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Topic: Pray for my Pop's
vivian2981's photo
Thu 01/26/12 04:22 AM

Today I recieved MRI results that Dad has terminal advanced bone cancer of the spine on top of a host of previous health issues includeing Alhiemer's. I would sincerly appreciate prayers that his Hospice services and my home care can help him pass gently. Thanks.

Prayers are being sent your way..:heart:

teadipper's photo
Thu 01/26/12 05:05 AM

I am so sorry. I will as always pray for god's will to be done and for mercy.

Love you,


Mended1's photo
Thu 01/26/12 11:14 AM
how is he doing now?

no photo
Thu 01/26/12 12:01 PM
I cannot tell you how sorry I am to read this - I just (sorta kinda) went thru this with my father.

Please feel free to email me and maybe I can share some ideas/suggestions that worked for us ~ not just medically, but emotionally, spiritually, comfort wise ~ for you and him.

At the very least I can be an understanding shoulder to listen, as I can come pretty close to knowing what you are going through right now.

There really are no words, just many good positive thoughts and prayers for you, your family and all concerned.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 01/29/12 12:12 AM
They say one of the stages of greif is anger.

Well today I am madder than Hell!

Out of five scheduled shifts of a 35 year old licensed CNA I had to terminate for being late three times and today over an hour. This makes me furious. How can anyone expect to be taken seriously as a professional employee if they can't be any more dependable than this? Keep in mind I live in California where there is NO winter weather conditions and this person has a new car! Yeash! Since when did getting to work on time become optional? Especially when you are suppose to be a nurse? So much for depending on others.

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 01/29/12 01:48 AM

With great sadness I pass on the news that the Doctors withdrew several of Dad's maintenance medications today because his renal systems are starting to fail so badly that it is more dangerous to take them than not. His stats are all over the place. Such a helpless feeling.

I am so sorry PacificStar ... I know that helpless feeling all too well. Monday marks two years since my mom's passing. Love and light to you and your family...breathe... . :heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 06:58 AM
:heart: I understand your anger,,thats no way to be showing your even trying to work,,at your job...sorry you had someone like that Joy,,love and hugs,,with Prayers always for you dad and you..:heart:

Mystique42's photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:51 AM
Joy, my thoughts are with you today. It must be very hard taking care of your Dad. Last night my stepdad had seizures and his blood sugar dropped, and he had just been reunited with my mom this week. It seems like one obstacle after another. Yet I pray for God's peace and wisdom during this time in my life.

Hugs being sent!

Marie55's photo
Sun 01/29/12 01:59 PM
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Wish there was more I could do. Process your feelings and allow yourself to feel them, they are normal.

On a side note though, 99.9% of these home workers are good honest people but be cautious to keep valuables locked up, jewelry, etc. We had a worker for my dad and she robbed us. I know you don't need any more on your plate, but just a caution. She stole some of my mom's jewelry I hadn't thought to lock up, and some of mine, also took money from my dad, was telling him she "loved him". So, the majority of them are exceptional people, but just be aware.

I know you don't need anything else on your plate now, sorry if I added to your stress. I just don't want you going through what I did.

Take care. flowerforyou :heart:

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 01/29/12 04:08 PM
Thanks for the warning Marie. It is good advice. As much as I hated to do it I did put a lock on my bedroom door and secured other things like my personal files.

My feeling is most caregivers are underpaid over worked "Angels" and I this one just turned out to be a lemon but it really steamed me.

I think what hurt me most was how upset it made my Dad. He isn't the type to fuss and storm but he got so angry he was crying. Probably because He wanted to hire this person because as a single parent his grandson's age he felt they would appreciate that we were offering school time shifts even though it made him wait in bed several hours later than he would normally get up to spare me doing it every day. Because of the stress the congestion made him so choked up he had a really agonizeing afternoon coughing so hard I had to give him extra medication.

Just thinking about it again makes my blood boil! Thankfully today he is emjoying the Movie Forest Gump. Because of his Alzheimer's he can remember only that he has seen it sometime before but not so much he can't enjoy it. Think he has kind of forgotten about the nurse. At least I hope so.

Mystic Honey you are on my mind. Hope you are getting some rest this weekend before the next school week. Hopefully your difficult student can get things worked out to be a more peaceful student. It is clear that the student is not in te most approriate setting if she is attacking her teachers and classmates.

I will keep your Momma and Daddy in my prayers that they can have an easier time of it once they get settled in. I was reading about nitetime seisures in the elderly diabetic in the AARP magazine. That is why I give my Dad a warm equate nutrition drink in the middle of the night to keep his blood sugar up. Your Dad might need one of the insuline pumps that regulate it self. I am sure your local Diabetis Association can get you a local Doctor to give you a second opinion for your next care meeting with the nurseing home. Something I would be taking and Ombudsman too. It is amazeing how fast SNF's clean up their act when you have a little bedside visit with and Ombudsman. That phone number is federally mandated to be posted in your parent's admission records and in clear public view to patients and family members..

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