Topic: winer
khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:28 PM
I am muslim and islam allow me use pic for identification

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:29 PM
I am muslim and islam allow me use pic for identification

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:29 PM
I am muslim but i am not a terrorist and islam allow me to use pic for identification

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:37 PM
I could never convert to an Islamic religion that believes sex with children is okay......

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:41 PM
Aha if ur media post something aganist pakistan its NOT propaganda ...and if our media post its propaganda ....LOL

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:45 PM
SEX WITH CHILDERN ....omg...who told u that .....i am 24 years old and i swear i neva do sex an islam sex with other then wife is forbeddn .....and its ur religion which allow gay sex lasbian sex animal sex and soooooooooooo on

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:49 PM
Afgan war that over lets start a new topic

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:50 PM

SEX WITH CHILDERN ....omg...who told u that .....i am 24 years old and i swear i neva do sex an islam sex with other then wife is forbeddn .....and its ur religion which allow gay sex lasbian sex animal sex and soooooooooooo on

My religion does not allow any of that......we forgive and do not convict over it its called free will

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:51 PM

SEX WITH CHILDERN ....omg...who told u that .....i am 24 years old and i swear i neva do sex an islam sex with other then wife is forbeddn .....and its ur religion which allow gay sex lasbian sex animal sex and soooooooooooo on
HotDiggitty you're informed!rofl

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:27 PM
In the United States, there is freedom of religion. Anyone has the right to practice whatever religion they believe without breaking laws.
Like killing someone etc. Within that same concept, allows those who do not wish to be religious the same freedom.

Gay marriage isn't legal, religiously or has been legalized in certain states but as a legal matter not a religious one. Separation of church and state so that no religion be recognized nationally one over another giving any religion preference or precedence. Homosexuality is recognized as freedom of sexuality and protected from hate crimes. Christians believe that GOD judges us all in our final days. It isn't for me to judge another.....

Bestiality isn't condoned and is prosecuted under animal right laws/ animal abuse.

Actually, sodomy remains on the books as an illegal act, but the United States has separation of church and state. The United States has separation of federal, state and local governments to make and accept or non-participate in laws set forth as they see fit.

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:31 PM
Any way dont bring religion in discusion every one love with has religion leave its

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:33 PM

Any way dont bring religion in discusion every one love with has religion leave its

But isn't that technically what all the misconceptions about each other, war, and distrust stem from? No biggie......I don't actually believe sex with children is condoned............

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:38 PM
Wher u read that in islam sex with children are allowed and who told you that r u okay.....if u deny r not but its obious these all type of sex u can find in every non muslim country

no photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:39 PM
Nikāḥ al-Mutʿah is a temporary marriage that lasts a set period of time and then ends without a divorce. This is used to allow Muslim men to have sex with little girls without violating their religious obligations. Basically, they marry a young girl (even an infant) for only a short time, maybe an hour or a day. Have their way with her and pay her a small amount of money as financial compensation. Rich Muslim men go to poor Muslim nations or villages to enjoy these types of marriages. This practice actually makes bestiality seem noble in comparison.

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:42 PM
But Islam stones people to death........Jesus stated let those without sin cast the first stone....that judgement was his father's job.....and that through the blood of Jesus sins would be wiped clean.....I do not believe a woman should bear shame of being raped.....something that she could not help from happening.....for speaking out nor that a woman should only be heard through her husband.....or go uneducated...........

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:42 PM
In islam no homosexualty no sex wd children no sex with animal and fedrelly its forbedn in every muslim country

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:49 PM

In islam no homosexualty no sex wd children no sex with animal and fedrelly its forbedn in every muslim country

Its forbidden in pretty much all countries.......they just don't get stoned to death for it......they get judged in the afterlife for.....removed from population not murdered (a sin)

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:49 PM
Spider yes u right this is custom of irani people u cant find these law at any other country and we dont count these people in islam

no photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:56 PM

Spider yes u right this is custom of irani people u cant find these law at any other country and we dont count these people in islam

People in Afghanistan practice baad, which is only punishable by 2 years in prison. In most countries, kidnapping and rape are considered serious crimes deserving of more than 2 years in prison.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 02/06/12 01:57 PM

SEX WITH CHILDERN ....omg...who told u that .....i am 24 years old and i swear i neva do sex an islam sex with other then wife is forbeddn .....and its ur religion which allow gay sex lasbian sex animal sex and soooooooooooo on

My religion does not allow any of that......we forgive and do not convict over it its called free will
cATHLICK priests........hmmmmm