple fact is, If you don't lie, Or exaggerate the truth a little, In today's world you will be left behind in the job world. In the past few weeks I have been hearing on my local news that companies in general are not hiring people who have been out of work any length of time. With the job market as bad as it is right now here in the USA it's hard to get a job. But here, Companies are so out of touch with the real world that they think you should be doing something. Even if there is nothing to be had in your part of the world. So, You have to lie. You have to say that you have been doing this or that even if you haven't. If you don't it's job death for you. I got laid off in 2008 from a job that I had been doing for yrs. It took me two yrs to find a job. The longest it's ever taken me. Yes, I lied. I said that I had been running my own lawn care business for that two yrs. Even though I hadn't. I hate it, It's just the truth. If I had not lied I would not had gotten the job I have. This company will not hire anyone that's been out of work over six months. I found that out after I went to work for them. To these that I have seen in this thread say they would go hungry, No disrespect intended, I think you're full of shyt. You would not let yourself or your family go hungry. You would lie on an application or do any thing else you would have to do to feed yourself and your family. Especially if you're a man. You know it yourself, A man doesn't have a hair on his a$$ if he doesn't do the best he can to at least try to feed himself and his family. That includes lying on an application if he has to. This post is full of it. You don't have to lie, at least, I don't and I an sure others do not as well. I've been out of work for 10 years due to my illness and I already have job offers...and I'm not ready yet! I haven't looked, these just dropped in my lap so to speak. There are jobs out there with the right skills. Maybe you need a career change so you don't "have to lie."?? |
I've been waiting a while to come back to this thread. The simple fact is, If you don't lie, Or exaggerate the truth a little, In today's world you will be left behind in the job world. In the past few weeks I have been hearing on my local news that companies in general are not hiring people who have been out of work any length of time. With the job market as bad as it is right now here in the USA it's hard to get a job. But here, Companies are so out of touch with the real world that they think you should be doing something. Even if there is nothing to be had in your part of the world. So, You have to lie. You have to say that you have been doing this or that even if you haven't. If you don't it's job death for you. I got laid off in 2008 from a job that I had been doing for yrs. It took me two yrs to find a job. The longest it's ever taken me. Yes, I lied. I said that I had been running my own lawn care business for that two yrs. Even though I hadn't. I hate it, It's just the truth. If I had not lied I would not had gotten the job I have. This company will not hire anyone that's been out of work over six months. I found that out after I went to work for them. To these that I have seen in this thread say they would go hungry, No disrespect intended, I think you're full of shyt. You would not let yourself or your family go hungry. You would lie on an application or do any thing else you would have to do to feed yourself and your family. Especially if you're a man. You know it yourself, A man doesn't have a hair on his a$$ if he doesn't do the best he can to at least try to feed himself and his family. That includes lying on an application if he has to. This post is full of it. You don't have to lie, at least, I don't and I an sure others do not as well. I've been out of work for 10 years due to my illness and I already have job offers...and I'm not ready yet! I haven't looked, these just dropped in my lap so to speak. There are jobs out there with the right skills. Maybe you need a career change so you don't "have to lie."?? but maybe they dont wanna be a drag queen hooker! |
There's nothing wrong with being a drag queen hooker.
Don't you watch Jerry Springer, he'll tell ya? |
Edited by
Thu 06/07/12 07:43 AM
You would lie on an application or do any thing else you would have to do to feed yourself and your family.
I believe this is true for man, woman, or child. People lie for much less. But. BUT. It's a lie that you have to lie on a resume to feed your family. Because you don't have to have a job to keep well fed. In Canada at least. In Canada we have enough social safety nets so that nobody has to go hungry, no matter how large their family is, or how many mouths they need to feed. I can't vouch it's true in the USA. There is welfare, there are foodbanks, there is begging. There is crime that pays. In fact, until recently I lived in a crackhouse in which there were hungry men, who hired hookers and smoked drugs. They were unemployed. Living on welfare. Yet their personal income, each and everyone on of theirs, was at least four times mine a month. They stole my food and coffee, and begged me to buy them smokes. What gives? ----------- People lie on their resumes. They don't do it so as to enable themselves to feed their families. I stick to this. ----------- As a footnote: I am a Hungarian Jew. So what I did, was giving out loans in the crack home. There were loan practices: - no loans could exceed an aggraget $20 at any time. When the outstanding loaned amount reach $20, no more loans were given to a person. - To be able to get another loan, the $20 had to be repaid in full, and another ten-day waiting period remained after the repayment date of the amount in full, before a new loan could be issued. - The ten day waiting period could be cancelled if the repayment included a $5 interest for the twenty dollars. Pro-rata lesser interest for lesser paid back amounts. I am a Hungarian Jew. I made out like a bandit. (I.e. made lots of money off the backs of these guys.) I also learned to keep the coffee in my room, and my food I locked up in a strong box with a key and kept it in the fridge that way. Guys trusted me. One guy would get the cheque, cash it, gimmie his rent to give to the landlord, and went out on a wild abandon of chasing hookers, booze, and drugs after he left my room. ------------ The lesson is, you don't have to be good in your heart if you want to be trusted; you have to prove, instead, that you respect others and yourself, and you know how to apply discipline. Because the same guy who gave me his rent, always tried to get over the limit of $20, for a month or two in the beginning, and I never let him. Others had warned me about him, and stood there with gaping mouths after they saw the moneylending scheme at work. They developed respect for me, too. I also made my first actual money income with one of my inventions in that crack joint. I built a rope-elevator along the stairwell. I am 80 lbs overweight, and walking up the stairs takes a lot out of me. If I have to carry a bag or groceries, it's really hard for me. So I built this contraption, and one of the guys laughed, "it will never work". I made a bet with him, for $2, and next day I showed him how nicely it worked. He paid the $2 sometime in the next two weeks. He was impressed, and he also became a very good friend for me, never mind his boozing and druggin'. |
The story of the bet:
` Druggie: Haha, it won`t work. I: it will. Wanna put money on it? Druggie: Sure. I: how much? Druggie... erm... I don`t want to take your money, Andrew. I: No sweat. I am good to pay bet debts. How much can you afford to lose and pay? for sure. Druggie: Not much. I: Two dollars$ that`s more like a symbolic amount, no? Druggie: yea. You`re on. I: but you must swear to pay me if you lose, and I`ll do the same. In two days if it doesn`t work, I pay you; if it works in two days, you pay me. Druggie: sure. I: this is important for me, so let`s stick with it. Druggie: sure. ---------- I waited for him to pay up. I waited a week, he did not pay. I reminded him. I reminded him yet once more, and the next time after that that we bumped into each other, I asked him and he paid. Yay!!! I got paid for beign creative, and for that alone!! Hurray! |
There's nothing wrong with being a drag queen hooker. but we're on meds! |
I was reading about this today in a news paper. People lying about past experience to get a job. My question is this, Have you ever lied on an application to get a job? And if you did, How did things turn out? If the choice were Lie or Go Hungry, I would lie. I hope that I'm never in that situation. As for lying on my resume, I've never done that. |
<---*Looks up and starts singing*
Spideyman, Spideyman, Does whatever a spider can, Spins a web, any size, Catches thieves just like flies, Look Outttttttttt! Here comes the Spideyman. |
<---*Looks up and starts singing* Spideyman, Spideyman, Does whatever a spider can, Spins a web, any size, Catches thieves just like flies, Look Outttttttttt! Here comes the Spideyman. That (replacing Spideyman with Spiderman) was the only lullaby I ever sang to my daughter. My memory for song lyrics is terrible, so I couldn't remember any others. |
That (replacing Spideyman with Spiderman) was the only lullaby I ever sang to my daughter. My memory for song lyrics is terrible, so I couldn't remember any others. IM "MISS CLEO!". |