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Topic: winer
Optomistic69's photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:09 PM

send me a fresh keg of Guinness and I'll watch it after 15 pints

Makes sense..you not me would need some dutch courage to face-up that bevy of beauties...drinker laugh drinker

I could understand your drooling if they were topless and wearing g-strings, but those outfits make them look like extras from a low budget Robin Hood remake.

We have a saying here in Ireland and I have used it on here before..

He that would sleight the mare would also buy her...

You just wanted jiggling boobs....and that mode of dancing is very strenuous for females

InvictusV's photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:12 PM

send me a fresh keg of Guinness and I'll watch it after 15 pints

Makes sense..you not me would need some dutch courage to face-up that bevy of beauties...drinker laugh drinker

I could understand your drooling if they were topless and wearing g-strings, but those outfits make them look like extras from a low budget Robin Hood remake.

We have a saying here in Ireland and I have used it on here before..

He that would sleight the mare would also buy her...

You just wanted jiggling boobs....and that mode of dancing is very strenuous for females

Let's just call it a generational difference of opinion..

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:16 PM

send me a fresh keg of Guinness and I'll watch it after 15 pints

Makes sense..you not me would need some dutch courage to face-up that bevy of beauties...drinker laugh drinker

I could understand your drooling if they were topless and wearing g-strings, but those outfits make them look like extras from a low budget Robin Hood remake.

We have a saying here in Ireland and I have used it on here before..

He that would sleight the mare would also buy her...

You just wanted jiggling boobs....and that mode of dancing is very strenuous for females

Let's just call it a generational difference of opinion..

Not in my case....I'm 62 and I didn't care for it either.....I would rather dust my furniture than watch...

InvictusV's photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:22 PM

send me a fresh keg of Guinness and I'll watch it after 15 pints

Makes sense..you not me would need some dutch courage to face-up that bevy of beauties...drinker laugh drinker

I could understand your drooling if they were topless and wearing g-strings, but those outfits make them look like extras from a low budget Robin Hood remake.

We have a saying here in Ireland and I have used it on here before..

He that would sleight the mare would also buy her...

You just wanted jiggling boobs....and that mode of dancing is very strenuous for females

Let's just call it a generational difference of opinion..

Not in my case....I'm 62 and I didn't care for it either.....I would rather dust my furniture than watch...

Yeah.... When you've seen one group of tap dancers wearing folk costumes you've seen em all..

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:24 PM

send me a fresh keg of Guinness and I'll watch it after 15 pints

Makes sense..you not me would need some dutch courage to face-up that bevy of beauties...drinker laugh drinker

I could understand your drooling if they were topless and wearing g-strings, but those outfits make them look like extras from a low budget Robin Hood remake.

We have a saying here in Ireland and I have used it on here before..

He that would sleight the mare would also buy her...

You just wanted jiggling boobs....and that mode of dancing is very strenuous for females

Let's just call it a generational difference of opinion..

Not in my case....I'm 62 and I didn't care for it either.....I would rather dust my furniture than watch...

Yeah.... When you've seen one group of tap dancers wearing folk costumes you've seen em all..

Very repetitive that dancingyawn ....is that an Irish trait?

willing2's photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:27 PM
Edited by willing2 on Wed 02/08/12 04:32 PM

send me a fresh keg of Guinness and I'll watch it after 15 pints

Makes sense..you not me would need some dutch courage to face-up that bevy of beauties...drinker laugh drinker

I could understand your drooling if they were topless and wearing g-strings, but those outfits make them look like extras from a low budget Robin Hood remake.

We have a saying here in Ireland and I have used it on here before..

He that would sleight the mare would also buy her...

You just wanted jiggling boobs....and that mode of dancing is very strenuous for females

Let's just call it a generational difference of opinion..

Not in my case....I'm 62 and I didn't care for it either.....I would rather dust my furniture than watch...

Yeah.... When you've seen one group of tap dancers wearing folk costumes you've seen em all..

I saw them ONCE, LOL!
They looked like they had rods up their buttz and they were kinda' hanging in mid-air while the feet was trying some sort of jig. <<< I hope that ain't a bad word.:wink: laugh smokin

I said to myself, "Self, that don't look very comfortable and I don't see it catchin' on."

InvictusV's photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:29 PM

send me a fresh keg of Guinness and I'll watch it after 15 pints

Makes sense..you not me would need some dutch courage to face-up that bevy of beauties...drinker laugh drinker

I could understand your drooling if they were topless and wearing g-strings, but those outfits make them look like extras from a low budget Robin Hood remake.

We have a saying here in Ireland and I have used it on here before..

He that would sleight the mare would also buy her...

You just wanted jiggling boobs....and that mode of dancing is very strenuous for females

Let's just call it a generational difference of opinion..

Not in my case....I'm 62 and I didn't care for it either.....I would rather dust my furniture than watch...

Yeah.... When you've seen one group of tap dancers wearing folk costumes you've seen em all..

Very repetitive that dancingyawn ....is that an Irish trait?

When the crowd shows up drunk and passes out after the first 5 minutes when they wake up 2 hours later and catch the last 5 minutes they wouldn't have missed anything..

Seakolony's photo
Wed 02/08/12 06:39 PM
Stubbornness, repetitiveness, and redundancy........sounds familiar....

Wait its coming to me.....oh yeah I remember.......kinda sounds like my life right now...........whoa is me........

Mirage4279's photo
Wed 02/08/12 07:36 PM

Stubbornness, repetitiveness, and redundancy........sounds familiar....

Wait its coming to me.....oh yeah I remember.......kinda sounds like my life right now...........whoa is me........

Well if it is your sex life those words could be taken a good way.

Seakolony's photo
Wed 02/08/12 07:39 PM
Edited by Seakolony on Wed 02/08/12 07:48 PM

Stubbornness, repetitiveness, and redundancy........sounds familiar....

Wait its coming to me.....oh yeah I remember.......kinda sounds like my life right now...........whoa is me........

Well if it is your sex life those words could be taken a good way.

What's that?? LOL

I am a good girl......I am divorced and have my children.....that's all I need.....I will see my job done.....I may get remarried one day I do not know

Mirage4279's photo
Wed 02/08/12 07:53 PM
Yeah I study all day and have not had one in years..no kids though..threatened to get married a couple times ... never happened..... If I have an extra 5 mins or so I will download some of these awesome mpegs that I always get. So yeah

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 02/08/12 09:51 PM

Adventure i deny you ....you say mulla and sharia bring change in QURAN its not so ....SHARIA....its only explain the quran and hadise(saying of mohammad) if all world come togather thay cant bring any change in the quran.....SHARIA only explain the quran and solve the new problem eg..succide attack the solution of at not present in QURAN then sharia explain it... its dosnt mean that sharai and mulla change the quran....if u need furthr explanation download the message of Dr zakir nike this is a good islamic scholar ....adventure once you read the quran if you want i will send you english traslation after read u must be adoped muslamism....

No man can reach heaven by his own hand... The Green Vally is denied such.

No man can becomes a Myrtr by his own hand. Only with eyes firmly fixed upon Allah can a man become a myrtr. (and that by the hand of the enemy).

so those who have been spritually blinded by the poison of hatred who take their own lives (and so bring death to many).

CREATE Myrtrs of the very ones they attempt to destroy. For those have their eyes firmly fixed upon the day and death takes them unaware.

As far as changing the Quran. Read of your own history. Check the times about 300 years after Mohammad ascended. You will find that the successor of Mohammad died under strange circumstances. It was decided that a certian one would replace him by a Council of Men. That Council printed Sharia and the Word of Mohammad shortly after.

So that it could be spread to the world.

Yet hatred formed that Council and hatred is a poison

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 02/09/12 03:44 AM

send me a fresh keg of Guinness and I'll watch it after 15 pints

Makes sense..you not me would need some dutch courage to face-up that bevy of beauties...drinker laugh drinker

I could understand your drooling if they were topless and wearing g-strings, but those outfits make them look like extras from a low budget Robin Hood remake.

We have a saying here in Ireland and I have used it on here before..

He that would sleight the mare would also buy her...

You just wanted jiggling boobs....and that mode of dancing is very strenuous for females

Let's just call it a generational difference of opinion..

Not in my case....I'm 62 and I didn't care for it either.....I would rather dust my furniture than watch...

Yeah.... When you've seen one group of tap dancers wearing folk costumes you've seen em all..

I love the Irish Ballads a whole lot better!

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