Topic: finish my sentence - part 23 | |
that I am going to fatten up.
Serves her right.. |
cross and a left jab
connects with the right side of...
her big, fat
Bam... |
Bam and Pebbles were
doing the wild thing while..
dino licked bams *** and...
burped that alphabet through his nose.
How odd... |
that Dino began staggering
down the street .
Goodnight... |
Sweetheart. It's time to go.
I hate to leave you, but I really must go. Goodnight Sweetheart Good ...Night. So sang the group . . . |
that comprehend,
a day without sunshine is called night and ... |
sleep well for tomorrow is a ...,
metaphor for hate.
It is.. |
like trying to tickle the devil with...,
the devils own fork.
Sounds interesting.. |
So I'll give it a try right after..,
I get a little bite to eat. Hmmm feel like a bit of...