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Topic: Feeling guilty about feeling bored :/
Jlb2012's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:59 PM
Our sex life is awesome that part isn't a prob it's just if I suggest something to do together it seems like a burden to him but if a mate or his family asked he is all for it?? I can dress up to go out and he won't want me to wear clothes that would attract attention ?? I don't dress tarty just classy sexy

no photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:08 PM

Our sex life is awesome that part isn't a prob it's just if I suggest something to do together it seems like a burden to him but if a mate or his family asked he is all for it?? I can dress up to go out and he won't want me to wear clothes that would attract attention ?? I don't dress tarty just classy sexy

Dress classy sexy.... for him.

Don't let him dress you down. That is his own insecurity.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:21 PM

Oh I see. So us dudes just THINK we have you gals figured out eh? :wink: laugh

Well, yeah. Duh. whoa

no photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:22 PM

Thanks guys, please don't take me the wrong way I do not have infidelity in my agenda because I wouldn't like it done to me! I have never cheated on any one I guess I just wonder what other couples r up to. I've moved to a new town and only know 2 old girl friends and he seems more interested in everything else :/ yes I have spoken to him and he say "he tries" ??

he tries what

if he really cares, he would be doing not trying

something tells after reading your posts that he has become insecure or disinterested....

no photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:24 PM
One word of advice: COMMUNICATION

Jlb2012's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:48 PM
Thanks ladies I dress like that for myself and him. It's just confusing for me and detrimental to self esteem, it is tiring

lowdrag79's photo
Fri 02/10/12 07:03 PM
New town, new job too?? lot of changes add kids some guys don't communicate there feeling very well. Most of us are shown guys are not to be weak and emotions make you week so we suppress them. First of all don't think its you, some guys cant say whats bothering them as direct as they think. Ask him about his day/ work then let him express his feelings to you.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 02/10/12 09:28 PM

Oh I see. So us dudes just THINK we have you gals figured out eh? :wink: laugh

Well, yeah. Duh. whoa

Oh bite me Ruth! :tongue: :wink:

LoweredExpectations's photo
Mon 02/13/12 08:06 AM
lowdrag79 had a point back there. He noticed the new town and maybe a new job. And you have kids...

That's all important stuff. Setting up a home with kids in a new town is a lot of work. You guys are acting as a team... a partnership with benefits, so to speak.

I didn't catch if you also worked outside the home. That might be important, too. In my previous life, my wife and I moved to a new town with two small children.

Each day, I would leave in the morning at 8:45am and then reappear each evening around 5:30pm. My wife was left without adult interaction for most of the day, and when I returned, she would talk, talk, talk, talk about everything in the home, while I set the table, helped with dinner, managed the children and basically relieved my poor wife from the disaster that had occurred that day.

Many days, I would return home, place my hand on the door knob and lean in to listen. It was always bedlam. I turned briefly and looked at my car still warm in the driveway, then at the road drifting off to the distance, but soon, I would take a deep breath, turn the knob and let myself in.

Yes, each day, the cavalry arrived. I disappeared in the morning and arrived triumphantly in the afternoon to restore order. Her shift had ended and mine began. Of course, I was working.

I was never asked how my day was, and home was not a place for romance or fun. It was the place where children were raised. I would have loved to get out, but never did.

It's just what happens, sometimes... Don't know if any of this strikes a chord, or not.

Good luck.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 02/17/12 04:09 PM

Thanks he is a knight, I am starting to think he is not
So into me

I'm just gonna say this honestly, cause I am a dude and I know this game. If you think, feel, have suspicions that he isn't into you.....then trust your own instincts. Women want to talk themselves into believing it is a fad, but when a woman says this (openly) about her dude, then it is highly likely you are correct.

I do like doing this. Most guys are not into women, some of us need to realize that. Makes room for the one that does.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 02/17/12 05:10 PM

Thanks he is a knight, I am starting to think he is not
So into me

I'm just gonna say this honestly, cause I am a dude and I know this game. If you think, feel, have suspicions that he isn't into you.....then trust your own instincts. Women want to talk themselves into believing it is a fad, but when a woman says this (openly) about her dude, then it is highly likely you are correct.

I do like doing this. Most guys are not into women, some of us need to realize that. Makes room for the one that does.

Actually, a problem that a lot of men (and women)have is that they think the "grass is greener". Only time you should ever want to not be with someone is when you know your heart is not into her. If you go for the wrong reason, you will suffer for it. If you have truly found the one for you, then no other will ever suffice.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 02/17/12 11:52 PM

Thanks he is a knight, I am starting to think he is not
So into me

I'm just gonna say this honestly, cause I am a dude and I know this game. If you think, feel, have suspicions that he isn't into you.....then trust your own instincts. Women want to talk themselves into believing it is a fad, but when a woman says this (openly) about her dude, then it is highly likely you are correct.

I do like doing this. Most guys are not into women, some of us need to realize that. Makes room for the one that does.

Actually, a problem that a lot of men (and women)have is that they think the "grass is greener". Only time you should ever want to not be with someone is when you know your heart is not into her. If you go for the wrong reason, you will suffer for it. If you have truly found the one for you, then no other will ever suffice.

I don't really do that. A lot of the time I'll start to like someone and its always one-sided. Turns out to be wrong later if its only of THOSE situations. Haven't met the man that will return the favor. You know when you know, be prepared for them to not feel the same, in my case, I'm always prepared.

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