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Topic: Other States to Challenge Barry's Eligibility.
willing2's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:19 AM
Edited by willing2 on Wed 02/01/12 08:34 AM

well, healthcare being passed << To be abolished
osama being taken out << Fairy Tale Terrorist. (No proof.)
depression averted << Trillions upon trillions wasted. No depression?laugh laugh laugh
dodt being passed

,,amongst other things, but you are right, that is not the point

the point was, because some have so much disdain and hatred and outright refusal to acknowledge any of the progress made under this president, they are taking measures that will be more destructive than his presidency ever could be

in other words, being hypocrites, taking on the wrong legal battle, and cutting off their nose to spite their face

Unfortunately, the progress has been reverse progress. We are way more in debt than 3 years ago.
The cons outweigh the (pro) with this con.

You forgot to mention Hussein signed the indefinite detention law. Is that a pro or con for ya'?

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:21 AM
The system is so corrupt and agenda driven that no one gets in office by the mere voting process. It's all for show, $hits and giggles...and to divide us.

Everyone who ends up president is put in place. They are all puppets for those who run and control things.

I don't believe that this issue coming out so loud right now is an accident either.

boredinaz06's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:29 AM

Good! I hope he is a no show in these other states and gets booted from their ballots as well.

Seakolony's photo
Wed 02/01/12 12:12 PM

From my understanding...

The Constitution states, as already stated, 'Natural-born citizen'.

However, what it fails to define is what classifies an actual natural-born citizen.

I mean if you take the words, individual and literally:

'Natural' - We'll just say created by nature; or not-man made.

'Born' - To exist as a result of birth

'Citizen' - Legally recognized subject or national of a state, commonwealth, etc etc etc.

This does not, anywhere, state you HAVE to be born in the actual United States. This only states that the moment you are born you are instantly considered an American Citizen.


You could technically be born on the North Pole, but if both your parents are American citizens, you are an American citizen.

Same situation; however, this time only one of your parents is an American citizen. And they are married, it would be based off of where you actually live. If you live at the North Pole, then I guess you belong to the United States of Santa Claus.

Your mom takes custody of you from birth.
She lives in the United States.
You would be a natural born citizen.

If you mother was born on Pluto; but prior to your birth she moved to, and become a citizen of, the United States... you would be an American citizen.

Last I checked the American government, in particular Domestic Relations, Hospitals, etc, instantly give parental rites to the mother. During a divorce, split etc, the mother 'assumes' custody.

What's my point?

Ann Dunham.

That's Barack Obama's mother' name.

She was born in good ol' Wichita, Kansas. and, from what I hear, spent most of her youth in California.

She was a natural born citizen.

...see where I'm going with this?

The whole 'natural born citizen' clause was created merely to keep foreign diplomats from sneaking their way into America's government and corrupt it into a Monarchy or what have you.

Now, this is where my major problem arises.

If this clause is such a big deal; would it not have been ideally smart to scout ALL potential politicians who seek to claim the Presidency well prior to them even becoming eligible to run for office?

I mean, it makes common sense--

Oh, right.. We're talking about the U.S. Government...

..they only care about actual politics when it contradicts their goals of greed and corruption.

So, Barack must be the black version of Bill Clinton, eh?


this is what IM saying

if there is an issue about his circumstance of birth, the 'fight' should be going towards CHANGING or DEFINING The current laws for the future,, not trying to attack his eligibility at large because that denotes that his last four years would not be valid either

but, in order to stop the so called lack of progress they hold him responsible,,,they would rather disrupt the progress altogether and send us back four years worth of litigating what is valid and invalid in EVERY law signed by an alledted illegitimate president

its just disdain and nonsense and desperation

What progress?? I don't see progress. But that's not the issue.

well, healthcare being passed
osama being taken out
depression averted
dodt being passed

,,amongst other things, but you are right, that is not the point

the point was, because some have so much disdain and hatred and outright refusal to acknowledge any of the progress made under this president, they are taking measures that will be more destructive than his presidency ever could be

in other words, being hypocrites, taking on the wrong legal battle, and cutting off their nose to spite their face

I don't see where the depression was adverted, or where healthcare being passed was progress. Osama being taken out?? That wasn't Obama but the CIA and military combined years of learning under two administrations.......not sure him being taken out was a victory.....especially him being just taken out rather than captured and tried......Don't ask don't tell neither for or against.....dont see these as progress but dont dodt as regress either......healthcare is regress IMO

boredinaz06's photo
Wed 02/01/12 02:55 PM

Obama has accomplished 4 things that I give him props for.

1)Making the call to take out the Somali Pirates

2) Going against 6 of his 7 advisers (including Biden)on making the call to take out Bin Laden

3) Taking Fannie, Freddie and others out of the equation on student loans. That is between me and the federal government, not some middle man.

4) Don't know all the details but after 20 years your student loans go away.

4 is not that many!

msharmony's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:39 PM

well, healthcare being passed << To be abolished
osama being taken out << Fairy Tale Terrorist. (No proof.)
depression averted << Trillions upon trillions wasted. No depression?laugh laugh laugh
dodt being passed

,,amongst other things, but you are right, that is not the point

the point was, because some have so much disdain and hatred and outright refusal to acknowledge any of the progress made under this president, they are taking measures that will be more destructive than his presidency ever could be

in other words, being hypocrites, taking on the wrong legal battle, and cutting off their nose to spite their face

Unfortunately, the progress has been reverse progress. We are way more in debt than 3 years ago.
The cons outweigh the (pro) with this con.

You forgot to mention Hussein signed the indefinite detention law. Is that a pro or con for ya'?

you mean the bill to appropriate spending for our national defense,,,?

ID definitely call it not such a black and white issue,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:46 PM

From my understanding...

The Constitution states, as already stated, 'Natural-born citizen'.

However, what it fails to define is what classifies an actual natural-born citizen.

I mean if you take the words, individual and literally:

'Natural' - We'll just say created by nature; or not-man made.

'Born' - To exist as a result of birth

'Citizen' - Legally recognized subject or national of a state, commonwealth, etc etc etc.

This does not, anywhere, state you HAVE to be born in the actual United States. This only states that the moment you are born you are instantly considered an American Citizen.


You could technically be born on the North Pole, but if both your parents are American citizens, you are an American citizen.

Same situation; however, this time only one of your parents is an American citizen. And they are married, it would be based off of where you actually live. If you live at the North Pole, then I guess you belong to the United States of Santa Claus.

Your mom takes custody of you from birth.
She lives in the United States.
You would be a natural born citizen.

If you mother was born on Pluto; but prior to your birth she moved to, and become a citizen of, the United States... you would be an American citizen.

Last I checked the American government, in particular Domestic Relations, Hospitals, etc, instantly give parental rites to the mother. During a divorce, split etc, the mother 'assumes' custody.

What's my point?

Ann Dunham.

That's Barack Obama's mother' name.

She was born in good ol' Wichita, Kansas. and, from what I hear, spent most of her youth in California.

She was a natural born citizen.

...see where I'm going with this?

The whole 'natural born citizen' clause was created merely to keep foreign diplomats from sneaking their way into America's government and corrupt it into a Monarchy or what have you.

Now, this is where my major problem arises.

If this clause is such a big deal; would it not have been ideally smart to scout ALL potential politicians who seek to claim the Presidency well prior to them even becoming eligible to run for office?

I mean, it makes common sense--

Oh, right.. We're talking about the U.S. Government...

..they only care about actual politics when it contradicts their goals of greed and corruption.

So, Barack must be the black version of Bill Clinton, eh?


this is what IM saying

if there is an issue about his circumstance of birth, the 'fight' should be going towards CHANGING or DEFINING The current laws for the future,, not trying to attack his eligibility at large because that denotes that his last four years would not be valid either

but, in order to stop the so called lack of progress they hold him responsible,,,they would rather disrupt the progress altogether and send us back four years worth of litigating what is valid and invalid in EVERY law signed by an alledted illegitimate president

its just disdain and nonsense and desperation

What progress?? I don't see progress. But that's not the issue.

well, healthcare being passed
osama being taken out
depression averted
dodt being passed

,,amongst other things, but you are right, that is not the point

the point was, because some have so much disdain and hatred and outright refusal to acknowledge any of the progress made under this president, they are taking measures that will be more destructive than his presidency ever could be

in other words, being hypocrites, taking on the wrong legal battle, and cutting off their nose to spite their face

I don't see where the depression was adverted, or where healthcare being passed was progress. Osama being taken out?? That wasn't Obama but the CIA and military combined years of learning under two administrations.......not sure him being taken out was a victory.....especially him being just taken out rather than captured and tried......Don't ask don't tell neither for or against.....dont see these as progress but dont dodt as regress either......healthcare is regress IMO

some experts say we definitely AVOIDED a depression, but without being a fortuneteller noone can truly say what MIGHT have happened otherwise

healthcare being passed was a great thing for millions who havent previously been able to receive or afford insurance

Osama was the result of military AND the presidents decision to SIGN OFF on the mission and also contribute to some of the details of HOW the mission happened

Dont ask dont tell is a victory for openly gay folks, not that Im for it either

so, saying there is NO progress is as disingenous as saying there is nothing BUT progress

we have moved forward in many areas and moved backwards in others and stood still in yet others,,,but making this presidency void by declaring the president was actually ineligible would be a larger step BACKWARD Than anything he or any other elected official could make

and this is the HUGE problem with the citizenry and its knowledge of goverment (including me)

we have a GOVERNMENT ,that works togehter, HUNDREDS of people working together, not one dictating

yet, when something good happens, some will say its one persons doing, and another will say they didnt really have much to do with it and it was other parts of government

and when something bad happens, it will be reversed, the former group will say it wasnt what the one person did but what other groups have done

the latter will say it wasnt what the group did but the fault of one man

the truth is, there are HUNDREDS of people running government and making decisions, not just ONE

so whatever progress happens, has to happen through an agreement between HuNDREDS of people who sometimes have different details they wish included before they will agree

everyone PRETENDS Its as simple as the president just signs it and if its good its HIS success and if its not its HIS Fault

,, its really not that simple,,,

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 02/01/12 10:03 PM
If it aint' that simple...

Why are so many willing to spend so much just to get one person into the job?

No one spends money without expecting a return.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/02/12 12:13 AM

If it aint' that simple...

Why are so many willing to spend so much just to get one person into the job?

No one spends money without expecting a return.

heck, I spend maybe 25 or 50 bucks, but Im not expecting anyone to personally cater to me in return,, I just like the candidate

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/02/12 12:15 AM

If it aint' that simple...

Why are so many willing to spend so much just to get one person into the job?

No one spends money without expecting a return.

heck, I spend maybe 25 or 50 bucks,(an evening out with the family approximately) but Im not expecting anyone to personally cater to me in return,, I just like the candidate

likewise, I dont think what people spend, in relation to what they have, is all that much,, but there are so many people that it collectively turns into quite a bit,,,

Seakolony's photo
Thu 02/02/12 01:19 AM

From my understanding...

The Constitution states, as already stated, 'Natural-born citizen'.

However, what it fails to define is what classifies an actual natural-born citizen.

I mean if you take the words, individual and literally:

'Natural' - We'll just say created by nature; or not-man made.

'Born' - To exist as a result of birth

'Citizen' - Legally recognized subject or national of a state, commonwealth, etc etc etc.

This does not, anywhere, state you HAVE to be born in the actual United States. This only states that the moment you are born you are instantly considered an American Citizen.


You could technically be born on the North Pole, but if both your parents are American citizens, you are an American citizen.

Same situation; however, this time only one of your parents is an American citizen. And they are married, it would be based off of where you actually live. If you live at the North Pole, then I guess you belong to the United States of Santa Claus.

Your mom takes custody of you from birth.
She lives in the United States.
You would be a natural born citizen.

If you mother was born on Pluto; but prior to your birth she moved to, and become a citizen of, the United States... you would be an American citizen.

Last I checked the American government, in particular Domestic Relations, Hospitals, etc, instantly give parental rites to the mother. During a divorce, split etc, the mother 'assumes' custody.

What's my point?

Ann Dunham.

That's Barack Obama's mother' name.

She was born in good ol' Wichita, Kansas. and, from what I hear, spent most of her youth in California.

She was a natural born citizen.

...see where I'm going with this?

The whole 'natural born citizen' clause was created merely to keep foreign diplomats from sneaking their way into America's government and corrupt it into a Monarchy or what have you.

Now, this is where my major problem arises.

If this clause is such a big deal; would it not have been ideally smart to scout ALL potential politicians who seek to claim the Presidency well prior to them even becoming eligible to run for office?

I mean, it makes common sense--

Oh, right.. We're talking about the U.S. Government...

..they only care about actual politics when it contradicts their goals of greed and corruption.

So, Barack must be the black version of Bill Clinton, eh?


this is what IM saying

if there is an issue about his circumstance of birth, the 'fight' should be going towards CHANGING or DEFINING The current laws for the future,, not trying to attack his eligibility at large because that denotes that his last four years would not be valid either

but, in order to stop the so called lack of progress they hold him responsible,,,they would rather disrupt the progress altogether and send us back four years worth of litigating what is valid and invalid in EVERY law signed by an alledted illegitimate president

its just disdain and nonsense and desperation

What progress?? I don't see progress. But that's not the issue.

well, healthcare being passed
osama being taken out
depression averted
dodt being passed

,,amongst other things, but you are right, that is not the point

the point was, because some have so much disdain and hatred and outright refusal to acknowledge any of the progress made under this president, they are taking measures that will be more destructive than his presidency ever could be

in other words, being hypocrites, taking on the wrong legal battle, and cutting off their nose to spite their face

I don't see where the depression was adverted, or where healthcare being passed was progress. Osama being taken out?? That wasn't Obama but the CIA and military combined years of learning under two administrations.......not sure him being taken out was a victory.....especially him being just taken out rather than captured and tried......Don't ask don't tell neither for or against.....dont see these as progress but dont dodt as regress either......healthcare is regress IMO

some experts say we definitely AVOIDED a depression, but without being a fortuneteller noone can truly say what MIGHT have happened otherwise

healthcare being passed was a great thing for millions who havent previously been able to receive or afford insurance

Osama was the result of military AND the presidents decision to SIGN OFF on the mission and also contribute to some of the details of HOW the mission happened

Dont ask dont tell is a victory for openly gay folks, not that Im for it either

so, saying there is NO progress is as disingenous as saying there is nothing BUT progress

we have moved forward in many areas and moved backwards in others and stood still in yet others,,,but making this presidency void by declaring the president was actually ineligible would be a larger step BACKWARD Than anything he or any other elected official could make

and this is the HUGE problem with the citizenry and its knowledge of goverment (including me)

we have a GOVERNMENT ,that works togehter, HUNDREDS of people working together, not one dictating

yet, when something good happens, some will say its one persons doing, and another will say they didnt really have much to do with it and it was other parts of government

and when something bad happens, it will be reversed, the former group will say it wasnt what the one person did but what other groups have done

the latter will say it wasnt what the group did but the fault of one man

the truth is, there are HUNDREDS of people running government and making decisions, not just ONE

so whatever progress happens, has to happen through an agreement between HuNDREDS of people who sometimes have different details they wish included before they will agree

everyone PRETENDS Its as simple as the president just signs it and if its good its HIS success and if its not its HIS Fault

,, its really not that simple,,,

You and they are welcome to your opinions....but healthcare requiring everyone to have it.....I completely disagree or making them pay a penalty is just plain ridiculous.......If you don't wish to have or opt out of having it.......then it should be your choice.......period

If gays see it as progress that's their thing either way I am neutral.......

I think we are adult enough here to disagree......I stand by what I said.......

And As I read it in serveral areas being born to US citizens as being two parents defines a natural born citizen......I did understand your point of subject/verb agreement, however in a couple places it went from singular to plural indicating to me that it was meant for a natural citizen to mean to parents that are US citizens, but definitely needs to be defined and if defined as such yes his term should be wiped away as the letter of the law..........but if the courts decide otherwise......well then........it be done for good......but for the good of the country should be defined either way......

willing2's photo
Sun 02/05/12 10:28 AM
When is Hussein's birthday>
Apparently he doesn't remember what it states on his Hawaiian forgery.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl


no photo
Sun 02/05/12 10:38 AM

When is Hussein's birthday>
Apparently he doesn't remember what it states on his Hawaiian forgery.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl


You are forcing me to defend Obama...

I know the exact date of my birthday, but I'm not that good with time and dates, so I could make the same mistake.

As for the MySpace, I can't explain that, but that doesn't mean it's because he has a fake birth certificate.

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/05/12 10:56 AM

When is Hussein's birthday>
Apparently he doesn't remember what it states on his Hawaiian forgery.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl


You are forcing me to defend Obama...

I know the exact date of my birthday, but I'm not that good with time and dates, so I could make the same mistake.

As for the MySpace, I can't explain that, but that doesn't mean it's because he has a fake birth certificate.

people do realize the president probably doesnt REALLY personally manage that myspace page,,dont they?

no photo
Sun 02/05/12 11:16 AM

people do realize the president probably doesnt REALLY personally manage that myspace page,,dont they?

I agree that he probably doesn't maintain his own MySpace page, but we don't know for certain. Even if he doesn't maintain it, it is a bit strange that the date was wrong. It just seems sloppy to me, not like it's a conspiracy or because of a fake birth certificate.

Seakolony's photo
Sun 02/05/12 11:49 AM
African-American reverend against Obama......calls Obama satanic...


msharmony's photo
Sun 02/05/12 12:11 PM
thats nothing

being of the same race does not automatically make people comrades, plenty of deranged folks out there who fall right in line with and are embraced by those who hate the very 'race' they are a part of and see themself as exceptional for that reason

here is another prime example, an african american minister praising slavery and the idea of sending black people back to plantations


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