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Topic: what made you smile today?
luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 02/24/12 11:16 AM
A bunch of bull****!laugh laugh

navygirl's photo
Fri 02/24/12 11:35 AM

He did this morning.... nothing like someone waking up WAY earlier then they have to just so you can have a cup of coffee ready when you're done getting dressed for work.... i may have found a keeper!

Hearing that has made me smile again today. flowerforyou

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Fri 02/24/12 11:55 PM
:heart: J:heart: E:heart: N:heart: N:heart: I:heart: F:heart: E:heart: R:heart:

txmomof2's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:03 AM
my daughter and son....

and of course him

TomTam's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:42 AM

txmomof2's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:44 AM

TomTam's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:45 AM
hey, do you have a "him" there?

txmomof2's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:47 AM
the only him I have here is my 10 yo

TomTam's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:48 AM
where is your nice pic. ?

TomTam's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:49 AM
it's better than that one, it made me smile all the time :smile:

txmomof2's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:50 AM
my nice pic?

TomTam's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:52 AM
yes flowerforyou

Jenni30's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:54 AM

:heart: J:heart: E:heart: N:heart: N:heart: I:heart: F:heart: E:heart: R:heart:


PinkRunway's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:56 AM
Here at Mingle we support each other right? I'd like to think so.. I've read so. I havve entered a competition and could really use your help. So please

Support me - by clicking 'LIKE' on my Photo. It's EASY.

Click Here -->> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=302259543169671&set=a.302259466503012.72098.277683875627238&type=1&theater

Really need your support.
Just click like ..
its NOT SPAM either! lol .

Thank you so much.

TomTam's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:56 AM

:heart: J:heart: E:heart: N:heart: N:heart: I:heart: F:heart: E:heart: R:heart:


MIKE is there too

txmomof2's photo
Sat 02/25/12 12:57 AM

yes flowerforyou

It's still on my profile

TomTam's photo
Sat 02/25/12 01:02 AM

txmomof2's photo
Sat 02/25/12 01:03 AM
laugh laugh

TomTam's photo
Sat 02/25/12 01:04 AM
smiling again

txmomof2's photo
Sat 02/25/12 01:07 AM

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