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Topic: Man is Captive of Woman
teadipper's photo
Sat 03/10/12 12:44 PM
This wholel thread is just plain silly.

1) I have never had to hold a many captive. They have all stayed willingly.

2) Who says we "utilize" men? Not all of us see men as utilitarian. Men are more than a penis with a wallet. They have feelings and thoughts. Hearts and Minds. I do not need to "utilize" a man. I have one around as a choice. A companion. I utilize a knife to cut open my avocado. I utilized an allen wrench to put together pre-fab furniture. Men are meant to be companions and enjoyed.

no photo
Sat 03/10/12 02:19 PM

I don't want any captives...

or is this something that happens despite that?

We know very little of ourselves and often instead of using our head use our emotions.........smokin

possibly but I don't undersstand the connection of your answer to my question

no photo
Sat 03/10/12 02:22 PM

This wholel thread is just plain silly.

1) I have never had to hold a many captive. They have all stayed willingly.

2) Who says we "utilize" men? Not all of us see men as utilitarian. Men are more than a penis with a wallet. They have feelings and thoughts. Hearts and Minds. I do not need to "utilize" a man. I have one around as a choice. A companion. I utilize a knife to cut open my avocado. I utilized an allen wrench to put together pre-fab furniture. Men are meant to be companions and enjoyed.

:thumbsup: well said

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/10/12 02:29 PM
I always thought its cool that males have the XY chromosome, while women are just the X

making it seem, at least genetically, that the woman is a PART of the man,,,instead of vice versa,,,

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 03/10/12 02:39 PM

In "WOMAN" there is a man.
In "MAN" there is no woman.
So man is captive of woman.
Cheer up ladies. Think fresh.
How are you going to utilize your captive man?
And men, what's your new strategy to get yourself free? smokin

lol!! rofl It's even sillier to consider in Russian. Man-Человек Woman-женщина.

no photo
Sat 03/10/12 03:28 PM

I guess this means........

she should be handcuffin me to the bed....


huh bigsmile huh

no photo
Sat 03/10/12 09:43 PM
Edited by singmesweet on Sat 03/10/12 09:44 PM

In "WOMAN" there is a man.
In "MAN" there is no woman.
So man is captive of woman.
Cheer up ladies. Think fresh.
How are you going to utilize your captive man?
And men, what's your new strategy to get yourself free? smokin

I don't have a captive man. So, I can't utilize him.

Bad luck.
(Without any wrong intention) just develop yourself a little bit more and see your man(if any)becomes a captive one. explode

Why is it bad luck? Why do I need to develop myself a little bit more?

well,I think when we deserve something but don't get it
we call it our bad luck.
(When bad luck strikes me I don't repent rather improve myself a little bit more.smokin )

Where was I repenting? I don't remember saying I had bad luck, either. Besides, it's much more fun when they're here willingly. Who wants to have to keep someone captive?!

barun1959's photo
Sun 03/11/12 09:36 AM

Got no desire to be free.

I give myself happily to my woman everyday. My life is good because of her....and I am smart enough to remember the times of loneliness staring at my walls and my art pads for my only company.

I am grateful for her....I am lucky. If this is captivity....I want more!


Total devotion and a 'happy captive' man. Credit goes to both of you. happy

Totage's photo
Sun 03/11/12 10:52 AM

Barun, you have over extended this one, leave it eh. We are who we are, some happy, some not so. By and large we are fulfilled and grow. No point in trying to make people say want YOU want them to.

A WOMAN and a MAN are a happy place by and large, stop stressing.

Enjoy your weekend smile2

I kinda disagree. MAN and WOMAN can actually hinder relationships. When we create these fantasies of the perfect person in our mind, it opens the door for unrealistic expectations and restrictions, which can prevent us from finding what we truly want.

I have always tried to be careful not to create an image of what I thought would be the perfect woman, though I do have preferences and such, I've always tried to keep my expectations and desires as realistic as possible, while remaining open to what was offered.

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