Topic: I really don't date.
no photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:07 PM

I don't know what planet you are from, but things just don't work that way here on earth.

That is exactly right. Why do you think fools like me appear every once in a while? To leave earth as they found it? RIGHT!

I hate to break it to you, but you are not going to change the world.

John8659's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:08 PM

When I was in Texas, you could catch the scorpions running across the lawns. Why pay for the same privilege?

Are you comparing a woman to a scorpion running across the lawn?

Nice going.noway

You must have a hard time following--a mail order bride, I think was the topic at the time.

no photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:08 PM

When I was in Texas, you could catch the scorpions running across the lawns. Why pay for the same privilege?

Are you comparing a woman to a scorpion running across the lawn?

Nice going.noway

You must have a hard time following--a mail order bride, I think was the topic at the time.

Which I assume, would be a woman.

John8659's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:09 PM

I hate to break it to you, but you are not going to change the world.

I already have. In case you did not notice, I have discovered a new form of geometry. It will grow.

John8659's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:10 PM

Which I assume, would be a woman.

Yes "a woman." Do you think "all" women are so shallow? Nice going to you.

teadipper's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:10 PM
Man, you guys are in a not so nice mood today!!

He's a moody literary type. We have OTHERS on here. You ladies should know them by now. They either have a following of women they play with OR are extremely picky. It's the nature of the beast. A lot of them though they come off as harsh, can't take the rejection of the real dating world.

I always considered my very bad dates "misadventures". Something that after the jerk left added full to the fire for my amusing letters and emails to friends, and as you see on here, yes, bad poetry.

Male writers often consider a very bad date A FAILURE somehow. I am not a guy so I don't exactly get that but the do. Some of them work up to asking the girl out for months (though she had no idea) and when it doesn't work are very bummed.

They often don't have my Jim Henson philosophy of "Take that idea and run with it". Others have said that quote as well.

You know me, I am always taking emotional risks and running off on tangents. I am a "Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all" so though some of my relationships with the artsy and musical don't work out, I have some amazing relationships for awhile at least.

I don't know why but literacy guys are not as thick skinned as they will make you believe.

Hiding behind a lot of intelligence and big words, there lies some very easily broken male hearts.

no photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:13 PM
Edited by bhernandez on Wed 12/28/11 02:13 PM

Hiding behind a lot of intelligence and big words, there lies some very easily broken male hearts.


this is one hell of a mission statement.
it'd probably be easier if all humans ran like businesses.

John8659's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:15 PM

Hiding behind a lot of intelligence and big words, there lies some very easily broken male hearts.


this is one hell of a mission statement.
it'd probably be easier if all humans ran like businesses.

I don't know about that. I could not sell ice tea in the desert.

no photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:16 PM

I don't know about that. I could not sell ice tea in the desert.

we've noticed.

John8659's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:17 PM

I don't know about that. I could not sell ice tea in the desert.

we've noticed.


Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:18 PM

Hiding behind a lot of intelligence and big words, there lies some very easily broken male hearts.


this is one hell of a mission statement.
it'd probably be easier if all humans ran like businesses.

I don't know about that. I could not sell ice tea in the desert.

..but your selling your 'intelligence' here
wanting a woman of, wife substance to buy it

selling ice tea in the
desert may be easier

John8659's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:20 PM

..but your selling your 'intelligence' here
wanting a woman of, wife substance to buy it

selling ice tea in the
desert may be easier

I think you miss the whole thing.

As far as my intelligence goes, I say this, intelligence is relative, but no relative of mine.

If you want to travel a road with someone, it is always a good idea to plan on going to the same place.

teadipper's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:21 PM

Hiding behind a lot of intelligence and big words, there lies some very easily broken male hearts.


this is one hell of a mission statement.
it'd probably be easier if all humans ran like businesses.

I don't know about that. I could not sell ice tea in the desert.

Okay, I will stop trying to translate artsy creative super literate guy brain to average woman terminology. As usual, I am failing at my job. SIGH. And you guys wonder how I end up with a litany of guy friends who are brilliants and amazings. Go ahead shred his deep moody ego and make him bleed, I can only protect so many brilliants and amazings at one time. SIGH.

no photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:21 PM

I don't know about that. I could not sell ice tea in the desert.

we've noticed.


no photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:22 PM
To summarize:

You want an extremely intelligent woman to be your "helpmate/wife" and you don't want to date her, you just want to marry her. (After you interview her for the position I assume.)

Do you plan to pay her a wage for her help? Or are you wealthy and plan to give her half of everything you own? (That's marriage.)

Since your idea of "love" is what you do or accomplish together as a couple what would you expect of this woman?

Are you her boss or her business partner? Is she your servant, cook, housekeeper, secretary, sex partner, etc.

I have met men who want their wives to be an extension of themselves. They expect the traditional roll of wife and yet much much more. The whole world revolves around the man and his personal goals and the wife is just basically a servant or slave. He has defined her purpose, she has no purpose of her own. The only way she can prove her love to him is to do and be for him what he wants.

Basically he completely consumes her.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:23 PM

..but your selling your 'intelligence' here
wanting a woman of, wife substance to buy it

selling ice tea in the
desert may be easier

I think you miss the whole thing.

As far as my intelligence goes, I say this, intelligence is relative, but no relative of mine.

If you want to travel a road with someone, it is always a good idea to plan on going to the same place.

laugh ohwell

no photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:24 PM

Which I assume, would be a woman.

Yes "a woman." Do you think "all" women are so shallow? Nice going to you.

You are the one who does not want to date. You just want to marry.
In a hurry are you?

Seakolony's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:31 PM
Oh, just let it go and be nice. He may find what he is looking for. All it takes is for him to put it out there. Someone may see his message and message him for the intelligence factor. I guess we are bored enough to harrass others today.

teadipper's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:39 PM
Edited by teadipper on Wed 12/28/11 02:44 PM

To summarize:

You want an extremely intelligent woman to be your "helpmate/wife" and you don't want to date her, you just want to marry her. (After you interview her for the position I assume.)

Do you plan to pay her a wage for her help? Or are you wealthy and plan to give her half of everything you own? (That's marriage.)

Since your idea of "love" is what you do or accomplish together as a couple what would you expect of this woman?

Are you her boss or her business partner? Is she your servant, cook, housekeeper, secretary, sex partner, etc.

I have met men who want their wives to be an extension of themselves. They expect the traditional roll of wife and yet much much more. The whole world revolves around the man and his personal goals and the wife is just basically a servant or slave. He has defined her purpose, she has no purpose of her own. The only way she can prove her love to him is to do and be for him what he wants.

Basically he completely consumes her.

May I just please say in his defense and this is after a lot of the guys who have approached me off by saying stupid things, really stupid things, HE IS PRESUMING SHE HAS ENOUGH INTELLIGENCE TO BE HELPFUL (I am often not given that credit), he is not asking for a baby momma to his existing children and that she knock out some more because his DNA IS SOOOOOO AMAZING, he hasn't said ONE word about how she functions as a housekeeper of chef, OR DEMANDED THAT SHE JOIN HIS RELIGION because his is the ONLY CORRECT ONE?? I mean I have my guy but give this guy SOME credit. I would take him over half the idiots that approach me looking for a domestic goddess with no brain of her own who is only there to grind out babies that he can then baptize at the church of his choosing.

John8659's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:44 PM
Edited by John8659 on Wed 12/28/11 02:44 PM
Wow, see there, there is someone with some understanding.

So there! Now I have supper to make.