Topic: Lessons for men and women!
Totage's photo
Sat 02/11/12 08:05 PM
She's a keeper.

no photo
Sat 02/11/12 08:08 PM

She's a keeper.

Lex seemed optomistic......he seems to have disappeared

prolly on his way to fetch her

Totage's photo
Sat 02/11/12 08:11 PM
Aahhh... another Mingle success story.

no photo
Sat 02/11/12 08:15 PM
Daaaamn. So young and already so bitter. My suggestion? Relax a bit. Stop assuming everyone is out to get you. And if someone calls you cute or comments on your looks in a positive way? Say thanks. It's a compliment.

no photo
Sat 02/11/12 08:26 PM

I took wombatinese as a foreign language.

well u better make sure she doesn't want to have babies

we're all tired of hearing Lex whine about dates who talk about their "need to breed"yawn

:heart: :laughing:

I do note, with some trepidation, that "wombat" does contain the word "womb."

no photo
Sat 02/11/12 08:28 PM

I took wombatinese as a foreign language.

well u better make sure she doesn't want to have babies

we're all tired of hearing Lex whine about dates who talk about their "need to breed"yawn

:heart: :laughing:

I do note, with some trepidation, that "wombat" does contain the word "womb."

definitely a slip of the Freudian kind

no photo
Sat 02/11/12 08:47 PM

I took wombatinese as a foreign language.

well u better make sure she doesn't want to have babies

we're all tired of hearing Lex whine about dates who talk about their "need to breed"yawn

:heart: :laughing:

I do note, with some trepidation, that "wombat" does contain the word "womb."

definitely a slip of the Freudian kind

As Freud said, "Sometimes a wombat is just a wombat."

pyxxie13's photo
Sat 02/11/12 08:59 PM
So umm..does that mean you don't want to hear about my mom thinking you're cute? laugh

no photo
Sat 02/11/12 09:19 PM

So umm..does that mean you don't want to hear about my mom thinking you're cute? laugh

Everybody's mom thinks I'm cute. That's what I get for mocking that voodoo priest....

machug's photo
Sat 02/11/12 09:29 PM

So umm..does that mean you don't want to hear about my mom thinking you're cute? laugh

Everybody's mom thinks I'm cute. That's what I get for mocking that voodoo priest....

Awww, are cute. (Yes, that's right, I'm somebody's mom.)
We are still searching for your match darlin!!

no photo
Sat 02/11/12 09:48 PM

So umm..does that mean you don't want to hear about my mom thinking you're cute? laugh

Everybody's mom thinks I'm cute. That's what I get for mocking that voodoo priest....

Awww, are cute. (Yes, that's right, I'm somebody's mom.)
We are still searching for your match darlin!!

We may just thwart that voodoo priest after all!

But let's not tell him....

no photo
Sat 02/11/12 09:54 PM

Ive decided I'm just done trying to find the one. I dnk what it is, but I try and try and try to open up to people. Maybe I'm TOO open I dnk. Maybe what Ive been through pales there issues and they feel its too much. ether way Ive got some advice for you all.

To the men

#1: When you first start talking to a girl and she asks you about your parents, If your like me they recently offed them selves and well this doesn't come across well to women as far as the ideals of your possible sanity goes. just say there doing well, technically they are since there issues are no longer bothering them.

#2: When she immediately starts the conversation with your cute "Or any other variance of the term", add her to your ignore list immediately! The reason for this is simple, if that's the first and probably only thing she noticed about you then shes vane and obviously we don't want a vane woman... With vanity comes a huge self worth problem. Usually stemming from her parents. Which means your gonna have to path her up more then the ****ing Titanic needed.

#3: If the girl shows a huge amount of cleavage in her display pictures, I know this is hard to do but press the back button and go some where else. Obviously she thinks that's all shes worth "Eye candy" since she wants to put her self out there that way. More then likely shes a clinger and overly needy. Now theres nothing wrong with a woman or her needs but like us if its overdone this is a turn off and a sign an impending failure waiting to happen, leaving you heart broken and shattered.

#4: if a woman always listens to her mom, get the **** out now while you can. There is nothing wrong with taking advice but the moment the mother decides she doesn't like you "which 9/10 she will hate you guts simply because her daughter likes you" life will become a living hell, you cant defeat there madness so just walk away while you still can and not get hurt.

Finally #5: If the girl you love/like or w/e never seems to have any thing to talk about and you find your self wanting to talk more but cant think of what to say. Walk away. Obviously the mental summation has worn off and while you make like/love her she obviously is a closed Pandora's box and that's again to much work for the ending result of absolute pain.

To the women

#1: Stop being so critical towards your self and the poor guys, obviously you have your reasons, but hes not your x... Drop the chip on your shoulder and give him a chance!

#2: For god sake Stop listening to your mother if in some way shape or form she was involved with or responsible for more then 1 relationship failure. Your moms got it out for em because shes don't wanna see u grow up, understandable as that may be.
Do your self a favor and go freely into the world and make mistakes, that's how we truly learn, not advice or some one telling us how or what to do.

#3: Just because a guy seems angry or mean, doesn't mean he is in his heart. He could actually have all the love in the world to give but hes just been hurt to many times and rejected more times then he can even dare count. Simply because no one can see beyond the face of the beast the world has chiseled him into. The world is much harsher towards men and there emotions, please remember that.

That's my Dr Phil moment of the day, Enjoy.

Nicholas D.D.
These, as many others,,MIGHT be spot-on,,
They ALSO,,may allow a guy to look-passed his perfect lady for him.
WE can see, read and hear,,many quotes said by women,,and feel its like a broken record of others same thoughts and words.
BUT,,the simple FACT of growing and living is to KNOW.

Being able to have the Patience to listen and hear each one.
Is a gift of really searchingg their hearts for their truths.
Many guys and gals,,THINK shallow,,and NEVER want to really GIVE A TRUE OPENNESS to another person to they pawn them off as whatever variety of group that FITS THEIR MIND AT THAT TIME,,and
NEVER really give them a chance to be felt, in the ALL of what makes them, special as them...
It seems to me that along with this Internet,,WE AS HUMANS have found less tolorence to HEAR and FEEL in others,,as we WANT OUR LOVE RIGHT NOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NOT LATER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AND WE RUSH..
We rush into a romance that is not the best we could have tried..
WE rush,,,giving THEM,,,COMPLETELY, are time and ears to know them and all they have to offer us, within who they live to carry as THEM,,with everyone around their lives...
Then we become tainted ourselves as Humans, unwilling to be open-minded to others feelings and ways that differ from our set of rules or standards? And to ME,,thats much more sad, than just listening to a person,,for awhile....drinker
OH,,,Dr. Phil has ALL my old posts to confer with on his advice given
laugh laugh laugh :banana: :banana: drinker

NicholasDDuncan's photo
Sat 02/11/12 11:28 PM

Daaaamn. So young and already so bitter. My suggestion? Relax a bit. Stop assuming everyone is out to get you. And if someone calls you cute or comments on your looks in a positive way? Say thanks. It's a compliment.

Comes from experience, and Ive earned my bitterness.

navygirl's photo
Sat 02/11/12 11:35 PM
Well, I am not experienced as you in dating but here are my thoughts. I don't talk about my parents and really don't give a crap about his parents as I am trying to get to know him not his parents. I am not a teenager so I don't tell a guy he's cute or anything else. My cleavage doesn't define me as a person; this is why a man needs to actually communicate to me. My mom passed away but if she was alive; I wouldn't listen to her as I am an adult. Never personally been at a loss of words myself but some people can get a tad nervous and may run out of things to say. I can be as critical as I want about myself and it has nothing to do with him. In my experience with divorced guys; the whole time they are whining about their ex-wives. Perhaps the advice you gave women should be passed on to men. I they are angry or mean; they have issues and needs to seek professional help. We have all been rejected and trust me the world is equally harsh to women. There is no need to project your anger on the person you are with. When I have gone through rejection or being dumped; I simply don't date until I am over all the hurt which is the logical thing to do. JMO

no photo
Sat 02/11/12 11:48 PM
I did one of these on a dating site when I was feeliing bitter and and a lot more twisted. Looking at your list brought back the memories. :smile:

no photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:39 AM

Daaaamn. So young and already so bitter. My suggestion? Relax a bit. Stop assuming everyone is out to get you. And if someone calls you cute or comments on your looks in a positive way? Say thanks. It's a compliment.

Comes from experience, and Ive earned my bitterness.

You've earned your bitterness at 24? Yikes. I'd hate to see how bad it gets when you get older. Good luck, man.

no photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:49 AM

Half my age and Jaded already.........

You got a LOT of Life to Live yet.....

Don't complicate it with..........


Relax and go with the.........


smokin drinker smokin

Totage's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:55 AM
RED ALERT! RED ALERT! This is not a drill!

no photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:58 AM

...but thanks for the list of choices that lead to

It's a road map......

Leads to becomming as UNDATEABLE as........

Loraina Bobbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rofl slaphead rofl slaphead rofl

krupa's photo
Sun 02/12/12 10:04 AM
I think for an initial thread...Duncan did pretty good. I just read the first few words of each line. I like the direction. He don't seem like an angry new dumb*** ...I say, we bring him into the circus...we need a monkey juggler.

But, I been getting my 420 on with some extra groovy medical grade and sipping 6.0 Platinums and Grey Goose pear vodka.