Topic: Story onion. Just add on to whatever you want.
Oceanus007's photo
Sun 02/12/12 08:44 PM
He came from the shadows. Seemingly a weathered man. Looking to be in his mid twenties. Raven, black, long hair whipping about through the wind. His sea blues orbs looking out towards the direction he was headed. A black leather trench coat hanging on his slender to athletic frame of his body. His mind in a torrent of many thoughts. Past, present, and future thoughts being on his mind most. He'd move to place one leather steel toed boot upon the dirt ground. A small plume of dust kicked up by his feet as he continued to walk down the street. The Moon was out reflecting the light down upon the man's pale white skin. The black hair and black eyeliner about his face contrast to the very white of his flesh. The Coat was opened revealing his chest and abdomen. The black jeans only seeming to be held up by a steel studded belt.

He'd look up towards the crystal clear sky. The stars out as the buildings accentuated the eeriness of where he was. The bag in his left hand would show that he wasn't without the necessities. He took in a breath as he moved past the building. THe man was searching for something. Unseen it seemed as he'd every now and then look behind him. Scanning the area he couldn't help but wonder how he ended up in this town. The shadows tend to give no knowledge. Not a word spoken from his thin lips. His mind wondering, trying to wrap around his very surroundings if he could. Taking it in and looking about. It seemed like a ghost town at close to 2AM.

no photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:01 PM
All of a sudden he noticed a glimmer of light out of the corner of his eyes, he squinted to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, now he was sure it was a light he saw, car headlights steadily approaching. As they got closer he motioned with his hands for the car to stop. It stopped and he again motioned for the driver to roll down his window, he leaned in and said "do you know if there is a Walmart in this town?"

Totage's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:11 PM
As he looked up, to see the face of the driver, the car had mysteriously vanished. As he comes back to reality, the road he was traveling begins to turn into a vacant lot. As he stands amongst the dirt, tall grass, and crumbling remains of what was once a prosperous store, he wonders what the meaning of it all was. Suddenly, a stray black dog appears from the darkness.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:22 PM
Paralyzed with fear, he stands in a puddle of his own pee. The black dog slowly comes towards him...he hears the sounds of growls echo through the chilly night air. Terrified he yells out, nothing.. he tries again and can not make a sound. The black dog is close, he hears the deep breathing. Suddenly the dog is standing on hind legs, giving a "high five" and saying....

Oceanus007's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:25 PM
Edited by Oceanus007 on Sun 02/12/12 09:29 PM
"Sup homie.. What's shakin" Which was odd for a dog to say. The man would wonder how the Dog could do this before long the man high fives the dog back. Then back to reality since the man was obviously hallucinating on that note. He'd notice the black dog once more. Baring his teeth and growling at him. He'd grit his teeth. Smelling of his own urine truly didn't set the greatest of impressions. Before long he'd reach into his bag.

Totage's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:32 PM
The dog bit his wrist, in the same instant the man realizes he has been bitten, but before the pain is registered, the dogs head turns into the hand of a woman, and suddenly there is a woman standing next to him, hold his hand. The woman has an angelic beauty, a pureness about her. The man turns to face her, and they look into each others eyes.

Oceanus007's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:37 PM
Looking upon the animal and how quickly it shifted into a beautiful woman, with blonde flowing locks of hair billowing out behind her. Her fair skin radiating almost illuminating towards him. The warmth of her hand driving his body to become even more confused. His heart begins beating rapidly as he stared into the green eyed beauty before him. He'd go to one knee in front of her. His pristine blues looking up into her face. She'd lean down to face him moving and parting her lips as if to speak before the face takes a violent turn revealing what appeared to be Vampyric fangs, that elongated and move to try and sink into his neck.

newarkjw's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:41 PM
I was hungry. I bought a buritto from a street vendor. Next thing I knew I was in Queens. I needed a slurpee.

Totage's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:44 PM
Just before she sinks her fangs into his neck, the dream suddenly ends. The man is awaken out of bed, by the shrieking sound of the alarm clock. He close his eyes, rolls over and hits the alarm clock to stop the noise. The clock refuses to stop ringing. He quickly grabs the small alarm clock and throws it across the room, stopping in from sounding as he falls back asleep.

Oceanus007's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:46 PM
As the alarm clock hits the wall. It doesn't break as he finally groaned as he got out of the bed. He'd rub his eyes. "Son of a..." He'd say as he moved to throw the blankets off and placed his bare feet onto the cold ground. He'd begin to yawn loudly. Scratching the back of his head before he looked around.

Totage's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:49 PM
As he looks into the bedroom mirror, he notices that his neck is snore, and he sees two marks that appear to be a bite of some sort.

no photo
Mon 02/13/12 12:07 PM
Darn! those mosquitoes, should of remembered to shut the window. Let's see now what have I got to do today! Oh yeah, got to buy some new chain for that darn dog,he keeps getting loose, if I don't the dog catchers gonna lock him up.Walmart should have just what I'm looking for, I better call Marge also, she was pretty peeved at me last night I shouldn't of drunk so much whiskey, took away my car keys and kicked me out that's for sure. What a long walk home. Oh that's right, she said she'd be at the beauty shop, gonna get her hair cut, something shorter, I kind of like her with that long blonde hair though, no talking her out of cutting it, she's a stubborn one. Gosh!, I'm hungover, serves me right.

Totage's photo
Mon 02/13/12 12:33 PM
Just then, the phone rings. He looks at the caller ID on the phone, it's Marge. He contemplates on answering the call, or ignoring it.

no photo
Mon 02/13/12 12:50 PM
I'm gonna have to see my therapist,what's up with Marge changing up her look? Goth look? something short,spiky and neon red? Wonder if she's thinking of dumping me? I'll have a session with Dr. McCoy see what he thinks, he always has good advice.