Topic: Defining a Christian
no photo
Tue 03/06/12 06:01 PM

Yeah, not digging it in THAT way though, haha. :) you two, ya know.. an e-"couple"?

No, we are just a standard couple. :wink:

Awe, congrats. :D

I'm happy for you both. <3

Thank you. drinker

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 03/06/12 06:34 PM

Me too. love

Careful now, I'm like a stray cat: If you feed me, you'll never get rid of me.

Why do you think I've already planned the menu for Friday? :wink:

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/06/12 08:50 PM

A "Christ"ian is one whom obey Jesus "Christ"

Titles such as roman catholic, baptists, ect, those are just titles. They are meaningless. Jesus won't come to judge who's a catholic, Christian, ect. He will come to judge on whom followed or didn't follow the laws he has given us.

Us being separated with the different beliefs again such as "Catholic, Christian, ect" gives Satan more power. It keeps us divided amongst one another. Not saying I'm not at fault with this particular statement here, but we are separated because of our ego's and pride. When one finds a belief they feel comfortable with, they reduce the rest to being false. But who's to say that "YOU" have figured out exactly how the scriptures are to be interpretated.

I believe each and every different "denomination" or whatever you wish to call it are wrong in their own individual ways. But have it right in there own individual ways.

Example -

Baptists teach big time of Jesus being the father. Jesus is the father on Earth.

It was either 7th day adventists or pentecostals celebrate their sabbath on Saturday.

Now the Baptists have it right to a degree. Jesus is OUR father, for he is the one whom created us eg., "These are the days when the LORD God made Earth and Heaven". But Jesus' father and Jesus are still two separate "persons", which the baptists don't believe. This is shown in many verses even all the way back to genesis. For if they weren't separate "persons" there would be no reason to separate the two eg., God the father, God the son, God, LORD God, ect.

And the 7th day adventists/pentecostals have it right I do believe on Saturday being the sabbath. For if you look at the calender, Saturday is the last day of the week eg., God made the Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th blessing it. But then that comes into play if our calender is set up as God's lol >.<.

Babtists are every bit as much 'christian' as is anyone else. Even when they do not hold the same conviction as you do in Jesus under a cowboy hat.

Lest you forget. John was the first Babtist and Christ Honored him for it.

Can any christian do less than did their lord?

Each has a measure.

Taken as a whole the diversity is a good thing for mankind.

Diversity is a key to survival.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/06/12 08:55 PM

outside religion you should still and act the same as in church..... there is no difference.... That is what being a christian is. you carry the cross all the time not just on sundays or service days but every day. If everyone acted as there religion atests... Life would be wonderful Sadly they don't.

Please forgive my ignorance...

Why would you want to carry the 'cross'?

Jesus carried it to his death.

But upon his life he walked and carried not a cross but the light of God.

Would it not be better to carry the light of God (which weighs so little it lifts one up to life)?

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 09:27 PM

A "Christ"ian is one whom obey Jesus "Christ"

Titles such as roman catholic, baptists, ect, those are just titles. They are meaningless. Jesus won't come to judge who's a catholic, Christian, ect. He will come to judge on whom followed or didn't follow the laws he has given us.

Us being separated with the different beliefs again such as "Catholic, Christian, ect" gives Satan more power. It keeps us divided amongst one another. Not saying I'm not at fault with this particular statement here, but we are separated because of our ego's and pride. When one finds a belief they feel comfortable with, they reduce the rest to being false. But who's to say that "YOU" have figured out exactly how the scriptures are to be interpretated.

I believe each and every different "denomination" or whatever you wish to call it are wrong in their own individual ways. But have it right in there own individual ways.

Example -

Baptists teach big time of Jesus being the father. Jesus is the father on Earth.

It was either 7th day adventists or pentecostals celebrate their sabbath on Saturday.

Now the Baptists have it right to a degree. Jesus is OUR father, for he is the one whom created us eg., "These are the days when the LORD God made Earth and Heaven". But Jesus' father and Jesus are still two separate "persons", which the baptists don't believe. This is shown in many verses even all the way back to genesis. For if they weren't separate "persons" there would be no reason to separate the two eg., God the father, God the son, God, LORD God, ect.

And the 7th day adventists/pentecostals have it right I do believe on Saturday being the sabbath. For if you look at the calender, Saturday is the last day of the week eg., God made the Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th blessing it. But then that comes into play if our calender is set up as God's lol >.<.

Babtists are every bit as much 'christian' as is anyone else. Even when they do not hold the same conviction as you do in Jesus under a cowboy hat.

Lest you forget. John was the first Babtist and Christ Honored him for it.

Can any christian do less than did their lord?

Each has a measure.

Taken as a whole the diversity is a good thing for mankind.

Diversity is a key to survival.

???? huuhh ?????? I never said they weren't Christian.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/06/12 09:38 PM
you said..

"Now the Baptists have it right to a degree."

I merely pointed out that it should be...

Baptists have it right.

It is their measure of the Cup of Christ.

and so for them is right in more than a degree.

Each of us has a measure.

and that measure fills us to the brim.

In the same manner so also can it be said...

One that puts Faith in the Hindu teachings has it right.

For the Cup is filled by God.

And Christ is but a measure of that draught.

From Adam to Glory, God is with mankind.

filling each their cup in their measure.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 09:46 PM

you said..

"Now the Baptists have it right to a degree."

I merely pointed out that it should be...

Baptists have it right.

It is their measure of the Cup of Christ.

and so for them is right in more than a degree.

Each of us has a measure.

and that measure fills us to the brim.

In the same manner so also can it be said...

One that puts Faith in the Hindu teachings has it right.

For the Cup is filled by God.

And Christ is but a measure of that draught.

From Adam to Glory, God is with mankind.

filling each their cup in their measure.

Would be nice, but would be wrong and pointless for each and every belief to be "true". I find them facinating though, for general knowledge. But regardless then that, only ONE belief could be absolutely true. The different beliefs are to different to possibly be the same "God". You just personally have to find that belief.

no photo
Tue 03/06/12 09:50 PM

Babtists are every bit as much 'christian' as is anyone else. Even when they do not hold the same conviction as you do in Jesus under a cowboy hat.

Lest you forget. John was the first Babtist and Christ Honored him for it.

Can any christian do less than did their lord?

Each has a measure.

Taken as a whole the diversity is a good thing for mankind.

Diversity is a key to survival.

Any Christian can do greater the Jesus.

no photo
Tue 03/06/12 09:52 PM

you said..

"Now the Baptists have it right to a degree."

I merely pointed out that it should be...

Baptists have it right.

It is their measure of the Cup of Christ.

and so for them is right in more than a degree.

Each of us has a measure.

and that measure fills us to the brim.

In the same manner so also can it be said...

One that puts Faith in the Hindu teachings has it right.

For the Cup is filled by God.

And Christ is but a measure of that draught.

From Adam to Glory, God is with mankind.

filling each their cup in their measure.

Would be nice, but would be wrong and pointless for each and every belief to be "true". I find them facinating though, for general knowledge. But regardless then that, only ONE belief could be absolutely true. The different beliefs are to different to possibly be the same "God". You just personally have to find that belief.

God draws each person as He sees fit.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 09:53 PM

Babtists are every bit as much 'christian' as is anyone else. Even when they do not hold the same conviction as you do in Jesus under a cowboy hat.

Lest you forget. John was the first Babtist and Christ Honored him for it.

Can any christian do less than did their lord?

Each has a measure.

Taken as a whole the diversity is a good thing for mankind.

Diversity is a key to survival.

Any Christian can do greater the Jesus.

John 14:12

12Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/06/12 09:55 PM
If one walks...

One finds a belief that links them all.

The world under the Sun of Reality becomes a garden of vast and wonderous beauty.

The veil is sundered and one can see even unto Heaven.

Yet God is still unknowable in His Essence.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 09:55 PM

you said..

"Now the Baptists have it right to a degree."

I merely pointed out that it should be...

Baptists have it right.

It is their measure of the Cup of Christ.

and so for them is right in more than a degree.

Each of us has a measure.

and that measure fills us to the brim.

In the same manner so also can it be said...

One that puts Faith in the Hindu teachings has it right.

For the Cup is filled by God.

And Christ is but a measure of that draught.

From Adam to Glory, God is with mankind.

filling each their cup in their measure.

Would be nice, but would be wrong and pointless for each and every belief to be "true". I find them facinating though, for general knowledge. But regardless then that, only ONE belief could be absolutely true. The different beliefs are to different to possibly be the same "God". You just personally have to find that belief.

God draws each person as He sees fit.

How would that be a loving God? There are beliefs that believe in hurting other's. From giving their lives to kill others and receiving virgins in Heaven, ect. Why would God set us up to destroy one another?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:01 PM

How would that be a loving God? There are beliefs that believe in hurting other's. From giving their lives to kill others and receiving virgins in Heaven, ect. Why would God set us up to destroy one another?

You mean outside putting a tree purposely in the center of a garden..
..knowing all to well what the outcome would be? o.o


None of this pertains to my actual question nor my research paper. :/

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:02 PM
God did not 'set us up'.

Some do not drink from the cup given them.

Free will.

Each choice has consequences.

some measure themselves by the consequences they sow...

Being lost in their own glory and not in the drink offered by God.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:10 PM

How would that be a loving God? There are beliefs that believe in hurting other's. From giving their lives to kill others and receiving virgins in Heaven, ect. Why would God set us up to destroy one another?

You mean outside putting a tree purposely in the center of a garden..
..knowing all to well what the outcome would be? o.o


None of this pertains to my actual question nor my research paper. :/

Don't mean to point out what seems to be obvious, and don't wish to go into great detail on the subject on this forum anyhow. But you seem to be very down in life. What is so horrible about life? Life is great, it is magical. So we die, but God offers eternal life to us once again if we wish to accept such a gift. Is feeling pain in a collection of say 60 years all that bad compared to an eternity of paradise?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:18 PM

How would that be a loving God? There are beliefs that believe in hurting other's. From giving their lives to kill others and receiving virgins in Heaven, ect. Why would God set us up to destroy one another?

You mean outside putting a tree purposely in the center of a garden..
..knowing all to well what the outcome would be? o.o


None of this pertains to my actual question nor my research paper. :/

Don't mean to point out what seems to be obvious, and don't wish to go into great detail on the subject on this forum anyhow. But you seem to be very down in life. What is so horrible about life? Life is great, it is magical. So we die, but God offers eternal life to us once again if we wish to accept such a gift. Is feeling pain in a collection of say 60 years all that bad compared to an eternity of paradise?

My particular life. I am loving it.

This life, as a society, as a whole.

That depresses me.

Although, I'm unsure of where you got this?

Outside that..

YOU say God, eternal life, etc etc.

But it all sounds like hogwash, a fantasy, some delusional people trying to make sense of not only the world in which they live in, but the purpose of life, why do we exist.

..and the best they could come up with, was a fictional novel with magic and legends; a hypocritical leader that has always showed favoritism in one way or another; and those that have argued or stood up against his "authority" were destroyed, their families destroyed, and those who had nothing to do with any of it were caught in the crossfire.

You say he died for our sins..
..sounds to me like he died so God would stop picking on us.
For simply being the way he "intended" for us to be.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:23 PM

How would that be a loving God? There are beliefs that believe in hurting other's. From giving their lives to kill others and receiving virgins in Heaven, ect. Why would God set us up to destroy one another?

You mean outside putting a tree purposely in the center of a garden..
..knowing all to well what the outcome would be? o.o


None of this pertains to my actual question nor my research paper. :/

Don't mean to point out what seems to be obvious, and don't wish to go into great detail on the subject on this forum anyhow. But you seem to be very down in life. What is so horrible about life? Life is great, it is magical. So we die, but God offers eternal life to us once again if we wish to accept such a gift. Is feeling pain in a collection of say 60 years all that bad compared to an eternity of paradise?

My particular life. I am loving it.

This life, as a society, as a whole.

That depresses me.

Although, I'm unsure of where you got this?

Outside that..

YOU say God, eternal life, etc etc.

But it all sounds like hogwash, a fantasy, some delusional people trying to make sense of not only the world in which they live in, but the purpose of life, why do we exist.

..and the best they could come up with, was a fictional novel with magic and legends; a hypocritical leader that has always showed favoritism in one way or another; and those that have argued or stood up against his "authority" were destroyed, their families destroyed, and those who had nothing to do with any of it were caught in the crossfire.

You say he died for our sins..
..sounds to me like he died so God would stop picking on us.
For simply being the way he "intended" for us to be.

and the best they could come up with, was a fictional novel with magic and legends; a hypocritical leader that has always showed favoritism in one way or another; and those that have argued or stood up against his "authority" were destroyed, their families destroyed, and those who had nothing to do with any of it were caught in the crossfire.

God plays no favoritism. And don't know what you're talking about with anyone who stood up against his authority was destroyed and their families, you'll have to be a little more specific, I know not of any knowledge of what you profess.

no photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:26 PM

This is for a paper I'm writing.
Was wondering if I could get some insight.
You know, if you don't mind reading/bearing with me a minute.


"Cult" Has 9 meanings, 1 positive, 4 neutral, 3 negative and 1 really negative.

"Witch" Has roughly 17 meanings, most unrelated but none are all that good.

"Christians" Includes, but not limited to: Fundamentalist and other Evangelical Protestants, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox believers, Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, United Church members, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, etc. Using this definition, Christians total about 75% of the North American adult population (or so was such last I checked).

Some of these Fundamentalists only define a "true Christian" as one that is "Born Again". As we know.

Some Protestant Christian denominations, para-church groups, and individuals have assembled their own lists of cardinal Christian doctrines. Many would regard anyone who denies even one of their cardinal doctrines to be a non-Christian. Unfortunately, there is a wide diversity of belief concerning which historical Christian beliefs should be included in the list.

Other denominations regard their own members to be the only true Christians in the world. Some are quite small, numbering only a few thousand followers. One combination Baptist denomination and homophobic hate group -- the Westboro Baptist Church -- believes that their total membership of slightly under 100 believers will go to Heaven to be with God after they die; they believe that the other 6.7 billion humans in the world are all destined to go to Hell.

So, let us pretend for a moment, that without ANY shadow of a doubt; the Bible is 100% proven truth. No one on Earth is left with ANY possible way, means, or otherwise to declare the Bible to be a 'bunch of hypocrisy and lies'; would this actually settle the debate?

The answer is no. In fact, I think the actual diversity found in beliefs to be far more positive then negative. (Unless, of course you force your beliefs on others.)

I mean it's not like we can use the "Bible's" definition of a Christian now can we? The text of the Bible is ambiguous. I've assessed that there is at least nearly 40 different denominations of "Christians" over my short years.

So in retrospect.

What is a Christian?

"A Christian is any individual or group who devoutly, thoughtfully, seriously, and prayerfully regards themselves to be Christian. That is, they honestly believe themselves to be attempting to follow the teachings of Yeshua of Nazareth (a.k.a. Jesus Christ) as they interpret those teachings to be."

So, after reading this...

What is your opinion on diversity?

Positive, negative?

What do you think this world would have been like and be now if we ALL believed in the same exact interpretation?

Atheists, Agnostics, and Humanists; work with me for a second and just "pretend" that the Bible is such an easily proven fact (like jumping in the ocean will make you wet).

I'm curious as to how the world would be..

It's for a paper I'm writing. -.- (I think I mentioned that.)


Make sure you credit your sources.

You may also want to re-write the plagiarised parts.

Just sayin'

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:29 PM

How would that be a loving God? There are beliefs that believe in hurting other's. From giving their lives to kill others and receiving virgins in Heaven, ect. Why would God set us up to destroy one another?

You mean outside putting a tree purposely in the center of a garden..
..knowing all to well what the outcome would be? o.o


None of this pertains to my actual question nor my research paper. :/

Don't mean to point out what seems to be obvious, and don't wish to go into great detail on the subject on this forum anyhow. But you seem to be very down in life. What is so horrible about life? Life is great, it is magical. So we die, but God offers eternal life to us once again if we wish to accept such a gift. Is feeling pain in a collection of say 60 years all that bad compared to an eternity of paradise?

My particular life. I am loving it.

This life, as a society, as a whole.

That depresses me.

Although, I'm unsure of where you got this?

Outside that..

YOU say God, eternal life, etc etc.

But it all sounds like hogwash, a fantasy, some delusional people trying to make sense of not only the world in which they live in, but the purpose of life, why do we exist.

..and the best they could come up with, was a fictional novel with magic and legends; a hypocritical leader that has always showed favoritism in one way or another; and those that have argued or stood up against his "authority" were destroyed, their families destroyed, and those who had nothing to do with any of it were caught in the crossfire.

You say he died for our sins..
..sounds to me like he died so God would stop picking on us.
For simply being the way he "intended" for us to be.

and the best they could come up with, was a fictional novel with magic and legends; a hypocritical leader that has always showed favoritism in one way or another; and those that have argued or stood up against his "authority" were destroyed, their families destroyed, and those who had nothing to do with any of it were caught in the crossfire.

God plays no favoritism. And don't know what you're talking about with anyone who stood up against his authority was destroyed and their families, you'll have to be a little more specific, I know not of any knowledge of what you profess.

No favoritism? Cain Abel. Egyptians Jews.
Egyptians stood up, said 'No, we will not release them'.
He murdered there INFANT children.

God drove, by the newer standards, Cain into jealousy.

Great Flood, can't tell me everyone was 150 already.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:32 PM
When the paper is written...

The sources can't be credited.

We are only avatars.

our names are not known to the writer.

More than one way to get 'data'.