Topic: All Bush's Fault
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Thu 07/19/07 07:19 PM
Kidat heart
You know money has been the cause of all evils along with religion. More people have died because of religion than any other reason so it stands to reason those two facts would have something to do with whats going on. Dont really blame people for believing that the other party is at fault. Our parents went one way and we usually follow so its difficult to break from the pack unless you are willing to dig a bit to read about whats going on around the rest of the world not just the US. When these senators can amaze 30 billion dollars in a few weeks its naive not to believe someone is going to be knocking on doors for return favors. They all have the same story and whichever party is not in office has plenty of ammo to critizice the incumbent and vice versa. Clinton got caught with his pants down and the person pushing it "Ginrich" just admitting having an affair at the same time. Senators and congressman molesting kids in the page program and taking bribes "albernoff" massage parlors and hookers. Its not restricted to one party. They all do it. Some just get caught. Until lobbying is banned it will continue. Paste and listen to this. Did some liberal do this piece? Probably but it does show the double talk that goes on and like I said BOTH parties do it. Just depends on whose signing the checks.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:20 PM
YAY I get to upset people! Here it is folks.

It is not just Bush or any one person, it is our government in general. Our government is full of the most sick and disgusting human beings ever to suck wind. If you believe that any of them care about you and your family, you are insane! The government is just there to suck money from us. I've said this before on this site and I'll say it again. Why do we send billion dollar rockets into space when we have poor children on the streets and schools closing down?? Why is it that when U.S. border guards doing their job get thrown in prison for hurting an illegal alien drug dealer? How come our people in this country pay outta the butt for medication when the people in Canada get it for dirt cheap?
Those are just a couple examples. I could sit here all night and list more but I wont for the sake of everyone else.

I know alot of you will disagree and well thats great but I've just stated the truth thats all.drinker

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:24 PM
Mr T "Iraq only invaded Kuwait because WAY back when it belonged to Iraq. Read far enough and you will see also that Iraq informed the US it was going to take Kuwait back and the US gave it a green light to later get involved as the savior of Kuwait. See the beauty of de-clasified papers "bush #1" is that you find out lots of the real story and reading foreing news you find out even more b/c like I said the media here is bought and paid for".

As soon as I stop laughing I'll resond.....That is the REAL story? it just so happens the Foreign media is twice as left wing as ours...the BBC even reported that after an internal investigation...they admitted to being very liberally biased and portraying the news in a very liberally left that must have been really bad for them to admit that...As for all the nonsense you say about Iraq told us etc etc..I guess you believe we had a hand in the 911 plot and a bomb took down the world trade towers...etc etc... Since you believe everything you see and read on Utube and the internet..I should start a web site that says Bush is the second comming of our savior...and get all the "believe everything anti-American" crowd on boardlaugh laugh laugh

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Thu 07/19/07 07:29 PM
I would take the time to answer and maybe even find something related to Iraq and Kuwait issue but I get the impression no one will change youre mind as to other issues being at stake so I wont bother. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. thats why its still a free country. Glad I could make you laugh. Its a gift of mine. :-)

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:31 PM
T103..I'll agree with you on religion being the most war enfluencing thing...that is why the Islamic facists have to be stopped...we have freedom of religion go to any of these fundamentalist countries and they will kill you, not because you are American..but because you don't have the same faith as they do...this is their would be something altogether different if they did not want to spread there ideoligies and strick religious codes across the globe... but they do and they will not stop unless forced to

davinci1952's photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:44 PM
Taino...nice to meet another Ron Paul supporter....will be ordering my yard signs this month...

what you said about the fed reserve & inc tax is right is all available for people to read about...but most connot fathom that we have been duped by big money bankers...grumble

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:48 PM
T103, Kid, King and all that have responded..we may all have different view points..that is what makes our country so great..I appreciate and respect (to a your imputs... thanks for a good discussion...I'm glad and somewhat surprised that I didn't get an all out attack from the "Bush Haters Club" when I posted this (I guess its not over yet thoughlaugh ) But you brought out some good points and senseable arguements and never really blamed Bush for everything....which was my point:wink: Hope we all learn and educate ourselves more everyday and make the right kinds of decisions when choosing our leaders. Sometimes..we all have to take a step back and look at what the bigger picture is and what really drives us to the path we take...not what a bunch of sound bites say...anyway..thanks to all..I'm in standby mode nowlaugh laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:48 PM
Or the possibility that their glorious leaders may have lied.

Tomokun's photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:50 PM
*sigh* I really should be working.

Ok, as a result of the U.S. denominating the currency of oil, for whatever reason, other countries and banks have to keep large stocks of U.S. Currency, which automatically inflates the value, because no matter what is going on internally, there is still a high demand for U.S. currency, to the tune of billions. That's not conspiracy, I'm a libertarian and we prefer to rely on facts:wink:

Now here is where fact seems to boarder on conspiracy; prior to the U.S. invasion in 200e, Iraq embarked upon the oil for food program - which converted currency to Euros. Guess what happened after we invaded in 2003....that's right, oil sales returned to the US dollarbigsmile

In fact, Iraq's commodity exchange, which was due sometime in 2006, has been postponed indefinitely.

See the beauty of the Associated Press? Dozens of stories of countries like Venezuela supporting the trade from dollars to Euros.

And if you want to compare criticisms, the investigation of the Cole incident was completed AFTER Clinton left office. That means that GW had a chance to do something too, but didn't. So if Clinton was wrong to do nothing, why wasn't GW equally wrong, if not more so.

Many arguments that Clinton had to fight against included "A terrorist act cannot be committed against a military target." As for Clinton not doing anything...remember the "pharmaceutical company" that we hit with Tomahawk missles? Remember all the flack he got because, "the evidence wasn't solid enough?" Well, on the one hand, both Presidents got accused of acting off of shaky information...but later investigation for GW never found those WMD's....but that Pharmaceutical company was a confirmed factory for chemical weapons.:wink:

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:53 PM
I agree those less than smart people killing their own people by asking them to wear loaded vest are a threat but I have to ask myself. why are we there? I was in the Marines during the initial gulf with the american hostages. We gave Iraq weapons. We give Israel weapons and all they ask for. Israel and the arabs have been at war for ages. A lot longer than the United States has been a nation. Japan attacked Pearl harbor because "in part"we took part in sanctions that affected their country. We as a nation began with a little thing called the Boston Tea party b/c we didnt like what they were doing to us. Now if someone comes into your country or helps someone you are having conflicts with of course you will react. Is it right to do the things like beheading? Of course not. My point is we cant seal our own borders yet we spend billions of dollars abroad. I am not an isolationist by any means but I will take care of my family before I will take care of someone elses. Until we get out of others business we will have to deal with all kinds not just muslims. My unit was the unit that lost a lot of good people in the barracks in beirut. I had transfered out of the unit a few months earlier and I am here to tell you theres more to it that the media or the gov tells you. I assure you. I just wish we as a nation placed as much effort on home as we do with all other nations be it oil or money issues. We landed on the moon in the 60's yet we cant find alternate energy 40-50 years later to avoid having oil shortage. You have to admit its strange.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:58 PM
Good point on Iraq and oil converting to euros. Some people forget theres actual footage out there with rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadaam when we helped him overthrow the current leader "at the time" for the same reason. The cuerrent leader was planning on getting away from the dollar for the good of his people and sadaam was instituted to stop that from happening and thats not propaganda. thats good old history available for all to read and see.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 08:01 PM miss my point...It doesn't matter what Venezuela or anyone else does...the fact that everyone is envious of the US and its economy and wants to melt it into a world economy run by the UN is not going to happen...if all these countries convert to the euro...they will still need US dollars to get into the biggest most profitable economy in existance (our market)...and the US dollar will increase in value in the long run because it will be in short supply in the global economy...when anything is in short supply it increases in value. So like I may have a small short term effect..but it will all come out in the enddrinker

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 08:02 PM
Thanks. I just like the idea of someone actually going against the grain. Hes said he would do away with taxes and the Fed Res and that to me is music to my ears. I just have to get off my butt and go get registered as a republican so I can vote for him during primaries. Im glad they dont have a service charge for times ive changed. lol
Seriously I am so glad there actually is someone that doesnt sound like all the rest. Doesnt matter what party they all seem to take lessons from the same book b/c they all same the SAME thing. Woman,white,black,democrats or rep. To make matters worse they started way early this year. :-) Which just means all those millions extra they need to run a 2 year campaing will have to be paid back two fold. Lolol

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 08:13 PM
T103 good point..I think all of us would wish we could just forget about whats happening here or there and just concentrate on our own problems...but history shows us that we can't do that...look at WW2...we looked the other way until it was almost too late..if we had waited just a few more months the UK would have lost the battle of Britian and all of Europe and Russia would now be a facist dictatorship that would rule most of the world.Hitler was making advanced rockets and Jet aircraft by the end of the WAR..if we didn't step in when we did the world would be a completely different place right now.History has a habit of repeating itself...who knows that if we let Al quaeda have their own Country to organize and export terror from thaey would not get WMD and turn our world into a living hell for everyone...I can't see into the future...but we must keep an eye towards our home security even if it thousands of miles away

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 08:21 PM
Unfortuanately with the tittle of big brother,big money and big weapons comes large responsibilities and they do fall on us alot of times. We have to find a happy medium to get people back to post 911 and pre-war excitment about being an american. We all had banners and flags and hurrahs here and everywhere and lost it somewhere along the road. We should be able to help people abroad that need help and really help people here like Katrina victims and do it in a bi-partisan way to help us as a nation not as a particular political party looking for votes or running for re-election. Im glad only a third of the senate is up for election at a time. I couldnt stand all of them running at the same time. lolol

Tomokun's photo
Thu 07/19/07 08:25 PM
*Shrugs* It is all speculation really, but the flip side of that coin is that the fallen American dollar (because it would fall, aint to ways about it), would result in imports becoming more expensive across the board...which could put is into a recession.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 08:32 PM
T103..I agree laugh too much for anyone...with an approval rating of 14% (the lowest since these polls have been taken)for Congress, I'm glad we don't have to hear all of them whining at the same time. Just one note about Ron Paul...I have not decided yet on who I'd vote for (much too early for that)...but reading his bio and reading his web site I notice 2 things that concern me..1. seems he has too many "Conflicting" view points.. E.G He is for same sex marriage or unions...yet against same sex adoptions...seems he is trying very hard to please everyone...not sure if that can be trusted..2. If he is a true constitutionalist...he will have a major problem with a liberal Congress and Judicial system that re-writes the constitution almost daily...not sure if he can get anything donelaugh

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 08:35 PM
Well Tom..your is all speculation...and even if you are right and it causes imports to become more would make us buy American goods again , stop outsourcing way or another we will survivedrinker drinker drinker

lily38's photo
Thu 07/19/07 11:15 PM
Taino and Tom, thankyou for your posts in referrence to this topic. I agree wholeheartedly and appreciate your wisdom and insight.

KerryO's photo
Fri 07/20/07 12:52 AM
Serchin4myredwine writes:

" Bill ..Cloudy is right..Clinton Had nothing to do with it..every time our planes were shot at..he did nothing....when the Cole was bombed...he did nothing... when our embassy was bombed in Africa..he did nothing....on and on...Clinton did all had to wait till AFTER he was gone to clean up. "

Sorry, that's just not the case. It's fairly easy to Google up any number of articles, some even by independent foreign press sources, that confirm Clinton's ordering air and missile strikes against Bin Laden's camps in the Sudan and Afghanistan. Strikes, BTW, that were lauded by leading Congressional Republicans as steps in the right direction.

But then there were also Republicans who, for their love of partisan politics, tried to spin these attacks as being carefully calculated distractions from his Monicagate troubles.

Don't take my word for it, though-- do the research and at least try to be objective by not disimissing them as lies from the Liberal Media. Partisan politics had a hand in getting us to where we are today in this quagmire, and even when the Democrats have tired to do the right thing and unite behind one leader, the political hucksters later try to make political capital of it in the next election cycle. Because in the long historical view, political expediency will not vindicate those who hid their mistakes behind it.

-Kerry O.