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Topic: Titanic Question
mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/19/12 03:44 PM
i believe the Germans were/are some of the best engineers in the world today. if not but for 2 or 3 major screw ups by Hitler, they would have conquered all of Europe. most all their war machines during WW2 were much better than anything we had to offer, they just tried to take to big of a bite in the war.

metalwing's photo
Mon 03/19/12 04:09 PM

i believe the Germans were/are some of the best engineers in the world today. if not but for 2 or 3 major screw ups by Hitler, they would have conquered all of Europe. most all their war machines during WW2 were much better than anything we had to offer, they just tried to take to big of a bite in the war.

They were better in some and not so great in others. Their big guns were some of the best in the world, especially the 88mm. Their rifles were vastly inferior to the M1. We made the "bomb", not them. Our later ships like the Missouri were far superior to theirs. The English and the US had better fighters with the notable exception to the German jet which was actually invented by the British. The British radar was the best as were the British decoding machines. Their tanks were bigger and had diesel engines. Our smaller tanks were gasoline which tended to burn when hit.

In any case they did bite off more than they could chew.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/19/12 04:16 PM

i believe the Germans were/are some of the best engineers in the world today. if not but for 2 or 3 major screw ups by Hitler, they would have conquered all of Europe. most all their war machines during WW2 were much better than anything we had to offer, they just tried to take to big of a bite in the war.

They were better in some and not so great in others. Their big guns were some of the best in the world, especially the 88mm. Their rifles were vastly inferior to the M1. We made the "bomb", not them. Our later ships like the Missouri were far superior to theirs. The English and the US had better fighters with the notable exception to the German jet which was actually invented by the British. The British radar was the best as were the British decoding machines. Their tanks were bigger and had diesel engines. Our smaller tanks were gasoline which tended to burn when hit.

In any case they did bite off more than they could chew.

the "bomb" was made by German scientists that defected over here.
i'm not real sure what you mean by the jet was british, everyone knows the germans were the first to use them.

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 03/19/12 04:19 PM

No, it would have crumpled the bow but the watertight doors would have
sectioned it off.

The reason the ship sank was because so many plates were damaged along the side that too many compartments flooded.

wrong... watertight integrity was invented by the Germans in WW2, the Bismark was the first ship to have watertight compartments. thats why it was so hard to sink.

The watertight compartments of the Titanic are described here:

thats why i said watertight integrity. 15 watertight compartments (that didn't work)on a 900 foot ship is really nothing. thats why her sister (britanica) ship sank too, same design. The germans were great engineers, and gave the Bismark watertight integrity, by means of smaller compartments and watertight doors that the crew could easily open and shut, and all doors/hatches were shut at all times. but i stand corrected, i did say watertight compartments when i meant watertight integrity. my mistake.

The Titanic was designed to float with a couple of its water tight
compartments flooded. The ship sand because too much of the side of the ship was damaged and too many compartments flooded. Also the watertight bulkheads did not rise all the way to the top of the ship. As one section flooded it cascaded over into the next and so on.

The Bismark was a war ship designed to take a certain amount of damage. The Titanic was a passenger ship. One of the reasons the
Bismark was sunk was because German engineers designed it with a faulty rudder system. The ships single rudder was damaged by a torpedo and the ship was unable to maneuver properly and thus was unable to escape the British pursuit.

i'm not sure about faulty, but it took a hit that damaged it and it could only do circles till it was sunk. and it still took 3 British ships to sink it...

Faulty may not be the word, but inadequate. Most large worships would have two complete rudder systems.

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 03/19/12 04:28 PM

i believe the Germans were/are some of the best engineers in the world today. if not but for 2 or 3 major screw ups by Hitler, they would have conquered all of Europe. most all their war machines during WW2 were much better than anything we had to offer, they just tried to take to big of a bite in the war.

The problem with German engineering during the war was that things were designed too complex. For example the breech lock on the famous eighty-eight had many parts to it. Not user friendly for soldiers out in the field. The typical American lock only had a few parts and was
easily repaired by relatively unskilled G.I.s.

German tanks although far superior to ours as weapon systems were prone to time consuming break downs. The simpler design of the American tanks enabled them to be built in vast quantities and were easier to repair when damaged and put back into action.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/19/12 04:29 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 03/19/12 04:29 PM

No, it would have crumpled the bow but the watertight doors would have
sectioned it off.

The reason the ship sank was because so many plates were damaged along the side that too many compartments flooded.

wrong... watertight integrity was invented by the Germans in WW2, the Bismark was the first ship to have watertight compartments. thats why it was so hard to sink.

The watertight compartments of the Titanic are described here:

thats why i said watertight integrity. 15 watertight compartments (that didn't work)on a 900 foot ship is really nothing. thats why her sister (britanica) ship sank too, same design. The germans were great engineers, and gave the Bismark watertight integrity, by means of smaller compartments and watertight doors that the crew could easily open and shut, and all doors/hatches were shut at all times. but i stand corrected, i did say watertight compartments when i meant watertight integrity. my mistake.

The Titanic was designed to float with a couple of its water tight
compartments flooded. The ship sand because too much of the side of the ship was damaged and too many compartments flooded. Also the watertight bulkheads did not rise all the way to the top of the ship. As one section flooded it cascaded over into the next and so on.

The Bismark was a war ship designed to take a certain amount of damage. The Titanic was a passenger ship. One of the reasons the
Bismark was sunk was because German engineers designed it with a faulty rudder system. The ships single rudder was damaged by a torpedo and the ship was unable to maneuver properly and thus was unable to escape the British pursuit.

i'm not sure about faulty, but it took a hit that damaged it and it could only do circles till it was sunk. and it still took 3 British ships to sink it...

Faulty may not be the word, but inadequate. Most large worships would have two complete rudder systems.

and a dual propulsion system too...live and learn, we learned a lot from the mistakes that were made.

metalwing's photo
Mon 03/19/12 06:32 PM

i believe the Germans were/are some of the best engineers in the world today. if not but for 2 or 3 major screw ups by Hitler, they would have conquered all of Europe. most all their war machines during WW2 were much better than anything we had to offer, they just tried to take to big of a bite in the war.

They were better in some and not so great in others. Their big guns were some of the best in the world, especially the 88mm. Their rifles were vastly inferior to the M1. We made the "bomb", not them. Our later ships like the Missouri were far superior to theirs. The English and the US had better fighters with the notable exception to the German jet which was actually invented by the British. The British radar was the best as were the British decoding machines. Their tanks were bigger and had diesel engines. Our smaller tanks were gasoline which tended to burn when hit.

In any case they did bite off more than they could chew.

the "bomb" was made by German scientists that defected over here.
i'm not real sure what you mean by the jet was british, everyone knows the germans were the first to use them.

Frank Whittle was the first to register a patent for the turbojet engine in 1930. Hans von Ohain was granted a patent for his turbojet engine in 1936. However, Hans von Ohain's jet was the first to fly in 1939. Frank Whittle's jet first flew in in 1941.

Sir Frank Whittle was an English aviation engineer and pilot, the son of a mechanic, Frank Whittle joined the Royal Air Force or RAF as an apprentice. He joined an RAF fighter squadron in 1928 and became a test pilot in 1931. The young RAF officer was only 22 when he first thought to use a gas turbine engine to power an airplane. While often regarded as the father of modern jet propulsion systems, the young Frank Whittle tried without success to obtain official support for study and development of his ideas. He had to persist his research on his own initiative and received his first patent on turbojet propulsion in January 1930.

Germany was the first nation to support jet aircraft but it was actually a British invention.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/19/12 06:35 PM

i believe the Germans were/are some of the best engineers in the world today. if not but for 2 or 3 major screw ups by Hitler, they would have conquered all of Europe. most all their war machines during WW2 were much better than anything we had to offer, they just tried to take to big of a bite in the war.

They were better in some and not so great in others. Their big guns were some of the best in the world, especially the 88mm. Their rifles were vastly inferior to the M1. We made the "bomb", not them. Our later ships like the Missouri were far superior to theirs. The English and the US had better fighters with the notable exception to the German jet which was actually invented by the British. The British radar was the best as were the British decoding machines. Their tanks were bigger and had diesel engines. Our smaller tanks were gasoline which tended to burn when hit.

In any case they did bite off more than they could chew.

the "bomb" was made by German scientists that defected over here.
i'm not real sure what you mean by the jet was british, everyone knows the germans were the first to use them.

Frank Whittle was the first to register a patent for the turbojet engine in 1930. Hans von Ohain was granted a patent for his turbojet engine in 1936. However, Hans von Ohain's jet was the first to fly in 1939. Frank Whittle's jet first flew in in 1941.

Sir Frank Whittle was an English aviation engineer and pilot, the son of a mechanic, Frank Whittle joined the Royal Air Force or RAF as an apprentice. He joined an RAF fighter squadron in 1928 and became a test pilot in 1931. The young RAF officer was only 22 when he first thought to use a gas turbine engine to power an airplane. While often regarded as the father of modern jet propulsion systems, the young Frank Whittle tried without success to obtain official support for study and development of his ideas. He had to persist his research on his own initiative and received his first patent on turbojet propulsion in January 1930.

Germany was the first nation to support jet aircraft but it was actually a British invention.

i didn't know that.. thnx

metalwing's photo
Mon 03/19/12 06:40 PM
Edited by metalwing on Mon 03/19/12 07:01 PM

i believe the Germans were/are some of the best engineers in the world today. if not but for 2 or 3 major screw ups by Hitler, they would have conquered all of Europe. most all their war machines during WW2 were much better than anything we had to offer, they just tried to take to big of a bite in the war.

They were better in some and not so great in others. Their big guns were some of the best in the world, especially the 88mm. Their rifles were vastly inferior to the M1. We made the "bomb", not them. Our later ships like the Missouri were far superior to theirs. The English and the US had better fighters with the notable exception to the German jet which was actually invented by the British. The British radar was the best as were the British decoding machines. Their tanks were bigger and had diesel engines. Our smaller tanks were gasoline which tended to burn when hit.

In any case they did bite off more than they could chew.

the "bomb" was made by German scientists that defected over here.
i'm not real sure what you mean by the jet was british, everyone knows the germans were the first to use them.

The "bomb" was made by a group lead by Robert Oppenheimer, who was born in New York.

One of the main physicists was Ernest Lawrence who invented the method of uranium enrichment, which was the key to success.

Ernest Lawrence was born in Canton, South Dakota and educated at the universities of South Dakota, Minnesota, and Chicago and at Yale University. Lawrence founded the Lawrence Berkeley Lab, the oldest of the national laboratories, in 1931. He was awarded the 1939 Nobel Prize in physics and the Enrico Fermi Award in 1957.

Another key player in the quest for an atomic bomb was Quantum physicist, David Bohm who made contributions in the fields of theoretical physics, philosophy, and neuropsychology. He was part of the group of scientists that invented the atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project. In 1951, he published his now famous book called Quantum Theory.

David Bohm was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He attended Pennsylvania State College and graduated in 1939. He then began his long relationship with Robert Oppenheimer, head of the Manhattan Project team. Bohm worked with Oppenheimer first at the California Institute of Technology for a year, and then at the University of California, Berkeley. At Berkeley, Bohm was introduced to alternative politics.

The main "German" influenced scientist was Edward Teller. Of all the scientists who worked on the U.S. nuclear weapons program none have led more controversial a career than Edward Teller. Described by one Nobel Prize winner in physics as "one of the most thoughtful statesmen of science," and by another as "a danger to all that's important," Teller was recognized by most of his colleagues as being one of the most imaginative and creative physicists alive. But at the same time, his single-minded pursuit of the hydrogen bomb, and his autocratic style alienated many of the scientists he worked with.

The man who would one day be known as the father of the hydrogen bomb in the U.S. was born into a Jewish family on January 15, 1908 in Budapest, Hungary. He grew up during a particularly turbulent time in Hungarian history. Following a briefly successful communist regime in 1919, the country was ruled by a virulently anti-semitic fascist dictator, Nicholas Horthy.

The political upheavals meant the young Teller was only too happy to leave his homeland in 1926 to study in Germany. In 1930 he got his PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Leipzig. Although he accepted a research post in 1931 following his graduation, Teller realized that Hitler's rise to power meant that he should leave Germany as soon as he could. Many years later he told his biographer that "the hope of making an academic career in Germany for a Jew existed before Hitler came and vanished the day he arrived."

He was Hungarian and came to the US as Hitler came to power.

So the atomic Bomb was not an invention of scientists we got from Germany. The Americans were ahead in every aspect.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/19/12 07:06 PM
Scientists Who Invented the Atomic Bomb under the Manhattan Project: Robert Oppenheimer, David Bohm, Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner, Otto Frisch, Rudolf Peierls, Felix Bloch, Niels Bohr, Emilio Segre, James Franck, Enrico Fermi, Klaus Fuchs and Edward Teller. View a copy of the letter Einstein wrote Roosevelt that prompted the Manhattan Project.

Robert Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904.

David Bohm was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

Leo Szilard was born in Budapest.

Niels Bohr was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, on October 7, 1885

Eugene Wigner was born in Budapest, Austria-Hungary,(jewish)

Otto Frisch was Jewish, born in Vienna, Austria in 1904

Rudolf Peierls was born June 5, 1907, Berlin – was a German-born British physicist (Jewish)

Felix Bloch was born in Zürich, Switzerland to Jewish parents

Emilio Segrè was born into a Sephardic Jewish family[2] in Tivoli, near Rome

James Franck (26 August 1882 – 21 May 1964) was a German physicist and Nobel laureate.

Enrico Fermi was born in Rome

Klaus Emil Julius Fuchs (29 December 1911 – 28 January 1988) was a German-British theoretical physicist and atomic spy who in 1950 was convicted of supplying information from the American, British and Canadian atomic bomb research (the Manhattan Project) to the USSR during and shortly after World War II. While at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Fuchs was responsible for many significant theoretical calculations relating to the first fission weapons and later, the early models of the hydrogen bomb, the first fusion weapon.[1][2]

Edward Teller (Hungarian: Teller Ede; January 15, 1908 – September 9, 2003) was a Hungarian-American theoretical physicist, known colloquially as "the father of the hydrogen bomb", even though he claimed he did not care for the title.

huh you are right, i always thought the germans had more to do with it than they did...

Denman78's photo
Sat 06/09/12 06:06 AM
Wow! wiv mightymoe n metalwing av bn realy educated.what a read!

no photo
Wed 06/13/12 03:28 PM

The Titanic was doomed from the moment men decried...

'Even God could not sink this ship...'

Why in the world would anyone tempt fate in this way?

Have you ever heard of the conspiracy theory surrounding the Titanic?

no photo
Wed 06/13/12 04:06 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 06/13/12 04:07 PM
Here is a very interesting theory(documentary) about the Titanic being switched with the Olympic and sank on purpose.


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