Topic: finish my sentence - part 23 | |
empty and I need water. Will you help...
a mermaid out of water.
What if it hurts.. |
I will kiss it better.
Be gentle... |
it might squirt.
Then you'll have to call Mrs. ... |
Butterworths. Pancakes always...
know what it is like to be battered.
Now, would you like some . . . |
of my knuckle sandwich.
I will have to charge... |
admission to watch Ice give that to someone. I bet she...
will do something really spectacular, since it's ice..
cream with chocolate syrup
it will be much more spectacular than her jumping out of a cake. Rumor has it she will...
(read this forum and go wtf...)
jump out in a complete BUNNY SUIT (Playboy bunny, that is) and... |
shake her bunny tail until...
anaconda grabs it and...
( guys r funny)
tries to pin it on his nose. Meanwhile.. |
out on the farm, a man stepped in a cow pie.
"Damn it" he hollered as... |
he tried to clean off his shoes but ended up...
creating a big stink
so he went to get a shower and..
discovered that there was no water