Topic: finish my sentence - part 23 | |
yell lick me.
Well all you have to do.. |
is say "Please".
and a robot chicken will attack your foot.
Why would you want that... |
baked instead of fried
while seating on a plate of hash.
I have no clue... |
said Clueless
I wonder.. |
said wonder woman
while she was dancing in the sky.
That's some talent.. |
for the obvious you have. Mind if I...
ride a wild mule backwards.
If you like.. |
I will not promise... |
you can ride with me. But be careful where you...
rest your hands.
What if.. |
I told you a secret. Would you...
hug me and squeeze me and call me...
your little sugar muffin.
You bet.. |
but only till i fall asleep.
Am I... |
going up a steep hill fast.
Hope I... |
there is a well at the top.
\THis bucket is... |