Topic: Christian group with signs at a Gay Pride event
msharmony's photo
Sat 04/28/12 10:10 AM

Many would disagree that God is a myth. If that is your belief that is fine. But stop pretending it is a stayement of fact. There is no basis for that belief exceptactually having that belief.

Just like those who believe in god should
stop pretending it's a fact he exists?

Most Christians state it as a belief. Even look at the Catholic Churches creed. The first line is. I BELIEVE IN one God. Right there it says believe. That is why it's called faith. Because if you knew for sure then you couldn't have faith.

faith and fact are opposites... saying there are bears in the woods is a fact, saying there are dragons is faith... just because someone believes something doesn't make it a fact... you argued that in the 911 treads...

faith and fact are not opposites,, I have faith my dad is my dad but I never had a dna test to PROVE it. THAt has nothing to do with whether a dna test would indeed prove my belief to be true.

people can have faith in many things and some may turn out to be factual and some may not.

ummm... if you have faith that your dad is your father, then you don't know.... not a fact...

Did you see the definition of fact I put? A fact is something which can be proven. Just because you don't know your father is truly your father doesn't mean it isn't a fact. For example. A child may not know the sun is at the center of our solar system but it is still a fact.

It us important to know this definition as politicians will use it. You have seen candidates running commercials saying Fact.... about the other candidate. They can give false information but ad long as that information can be disproven it is still a fact. As a fact doesn't have to be true in these sense.

if its not true, its not a fact,, but the term is often inappropriately used in advertising, both political and otherwise,,,,

no photo
Sat 04/28/12 10:17 AM

Agnostics believe that the existence of god is unknown, correct? Rather than lacking belief that there is a god.

those words have become subjectively used over the years, depends upon whom you ask

my source, WEbsters dictionary ,, says this

atheist: one who believes THERE IS NO DEITY

agnostic: a person who believes that any ultimate reality (like God)is unknown and probably unknowable

Yes. That is what I said.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 04/29/12 01:43 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Sun 04/29/12 01:43 PM

I think I get what you're saying...DNA does not make your dad your dad, the relationship the two of you share is what makes him your dad....However DNA does determine if he is in "fact" your biological father......

I thought MsHarmony was saying that facts are true whether are not we personally have evidence to support the fact.

I thought her point was that faith and facts are not opposites - indeed we must, every time we believe in something without evidence, have faith in it.

And I feel that you, Leigh, are introducing a cool new semantic twist, which is: differentiating between an father defined by feelings and relationships, and father defined by genetics.


faith means you could be wrong, however small a chance... fact means it has been proven, so no chance of being wrong... as i said before, just because you want something to be true does not mean that it is...

i had faith that i would win the lottery... fact is i didn't and probably wont...

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/29/12 03:05 PM

I think I get what you're saying...DNA does not make your dad your dad, the relationship the two of you share is what makes him your dad....However DNA does determine if he is in "fact" your biological father......

I thought MsHarmony was saying that facts are true whether are not we personally have evidence to support the fact.

I thought her point was that faith and facts are not opposites - indeed we must, every time we believe in something without evidence, have faith in it.

And I feel that you, Leigh, are introducing a cool new semantic twist, which is: differentiating between an father defined by feelings and relationships, and father defined by genetics.


faith means you could be wrong, however small a chance... fact means it has been proven, so no chance of being wrong... as i said before, just because you want something to be true does not mean that it is...

i had faith that i would win the lottery... fact is i didn't and probably wont...

yes, and people who won, likewise had FAITH

so, they are not opposites,, one is just inclusive of the other,,,

mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/30/12 08:53 AM

I think I get what you're saying...DNA does not make your dad your dad, the relationship the two of you share is what makes him your dad....However DNA does determine if he is in "fact" your biological father......

I thought MsHarmony was saying that facts are true whether are not we personally have evidence to support the fact.

I thought her point was that faith and facts are not opposites - indeed we must, every time we believe in something without evidence, have faith in it.

And I feel that you, Leigh, are introducing a cool new semantic twist, which is: differentiating between an father defined by feelings and relationships, and father defined by genetics.


faith means you could be wrong, however small a chance... fact means it has been proven, so no chance of being wrong... as i said before, just because you want something to be true does not mean that it is...

i had faith that i would win the lottery... fact is i didn't and probably wont...

yes, and people who won, likewise had FAITH

so, they are not opposites,, one is just inclusive of the other,,,

one is a probability, while the other is a conclusion... not the same...

khiwarrior's photo
Mon 04/30/12 09:08 AM
thats awesome

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 09:36 AM
Harmony and Mighty Mojo :tongue: I'm giving both of you an A+.....:banana: :banana: :banana:

mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/30/12 09:37 AM

Harmony and Mighty Mojo :tongue: I'm giving both of you an A+.....:banana: :banana: :banana:

woohoo!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 04/30/12 06:41 PM
Since I posted the original comments BELOW my responses, I will only quote portions which are being addressed.

1. as a christian, I may not even want a school teaching my kid about sex in the first place, in which case I can choose (like an atheist) to opt out and teach them what I want, how I want to, at home.

my personal view is that sex education does not have to include information on EVERY variation of sex, it only needs to explain how to not catch disease or where babies come from, , there is no NEED to address it as homosexual because the parts are the same regardless of the relationship,,MALE FEMALE,,,Vaginal or ANAL or oral,,,,

bringing sexual preference into it only forces parents children to be exposed to things which they may have no other reason to be exposed to,,,,children, regardless of sexual preference, do well to know where babies come from and know about the PARTS of the male or female human body.

I see it as more shoving sexual preference down impressionable kids throats to insist that homosexual be mentioned in a sex education class. Sex, Male , and Female along with the anatomy is really all thats relevant and common to EVERYONE.

Response: to number 1.
I would hope that we could agree that the best education for every child would include scientific information that has been well grounded in fact. Since religious beliefs fail the scientific test then I would likewise hope that the consensus of the vast majority would be to count them as separate categories. Religious beliefs are sufficiently abundant as to be deemed a field of study on their own – such “World religions” or simply “theology”.

For the minority who feel differently, THEY do have the option of teaching what they believe to be fact, in the privacy of their own home and avoid the need for teachers to confuse students by suggesting that religious beliefs are on the same par in useful knowledge as science.

To simply state to an adolescent (12 & up- don’t confuse the age bracket) that they can get a diseases through the sex act, is totally inadequate. If the purpose of the lesson is to prevent pregnancy, which also opposes many religious views, then providing detailed information about the options for preventing pregnancy would be logical.

BUT today, we must be concerned about many other diseases which have a strong link to sexual activity. (unless of course sticking one’s head in the ‘sand of denial’ is how one views the world.) Understanding homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgender propensity may be a vital component for bringing awareness to BOTH hetero- and homo-sexuals of how disease transmission may affect them - all.

Also, with such discussion, it is possible, and likely, that via the unbiased inclusion of this information, students, regardless of sexual identity or question of identity, will be seen as being treated equally by the educational system. Less bias on the part of authority figures tends to lead to more inclusiveness for the students.

I dont feel 'punished' because the law doesnt see my situation with EXACTLY the same privileges (or responsibilities) as those who have committed to each other before creating and raising a child together. THat is something that should continue to be encouraged as the most IDEAL gift we can give children for their foundation in a growingly complicated world.

So we hold different opinions. My opinion is that the lack of a marriage contract, does not make it ok for someone living in my household to be violently abusive. Apparently you feel differently and think that protection against domestic violence should only pertain to married couples. Different points of view I guess.

3. As a christian, I can be prevented from raising my child if the other parent has more money or more resources because of the 'balance' that culture has legislated as expected or healthy for a child

In what court of law, in this country, can a person be prevented from raising their child just because the parent is a Christian?

I dont agree with preventing people by law from raising there children for any reason but abuse

I was not suggesting that you believe that, I was simply providing facts about what IS happening in the realm of legislation under the auspices of many Christian believers.

There are too many assumptions made in the beginning of number 4 which are partially based on the lack of acknowledgement of actual world history and some assumptions made about human’s ability to change, that are only subjective opinion. But when someone says, I am in pain, it is not generally a proper response to say – “you can change that, we can all change anything.”

WE never hear people 'blame' christians for legislation against murder even though its a pretty specific CHRISTIAN doctrine. BUt people often 'blame' christians for any other restrictive legislation if they are able to find it anywhere in a bible. As if people would not possibly hold those values and opinions without religion.

I think it would be difficult in a country founded on the principles of freedom and liberty and further developed on the basis of equality, not to find a consistent human rights factor in its laws. (human rights being those things that majority of people consider proper morality) I also find it difficult to believe that anyone would consider that violence and theft among other moralities evolved only through Christian beliefs.
However, there is no doubt that the examples of legislation which were previously presented are procuct of and based on Christians and their beliefs. (not saying that ALL Christians hold the same beliefs)

Number 5
5.As a christian, I often wonder why history only teaches about the 'good stuff' our founders achieved and doesnt mention any of their less than desirable actions or behaviors, to the point where they are REVERED even though they were no more or less flawed than any other person.

There are enough accounts of world history to fill a huge library. When a public school system teaches about its country’s history to its students, would it not make sense to teach it in a way that supports ‘nationalism’, and respect for the country, its founders, and its laws.

If you want to give credit to Christians for something, consider who made the school curriculum when public schools began? It’s their view of history that you are questioning. If you don’t believe me – check the history.

I dont know that history really deals in sexual preference even of heterosexuals unless to mention whom someone was married to, nor do I understand what sexual preference would have to do with studying achievements.

Not true – there is a wealth of ‘world’ history that deals with sexuality in all its forms. In many cases, the history has been supported and expanded through the study of anthropology and archeology. Most cultures at one time or another have accepted various forms of sexuality, and in some cases, societies have even supported homosexuality, and elevated transgendered individuals to places of honor.

Giving people credit in history for their accomplishments does not require wrapping their identity up in those labels anymore than sexual preference has anything to do with what one has accomplished, unlike race or gender which are harder to hide 'in a closet' so to speak and out in the open for all to see and put obstacles up against.

When something as important as sexual identity is hidden, it tends to be something to fear and distrust, which is why it is so important that young people be exposed to the truth about sexuality via historical documentation. Not only is it necessary for children to identify with respected heroes who are like them but it is also necessary that every child understand that heroes are not restrained or limited by their sexuality or gender.

The more children understand that sexual identity is not a factor that prohibits or limits a person’s ability, the less likely they will be to grow up with bias that segregates and diminishes the character of so-labeled individuals.

Number 6
It would help me to understand and respond to your point of view if you could provide some examples.

Original text to which I responded

alot here but I will try to address how common these issues are to both sides

1. as a christian, I may not even want a school teaching my kid about sex in the first place, in which case I can choose (like an atheist) to opt out and teach them what I want, how I want to, at home.

my personal view is that sex education does not have to include information on EVERY variation of sex, it only needs to explain how to not catch disease or where babies come from, , there is no NEED to address it as homosexual because the parts are the same regardless of the relationship,,MALE FEMALE,,,Vaginal or ANAL or oral,,,,

bringing sexual preference into it only forces parents children to be exposed to things which they may have no other reason to be exposed to,,,,children, regardless of sexual preference, do well to know where babies come from and know about the PARTS of the male or female human body.

I see it as more shoving sexual preference down impressionable kids throats to insist that homosexual be mentioned in a sex education class. Sex, Male , and Female along with the anatomy is really all thats relevant and common to EVERYONE.

2. The law doesnt forbid me from any relation I want. The law also does nothing to promote or encourage me to make the CHOICE to raise a child without a father, or to marry someone with the same parentage, than it promotes the choice of a homosexual to raise children with only one gender to guide them or to marry someone with the same anatomy.

I dont feel 'punished' because the law doesnt see my situation with EXACTLY the same privileges (or responsibilities) as those who have committed to each other before creating and raising a child together. THat is something that should continue to be encouraged as the most IDEAL gift we can give children for their foundation in a growingly complicated world.

3. As a christian, I can be prevented from raising my child if the other parent has more money or more resources because of the 'balance' that culture has legislated as expected or healthy for a child, much like the balance of mother and father that culture determines to be healthy for a child is often argued to try to deny homosexual pairings form raising children.

I dont agree with preventing people by law from raising there children for any reason but abuse. Im sure many atheists agree with me. Im also equally sure that there are many atheists who also arent too supportive of the idea of father father child rearing or mother mother child rearing. Although those who would oppose a biological parents right to raise a child must be the extreme on either side.

4. As a christian, it troubles me that people try to force the notion that humans are 'unchangable' in any character trait, tendency, preference or whatever, the same way it troubles non christians when the notion is forced that things like homosexuality CAN indeed be changed.

I believe before there were millions of christians, before there was a bible, there were people who believed those things or they would never have written them down. I believe its false logic to assume those particular objections are the effect of religion in isolation as opposed to culture, environment, and any other number of factors that help build an individuals 'values' as they grow and experience life. WE never hear people 'blame' christians for legislation against murder even though its a pretty specific CHRISTIAN doctrine. BUt people often 'blame' christians for any other restrictive legislation if they are able to find it anywhere in a bible. As if people would not possibly hold those values and opinions without religion.

5.As a christian, I often wonder why history only teaches about the 'good stuff' our founders achieved and doesnt mention any of their less than desirable actions or behaviors, to the point where they are REVERED even though they were no more or less flawed than any other person. I dont know that history really deals in sexual preference even of heterosexuals unless to mention whom someone was married to, nor do I understand what sexual preference would have to do with studying achievements.

Who a person is is not wrapped up in their sexual preference or their dietary preference or their taste in music. Giving people credit in history for their accomplishments does not require wrapping their identity up in those labels anymore than sexual preference has anything to do with what one has accomplished, unlike race or gender which are harder to hide 'in a closet' so to speak and out in the open for all to see and put obstacles up against. ANd bulling also doesnt require going into peoples preferences. Bullying is about behavior, it only needs to be addressed as an unhealthy and unfavorable behavior. The root cause of bullying is 'difference' of any type and that covers all subcategories of the bullied like smart kids, poor kids, fat kids, homeless kids, homosexual kids,,etc. ITs universal enough without making it ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY.

6. Behavior has to be visible to determine that its 'irrational'. Christians are highly exposed. What atheists do doesnt have quite the same open exposure. How often do you hear a news piece where they even mention someones affiliation with religion UNLESS they are religious? All those times its not mentioned at all, its possible those people are atheists but it isnt CALLED OUT in the same manner as it is for 'religious'.

in any case,, my point was only to say that we are all flawed, and we could all do to be more aware of whether we are addressing behaviors or just insulting humans,,,whatever our beliefs,,,

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/30/12 08:17 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 04/30/12 08:20 PM
anatomy is science, it is perfectly logical to teach about disease and pregnancy/prevention in terms of ANATOMY of male and female without having to stress a 'sexual preference'

I am in disagreement that 'children' have yet developed a 'permanent' identity of any type, including sexual, except where society emphasizes that they should,,,,so seeing common adults in history (in my opinion) has no relevance to sexual preference because the children are not yet sexual ADULTS like those discussed in history,,,

I dont know of any law that protects the married LESS Than the unmarried where domestic abuse is in question,, if anything, it seems to protect them less,,,,

I wasnt saying being christian prevents me from being able to raise my children, but the choice to stay home and take care of my children(a somewhat christian approach regarding gender roles) as opposed to working outside the home might

likewise, the law doesnt stop a homosexual from raising their children, although it may frown upon a parent making the choice to raise the child with someone of the same gender,,,

these are cultural BALANCES,,,(nurture AND finance, male AND female,,,foundations for children)

when someone says they are in pain , quite literally, than of course 'changing' it would not be semantically progressive, but certainly the same sentiment could be progressively shared with something like 'working through' it

someone in pain is capable of 'working through' it,, which is a more considerate way of saying they can change their situation,,,and their perspective,,,

there is doubt IN MY MIND that legislation passed is specifically the result of 'religion',,,,although it is often the scapegoat...but before 'religious' doctrines were written down people thought about those values/morals/ideas and put them to paper,, no indication that that would change whether or not we had something formally called 'religion',,,,

we have a culture which allows people to accept or not accept whatever they want, I dont think that has changed, but the point I was making about revolving historical discussion around someones 'sexual preference' was that it isnt done with heterosexuality either unless to discuss a spouse if one is married,,,,

I Dont really think people can truly know someones sexual preference (without them exclaiming it or pronouncing it) to record it historically,, for all we know Columbus may have had a different man every night, or a different woman, and neither would be relevant to his 'historical contribution'

Chazster's photo
Mon 04/30/12 08:54 PM

Many would disagree that God is a myth. If that is your belief that is fine. But stop pretending it is a stayement of fact. There is no basis for that belief exceptactually having that belief.

Just like those who believe in god should
stop pretending it's a fact he exists?

Most Christians state it as a belief. Even look at the Catholic Churches creed. The first line is. I BELIEVE IN one God. Right there it says believe. That is why it's called faith. Because if you knew for sure then you couldn't have faith.

faith and fact are opposites... saying there are bears in the woods is a fact, saying there are dragons is faith... just because someone believes something doesn't make it a fact... you argued that in the 911 treads...

faith and fact are not opposites,, I have faith my dad is my dad but I never had a dna test to PROVE it. THAt has nothing to do with whether a dna test would indeed prove my belief to be true.

people can have faith in many things and some may turn out to be factual and some may not.

ummm... if you have faith that your dad is your father, then you don't know.... not a fact...

Did you see the definition of fact I put? A fact is something which can be proven. Just because you don't know your father is truly your father doesn't mean it isn't a fact. For example. A child may not know the sun is at the center of our solar system but it is still a fact.

It us important to know this definition as politicians will use it. You have seen candidates running commercials saying Fact.... about the other candidate. They can give false information but ad long as that information can be disproven it is still a fact. As a fact doesn't have to be true in these sense.

if its not true, its not a fact,, but the term is often inappropriately used in advertising, both political and otherwise,,,,

Yes it is

Alternatively, fact may also indicate an allegation or stipulation of something that may or may not be a "true fact",[6] (e.g., "the author's facts are not trustworthy"). This alternate usage, although contested by some, has a long history in standard English.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, "Fact has a long history of usage in the sense 'allegation'" AHD_4th_Ed. The OED dates this use to 1729

RKISIT's photo
Wed 05/02/12 06:00 AM

Many would disagree that God is a myth. If that is your belief that is fine. But stop pretending it is a stayement of fact. There is no basis for that belief exceptactually having that belief.

Just like those who believe in god should
stop pretending it's a fact he exists?

Most Christians state it as a belief. Even look at the Catholic Churches creed. The first line is. I BELIEVE IN one God. Right there it says believe. That is why it's called faith. Because if you knew for sure then you couldn't have faith.
this is funny chit here you put your faith into something claim it to be true and act like it exist when in reality you don't even know 100% that your deity even exist.Faith in God is real,but God isn't.Atheist don't believe God doesn't exist we know God doesn't exist.Muschristews are like "prove he doesn't" thats hard to do when something doesn't exist.Thing is other than the bible theres no other evidence that this thing does exist.

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/02/12 09:29 AM

Many would disagree that God is a myth. If that is your belief that is fine. But stop pretending it is a stayement of fact. There is no basis for that belief exceptactually having that belief.

Just like those who believe in god should
stop pretending it's a fact he exists?

Most Christians state it as a belief. Even look at the Catholic Churches creed. The first line is. I BELIEVE IN one God. Right there it says believe. That is why it's called faith. Because if you knew for sure then you couldn't have faith.
this is funny chit here you put your faith into something claim it to be true and act like it exist when in reality you don't even know 100% that your deity even exist.Faith in God is real,but God isn't.Atheist don't believe God doesn't exist we know God doesn't exist.Muschristews are like "prove he doesn't" thats hard to do when something doesn't exist.Thing is other than the bible theres no other evidence that this thing does exist.

that kind of sounds like the mirror accusation to christians 'faith' in something that there is no 'proof' of

Im reminded of a saying in response,,,,absence of proof is not PROOF of abasence

not knowing about something doesnt prove that something isnt there,,,,

RKISIT's photo
Wed 05/02/12 09:51 AM

Many would disagree that God is a myth. If that is your belief that is fine. But stop pretending it is a stayement of fact. There is no basis for that belief exceptactually having that belief.

Just like those who believe in god should
stop pretending it's a fact he exists?

Most Christians state it as a belief. Even look at the Catholic Churches creed. The first line is. I BELIEVE IN one God. Right there it says believe. That is why it's called faith. Because if you knew for sure then you couldn't have faith.
this is funny chit here you put your faith into something claim it to be true and act like it exist when in reality you don't even know 100% that your deity even exist.Faith in God is real,but God isn't.Atheist don't believe God doesn't exist we know God doesn't exist.Muschristews are like "prove he doesn't" thats hard to do when something doesn't exist.Thing is other than the bible theres no other evidence that this thing does exist.

that kind of sounds like the mirror accusation to christians 'faith' in something that there is no 'proof' of

Im reminded of a saying in response,,,,absence of proof is not PROOF of abasence

not knowing about something doesnt prove that something isnt there,,,,
yeah but your mentioning about a deity,that formed man in his own image not blackholes or pulsars or quasars,your talking about the deity you believe that created the universe.It's amazing how your deity just left ya'll in limbo with those infamous words "free will".Yet it or whatever it is won't do anything like he did in the bible to show it's "glory".It's just simply amazing.

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/02/12 11:49 AM

Many would disagree that God is a myth. If that is your belief that is fine. But stop pretending it is a stayement of fact. There is no basis for that belief exceptactually having that belief.

Just like those who believe in god should
stop pretending it's a fact he exists?

Most Christians state it as a belief. Even look at the Catholic Churches creed. The first line is. I BELIEVE IN one God. Right there it says believe. That is why it's called faith. Because if you knew for sure then you couldn't have faith.
this is funny chit here you put your faith into something claim it to be true and act like it exist when in reality you don't even know 100% that your deity even exist.Faith in God is real,but God isn't.Atheist don't believe God doesn't exist we know God doesn't exist.Muschristews are like "prove he doesn't" thats hard to do when something doesn't exist.Thing is other than the bible theres no other evidence that this thing does exist.

that kind of sounds like the mirror accusation to christians 'faith' in something that there is no 'proof' of

Im reminded of a saying in response,,,,absence of proof is not PROOF of abasence

not knowing about something doesnt prove that something isnt there,,,,
yeah but your mentioning about a deity,that formed man in his own image not blackholes or pulsars or quasars,your talking about the deity you believe that created the universe.It's amazing how your deity just left ya'll in limbo with those infamous words "free will".Yet it or whatever it is won't do anything like he did in the bible to show it's "glory".It's just simply amazing.

its amazing to believe that if something hasnt happened to or for you it hasnt happened to or for anyone else,,,,,

no photo
Wed 05/02/12 05:49 PM

After reading the signs, a gay man ran up to one of the Christians and grabbed him, squeezing so hard he had trouble breathing.

thats a line gays don't need to cross with me... i can't think of any reason i would want a gay man to hug me....

You might get turned on?

laugh laugh laugh

What about a gay woman? Can she hug you without creeping you out?

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/03/12 04:44 PM

After reading the signs, a gay man ran up to one of the Christians and grabbed him, squeezing so hard he had trouble breathing.

thats a line gays don't need to cross with me... i can't think of any reason i would want a gay man to hug me....

You might get turned on?

laugh laugh laugh

What about a gay woman? Can she hug you without creeping you out?

i'll take a hug from any women... but no guys...

no photo
Thu 05/03/12 05:01 PM

After reading the signs, a gay man ran up to one of the Christians and grabbed him, squeezing so hard he had trouble breathing.

thats a line gays don't need to cross with me... i can't think of any reason i would want a gay man to hug me....

You might get turned on?

laugh laugh laugh

What about a gay woman? Can she hug you without creeping you out?

i'll take a hug from any women... but no guys...

You never even hug male friends or relatives? Are you worried someone is going to think you're gay if you hug a guy?

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/03/12 05:06 PM

After reading the signs, a gay man ran up to one of the Christians and grabbed him, squeezing so hard he had trouble breathing.

thats a line gays don't need to cross with me... i can't think of any reason i would want a gay man to hug me....

You might get turned on?

laugh laugh laugh

What about a gay woman? Can she hug you without creeping you out?

i'll take a hug from any women... but no guys...

You never even hug male friends or relatives? Are you worried someone is going to think you're gay if you hug a guy?

why should i hug a gay guy? what is the point in it? they have their other friends to hug, they don't need it from me...

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/03/12 05:08 PM
I wouldnt want to hug ANYONE walking around in public in their underwear,,,,just saying,,,lol