Topic: Testing before marriage
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Wed 05/09/12 05:42 AM
It is now a common practise for young men to get their fiancee pregnant before marriage. They always want to make sure the girl is fertile so as not to have heartaches after marriage. Nobody enjoys a divorce really.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 05/09/12 05:54 AM

It is now a common practise for young men to get their fiancee pregnant before marriage. They always want to make sure the girl is fertile so as not to have heartaches after marriage. Nobody enjoys a divorce really.

If the love and compassion is there it matters none if either one can not have a child.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Fornicating is sex before marriage, thus the scripture says neither fornicators, nor.....

laughsandgiggles's photo
Wed 05/09/12 06:16 AM
well i guess you could say that you have to test drive a car before you buy it.

But is it all on the woman??? Ok so she is fertile- thats great she can have babies- but what if the man is horrible in bed? is she stuck with him? that should also be grounds for divorce! and what if its not the womans fault that there is no baby? its not always our fault ya know! sometimes you guys shoot blanks or have other issues.

Im going to go out on a limb and say that this is a cultural thing for you but i dont agree with it

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Wed 05/09/12 07:12 AM
Edited by CeriseRose on Wed 05/09/12 07:14 AM

It is now a common practise for young men to get their fiancee pregnant before marriage. They always want to make sure the girl is fertile so as not to have heartaches after marriage. Nobody enjoys a divorce really.

"GET" their fiance's pregnant?
I haven't seen where that is a new trend.
Who are "THEY"?

if we are "Christians" posting in this forum, why would we advertise the option.

"Let us not therefore judge one another any more:
but judge this rather,
that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall
in his brother's way.

no photo
Wed 05/09/12 11:17 AM

It is now a common practise for young men to get their fiancee pregnant before marriage. They always want to make sure the girl is fertile so as not to have heartaches after marriage. Nobody enjoys a divorce really.

"GET" their fiance's pregnant?
I haven't seen where that is a new trend.
Who are "THEY"?

if we are "Christians" posting in this forum, why would we advertise the option.

"Let us not therefore judge one another any more:
but judge this rather,
that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall
in his brother's way.

oh no, i would never advocate for such an idea. I just brought it up for open discussion because that's what has become the norm where i live. Is there a way around the issue?

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/09/12 02:11 PM

It is now a common practise for young men to get their fiancee pregnant before marriage. They always want to make sure the girl is fertile so as not to have heartaches after marriage. Nobody enjoys a divorce really.

there is no way to 'make sure' a girl is fertile

fertile women may not get pregnant until late in their twenties,, they may only get pregnant once in their lives,,,

sounds more like an excuse to contimue getting the milk for free,, so to speak,,,

no photo
Wed 05/09/12 05:20 PM

It is now a common practise for young men to get their fiancee pregnant before marriage. They always want to make sure the girl is fertile so as not to have heartaches after marriage. Nobody enjoys a divorce really.

"GET" their fiance's pregnant?
I haven't seen where that is a new trend.
Who are "THEY"?

if we are "Christians" posting in this forum, why would we advertise the option.

"Let us not therefore judge one another any more:
but judge this rather,
that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall
in his brother's way.

oh no, i would never advocate for such an idea. I just brought it up for open discussion because that's what has become the norm where i live. Is there a way around the issue?

Alrighty, Napodan!

The secular world will always do it's thing.
But we know the Lord's way is best.

LyricalCHILD's photo
Mon 05/14/12 05:16 AM

It is now a common practise for young men to get their fiancee pregnant before marriage. They always want to make sure the girl is fertile so as not to have heartaches after marriage. Nobody enjoys a divorce really.

hahahahaaaa! This is funny, lol. Somewhere in the bible, lol, the word of God says that "the righteous shall live by faith" so I do not care if the doctor tells me that my womb is dried up and I will never have kids, blah blah blah. We serve the living God, Jesus Christ who conquered death lives in us! Is anything too hard for God who created the universe out of nothing but words?! Surely He can give you a child, just like He gave Sarah and Abraham in their old age. So I wish someone would try that line with me so I can laugh in their face and ask them "are you for real?!"

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 05/14/12 05:19 AM

It is now a common practise for young men to get their fiancee pregnant before marriage. They always want to make sure the girl is fertile so as not to have heartaches after marriage. Nobody enjoys a divorce really.

hahahahaaaa! This is funny, lol. Somewhere in the bible, lol, the word of God says that "the righteous shall live by faith" so I do not care if the doctor tells me that my womb is dried up and I will never have kids, blah blah blah. We serve the living God, Jesus Christ who conquered death lives in us! Is anything too hard for God who created the universe out of nothing but words?! Surely He can give you a child, just like He gave Sarah and Abraham in their old age. So I wish someone would try that line with me so I can laugh in their face and ask them "are you for real?!"

Amen, with God all things are possible. There are no "You can'ts, impossible, or anything of such".

The only thing holding anyone back from anything, even when it comes to having a child, is themselves. With enough faith you could move the world to a different location.

LyricalCHILD's photo
Mon 05/14/12 05:24 AM

If the love and compassion is there it matters none if either one can not have a child.

Aaaaah man, this guy is too sweet! Now this is the kind of attitude we are looking for, lol.

But seriasly, if you cannot be with someone merely because they cannot give you a child, how will you handle other matters like if your other half (God-forbid) lose their sight or become paralized? If your intentions are pure, it matters not what lies on the road ahead because you got married for the right reasons.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 05/14/12 05:28 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Mon 05/14/12 05:29 AM

If the love and compassion is there it matters none if either one can not have a child.

Aaaaah man, this guy is too sweet! Now this is the kind of attitude we are looking for, lol.

But seriasly, if you cannot be with someone merely because they cannot give you a child, how will you handle other matters like if your other half (God-forbid) lose their sight or become paralized? If your intentions are pure, it matters not what lies on the road ahead because you got married for the right reasons.

If the love is there, nothing else matters.

Prime exmample of this, would be, say two get married. Then later on find out either one could not have a child. This should not effect the marriage itself. For in the vows taken in the marriage, it is "for better or worse".

Gotta love the person, not what you could get from the person and or what you could do with the person. Love the person themself, nothing else matters.

no photo
Mon 05/14/12 01:25 PM
Edited by CeriseRose on Mon 05/14/12 01:41 PM

If the love and compassion is there it matters none if either one can not have a child.

Aaaaah man, this guy is too sweet! Now this is the kind of attitude we are looking for, lol.

But seriasly, if you cannot be with someone merely because they cannot give you a child, how will you handle other matters like if your other half (God-forbid) lose their sight or become paralized? If your intentions are pure, it matters not what lies on the road ahead because you got married for the right reasons.

If the love is there, nothing else matters.

Prime exmample of this, would be, say two get married. Then later on find out either one could not have a child. This should not effect the marriage itself. For in the vows taken in the marriage, it is "for better or worse".

Gotta love the person, not what you could get from the person and or what you could do with the person. Love the person themself, nothing else matters.

There's no denying it, ...we marry for benefits. Whatever the need(s) may be.
It's the same with both parties.

But love and honor should be the purpose and our intentions toward one another.