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Topic: Occupier Criminals Out Of Control
Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 05:15 AM

Putting it simply.

It sucks.

Each country got it's issues.

Personally, however, I say who gives a f*** what the h*** anyone else is going through because:

This is America. Above any and all we should have a responsibility to ourselves; our own priority. Not pampering the rest of the world, sticking our noses in our people's business.

Why do we always have to sacrifice the poor to satisfy the rich's egos? Makes no effing sense. You got a problem with Iran? You go do something about it.

Even outside that..

This planet itself sucks.

I not only hate it anymore, I'm ashamed to be a part of it.


I got very few things to say in consideration of the planet, the world, and it's mot dominate inhabitant; humans.

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 01/24/12 05:18 AM
I agree with you 99.9%

I do not have a problem with Iran...:thumbsup: waving

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 05:22 AM

I could careless about Iran.

Just seems to be the daily discussion about another place to attack..
..invade.. biologically rape.. whatever.

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 01/24/12 05:30 AM
Again we are on the same page.

The people on here that want to attack Iran because they might be a threat...

They need to be exposed.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 05:32 AM
..They wanna see a threat?

Give my mom a gun.

Tell her she's not getting paid anymore.

Watch her turn into Scarface.


Optomistic69's photo
Tue 01/24/12 05:33 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Tue 01/24/12 05:53 AM

..They wanna see a threat?

Give my mom a gun.

Tell her she's not getting paid anymore.

Watch her turn into Scarface.


laugh laugh laugh

I am There With Your Mom..drinker

InvictusV's photo
Tue 01/24/12 06:07 AM

Again we are on the same page.

The people on here that want to attack Iran because they might be a threat...

They need to be exposed.

Why don't you spend some time exposing how a radical theocracy is killing it's own people that are protesting and want change..

I get the anti war sentiment, but you are dangerously close to becoming a cheerleader for an oppressive, murderous regime..

wux's photo
Tue 01/24/12 06:09 AM
Edited by wux on Tue 01/24/12 06:34 AM
Mon 01/23/12 10:14 PM

Members of the Occupy Wall Street movement urinated on a cross, desecrated a church and threw Bibles at police officers in separate incidents over the weekend.

Protesters in San Francisco occupied an abandoned hotel and began attacking police – hurling bricks and Bibles at officers.

“Once they gained access [to the hotel], some of them made it to the top of the roof and they began to throw Bibles down at the officers,” San Francisco Police Dept. spokesman Carlos Manfredi told ABC News.

Several officers were injured in the attack.

In New York City, Occupy protesters allegedly urinated on a cross inside a Brooklyn church.

“An occupier peed inside the building and the pee came into contact with a cross,” wrote Rabbi Chaim Gruber in a note to the New York Post.

The Occupy Wall Street movement has a history of participants urinating and defecating in public.

The group has also been accused of desecrating West Park Presbyterian Church. The pastor ordered 60 protesters to leave the sanctuary after someone stole a bronze lid from the $12,500 baptismal font.

“It was like pissing on the 99 percent,” an angry Rev. Bob Brashear told the New York Post.

The pastor supports the Occupy movement – but is outraged over their behavior.

“Even in the 1980s when we had a lot of crack addicts etc. in the neighborhood, and even robbing people in the church, that particular religious symbol had never really been disturbed before,” the pastor told CBS News. “I tried to make it clear that I don’t believe in collective punishment but I do believe in collective accountability and responsibility.”


Throw them all in jail.


Tue 01/24/12 06:09 AM

What I learned from this article:

How dare the journalist blame the members of "Occupy wall street" for these alleged criminal acts.

Members of the Occupy Wall Street movement can only be identified by seeing them occupy Wall street. If they are occupying other than Wall street, they are not members of the Occupy WAll Street. Because, basically, there is no formal membership in that sect. Nobody carries a membership card. There are no membership lists. There are no membership privileges and duties. There are no badges, like with the army or the Crips. They are individuals. Sewing the name "members of the Occupy Wall Street" on any group who does anything, is a serious criminal misnaming of individuals. It's like calling Black people "White supremacists" if a black person burns a cross. Stupid **** man, this idiotic journalist was who wrote the article. You can't blame "Occupy wall Street" coz someone pisses in a church, for Christ's sake.

SF cops are made of butter. They get injured and need medical attention when a bible is thrown at them from a roof top.

If some beggar or vagrant pees in church, and the piss, already on the floor, flows down and touches a cross, it's the same as "pissing on the cross." This is misuse of the language, it is a deliberate misues or a moronic misunderstanding of what words mean. Aside from that, the old beggar or bag lady who lets her urine out, is now the proud member all of a sudden of "Occupy Wall Street", only because she did an act that can be called mean (by error or by deliberate mistake) and therefore can be associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement (without any real reason, or logic, or any association, other than "bad" which in the journalist's mind is now totally equivalent to "occupy wall street".)

The lid stolen from tha $12,500 font does not mean the lid itself is worth that much. The lid can be worth only $3 on the black market. Copper or Bronze is nothing. It is a semi-precious metal, worth thirty-seven cents an ounce in scrap metal. That's A. B. is that "even in the eighties we had stuff stolen, and crack addicts robbed the church goers during service, but we never had THIS particular relic stolen" -- so what. This is nothing.

“It was like pissing on the 99 percent,” an angry Rev. Bob Brashear told the New York Post. What about that "99 percent". 99 percent of what? It's like people pissing on the ninety-nine percent. Of what? Ninety nine percent of journalistic stupidity? I surely piss on stupid jouranalism, too. And would piss on stupid journalists, too, if it weren't against the law.

And wtf is a rabbi doing in a church? He was the one who reported the incident. WTF?

This is worse journalism than anyhting I've seen before. It's stupid, nonsensical, and downright malicious, and then it teeters into the unbelievable -- like rabbis in churches.

And most of you react to it, whether you agree with it or not, as if it were true as the bible.

Jesus fukking Christ.

Question: how often do you, as a person, fall for stupid reporting, distorted reporting, by stupid journalists?

Question: how often do you, as a person, apply critical analysis on the facts, the spirit and the tactics of journalistic reporting?

Qusetion: how often do you, as a person, read an article and look into the meaning first, instead of looking at the values that the piece of journalism reflects, AND
how often do you try to string a connection between the reported facts and the values as put forth by the journalist,
BEFORE you try to measure up whehter the reported article is supporting those values, or FALSELY supporting those values?

The comparison of the facts of the report, their evaluation for usefulness to support an argument, and then seeing how they are tied to an argument, are VERY important to me.

You, as a nation, have shown in another thread, that you don't give a damn about things like that at all.

You, as a nation, have been dumbed down by your educators enough to go blindly past such blatantly false reports, ignore the facts, and go and argue over the values only, which have nothing to do with the article, since the article is completely misinforming.

You, as a nation, have learned to become automatically duped by rhetoric, and to follow wherever the wind blows you;
You, as a nation, have learned to stupify yourselves and spew hatred in every direction you can;
You, as a nation, therefore, can be lead to war against anyone whom your leaders tell you are danger to you, because your critical analytical abilities are zero, nil, zilch.

If you learned to read with a watchful eye, I guess your social order would fall, the social order of your society, because your social order is based on unified thinking, on stamping out differences, on streaming the nation as a sheep to believe everything your leaders tell you.

American's biggest enemy is the fearsome and hated "reasonable thought", the loathsome and completely foreign "logic", the devil-spawned and biblically abonimable "mindful living".

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 06:26 AM

Again we are on the same page.

The people on here that want to attack Iran because they might be a threat...

They need to be exposed.

Why don't you spend some time exposing how a radical theocracy is killing it's own people that are protesting and want change..

I get the anti war sentiment, but you are dangerously close to becoming a cheerleader for an oppressive, murderous regime..

...and your point?


Let them kill each other.

InvictusV's photo
Tue 01/24/12 06:33 AM

Again we are on the same page.

The people on here that want to attack Iran because they might be a threat...

They need to be exposed.

Why don't you spend some time exposing how a radical theocracy is killing it's own people that are protesting and want change..

I get the anti war sentiment, but you are dangerously close to becoming a cheerleader for an oppressive, murderous regime..

...and your point?


Let them kill each other.

I think it's pretty obvious..

You can be anti war, but when you know that this regime is killing it's opponents and college students that want a better society you damn well better mention it.


Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 06:39 AM

Again we are on the same page.

The people on here that want to attack Iran because they might be a threat...

They need to be exposed.

Why don't you spend some time exposing how a radical theocracy is killing it's own people that are protesting and want change..

I get the anti war sentiment, but you are dangerously close to becoming a cheerleader for an oppressive, murderous regime..

...and your point?


Let them kill each other.

I think it's pretty obvious..

You can be anti war, but when you know that this regime is killing it's opponents and college students that want a better society you damn well better mention it.


I'm not anti-war.

I'm anti-sticking our noses in everyone else's effing business all the dayum time.

I'm anti-playing God as if we are the super power; while our people are suffering; last I checked, we are doing the same chit every day.

Sacrifice more of our people.. for what?

Some other country's college kids? Eff them.

Especially when the countries we are trying to 'help' were the same ones dancing in the God dam streets while two of our buildings collapsed.. eff them.

Seriously. Where the he** are your priorities?

Would you rather stay home protect your wife, children, and family..
..or go protect someone else's while yours is in Jeopardy?

So let them kill each other.

It is NOT our war.

If everyone (or most everyone) can sit idly by and do naught a damm thing, you damm right I believe we should too.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 01/24/12 02:42 PM

It strikes me as ironic that some STILL take Fox news as responsible and accurate reporting, while so many others are on the street trying to save the liberties and freedoms that afford some the luxury of believing in the likes of Fox news.

Have another beer and leave the thinking to those with enough cognitive power to understand the reality of a much bigger picture than Fox presents to its obivious audience.

To bad I don't drink at all and to bad Fox News keep being polled as the most trusted name in news and the highest rated news network and one of the highest rated television channels in general!

Lpdon's photo
Tue 01/24/12 02:45 PM

Again we are on the same page.

The people on here that want to attack Iran because they might be a threat...

They need to be exposed.

Why don't you spend some time exposing how a radical theocracy is killing it's own people that are protesting and want change..

I get the anti war sentiment, but you are dangerously close to becoming a cheerleader for an oppressive, murderous regime..

...and your point?


Let them kill each other.

I think it's pretty obvious..

You can be anti war, but when you know that this regime is killing it's opponents and college students that want a better society you damn well better mention it.


I'm not anti-war.

I'm anti-sticking our noses in everyone else's effing business all the dayum time.

I'm anti-playing God as if we are the super power; while our people are suffering; last I checked, we are doing the same chit every day.

Sacrifice more of our people.. for what?

Some other country's college kids? Eff them.

Especially when the countries we are trying to 'help' were the same ones dancing in the God dam streets while two of our buildings collapsed.. eff them.

Seriously. Where the he** are your priorities?

Would you rather stay home protect your wife, children, and family..
..or go protect someone else's while yours is in Jeopardy?

So let them kill each other.

It is NOT our war.

If everyone (or most everyone) can sit idly by and do naught a damm thing, you damm right I believe we should too.

We are the super power.

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 01/24/12 03:04 PM

Again we are on the same page.

The people on here that want to attack Iran because they might be a threat...

They need to be exposed.

Why don't you spend some time exposing how a radical theocracy is killing it's own people that are protesting and want change..

I get the anti war sentiment, but you are dangerously close to becoming a cheerleader for an oppressive, murderous regime..

I could take offence at that..but seeing that you are not an Irishman I will cut you some slack..laugh

As regards being Anti-War. ....I am more anti Invasion than Anti -War. A war is normally between two fairly even sides.

Lets say America versus Russia..that could be classed as war

Then you have Israel attacking an open air prison with state of the art weapons. That is Criminal

Economic/political crisis at home equals wars abroad, it’s that simple.

Is the Empire insane enough to start a nuclear war?

Peccy's photo
Tue 01/24/12 03:09 PM

Again we are on the same page.

The people on here that want to attack Iran because they might be a threat...

They need to be exposed.

Why don't you spend some time exposing how a radical theocracy is killing it's own people that are protesting and want change..

I get the anti war sentiment, but you are dangerously close to becoming a cheerleader for an oppressive, murderous regime..

...and your point?


Let them kill each other.

I think it's pretty obvious..

You can be anti war, but when you know that this regime is killing it's opponents and college students that want a better society you damn well better mention it.


I'm not anti-war.

I'm anti-sticking our noses in everyone else's effing business all the dayum time.

I'm anti-playing God as if we are the super power; while our people are suffering; last I checked, we are doing the same chit every day.

Sacrifice more of our people.. for what?

Some other country's college kids? Eff them.

Especially when the countries we are trying to 'help' were the same ones dancing in the God dam streets while two of our buildings collapsed.. eff them.

Seriously. Where the he** are your priorities?

Would you rather stay home protect your wife, children, and family..
..or go protect someone else's while yours is in Jeopardy?

So let them kill each other.

It is NOT our war.

If everyone (or most everyone) can sit idly by and do naught a damm thing, you damm right I believe we should too.

We are the super power.
The broke super power. Still, "We are the super power" is not an answer. Why do you think it's any of our dayum business?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 04:29 PM

We are the super power.

..that answered nothing.

I am hungry.

That doesn't mean I should use my hunger to raid my neighbors fridge just because I barely have food in my kitchen.

What gives me the right to invade his space just because I merely can?

Not to mention...

We are just getting out of a grueling war with a nation that believes heavily, religiously, and spiritually in self-sacrifice. Planting bombs inside dogs stomachs, children strapped with bombs, etc..

...you want to repeat the devastation we just went through?

For what? To prove we can? Prove we are a super power?


An ego-driven war is just what this nearly bankrupt nation needs.


Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 04:33 PM

Again we are on the same page.

The people on here that want to attack Iran because they might be a threat...

They need to be exposed.

Why don't you spend some time exposing how a radical theocracy is killing it's own people that are protesting and want change..

I get the anti war sentiment, but you are dangerously close to becoming a cheerleader for an oppressive, murderous regime..

I could take offence at that..but seeing that you are not an Irishman I will cut you some slack..laugh

As regards being Anti-War. ....I am more anti Invasion than Anti -War. A war is normally between two fairly even sides.

Lets say America versus Russia..that could be classed as war

Then you have Israel attacking an open air prison with state of the art weapons. That is Criminal

Economic/political crisis at home equals wars abroad, it’s that simple.

Is the Empire insane enough to start a nuclear war?

...no. At least, not yet.

Let some Ruskies start massacring each other; think they'll have us get involved in that genocide too?


Not even their precious ranch houses, mansions, white houses, and bunkers would save each and every rich pr*ck once nukes start destroying the continent.

We pick and choose our fights like a bully picks his victim in a school playground. Go for the smallest, the weakest, or the most defenseless to prove you are dominant.


InvictusV's photo
Tue 01/24/12 04:34 PM

Again we are on the same page.

The people on here that want to attack Iran because they might be a threat...

They need to be exposed.

Why don't you spend some time exposing how a radical theocracy is killing it's own people that are protesting and want change..

I get the anti war sentiment, but you are dangerously close to becoming a cheerleader for an oppressive, murderous regime..

I could take offence at that..but seeing that you are not an Irishman I will cut you some slack..laugh

As regards being Anti-War. ....I am more anti Invasion than Anti -War. A war is normally between two fairly even sides.

Lets say America versus Russia..that could be classed as war

Then you have Israel attacking an open air prison with state of the art weapons. That is Criminal

Economic/political crisis at home equals wars abroad, it’s that simple.

Is the Empire insane enough to start a nuclear war?

Thanks Bro.. I'm just looking out for you..

Things posted can get taken out of context...

I think there needs to be a caveat when what can be interpreted as supporting a regime that executes children, gays and college students that want a better system of government.

That was the crux of my post..

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 01/24/12 04:37 PM


They desecrated some churches.
Smacked around some cops.

Even though I don't know why they did it..

I can't help but think it's anything but funny.


I hate churches.
I hate religion.
I hate authority.
I hate police.

So, unless--

Nope, can't even think of a downside except that whatever they are trying to actually accomplish will never truly be grasped because the means in which they are trying to reach that is, in the eyes of everyone else, despicable.

So basically..

*shruggs and continues chomping down some popcorn*

...I got nothing really to say.

I love howeveryon ays they hate the police but they are the first ones to call them when something happens to them. laugh

I never call the police when sh** happens. Dial 9-11 and die. http://www.amazon.com/Dial-911-Die-Richard-Stevens/dp/0964230445

The cops are not there to help you. The courts have ruled on this numerous times. DO NOT CALL THE COPS if you care about your loved ones and pets.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 04:41 PM


They desecrated some churches.
Smacked around some cops.

Even though I don't know why they did it..

I can't help but think it's anything but funny.


I hate churches.
I hate religion.
I hate authority.
I hate police.

So, unless--

Nope, can't even think of a downside except that whatever they are trying to actually accomplish will never truly be grasped because the means in which they are trying to reach that is, in the eyes of everyone else, despicable.

So basically..

*shruggs and continues chomping down some popcorn*

...I got nothing really to say.

I love howeveryon ays they hate the police but they are the first ones to call them when something happens to them. laugh

I never call the police when sh** happens. Dial 9-11 and die. http://www.amazon.com/Dial-911-Die-Richard-Stevens/dp/0964230445

The cops are not there to help you. The courts have ruled on this numerous times. DO NOT CALL THE COPS if you care about your loved ones and pets.


I love how people reference an old 'punch line' from 20 years ago and generalize it to 'everyone who says this does this'. Close-minded.

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