Topic: Laws to avoid international Laws?? | |
I just found this one on the net by accident.
Now I wonder how much respect GWB has for international laws. |
"They say any step back from the Geneva Conventions could provoke mistreatment of captured U.S. military personnel."
And there I thought the US wanted to bring civilization to the not so civilized countries. Oh, how could I have been so wrong. They prefer to lower themselves to the same level.
I just looked this up in the dictionary...
Ad Hominem: See Invisible ( Invisible, The US doesn't condone behavior of the manner we see in our enemies. I don't believe in torture, but I do support persuation techniques that stop short of torture. Hot / Cold rooms, sleep deprivation, loud music are all appropriate in my book, if the goal is to save lives. Giving the terrorists full Geneva Protections would put our soldiers and civilians in undue danger. When your enemy wants to blow up your kids, the kid gloves have to come off and it's time to get serious about what is happening. |
I see, so it's just hard luck when human beings happen to die, is it??????
I thought civilization should stand above that, and when people are beaten to death, so what? They are only terrorist, yes? In my eyes they are still human, whether you like it or not. Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, has the right to torture. If the terrorists do, let them be punished, but the way you want it, it's against the bible. |
Definition of Ad Hominem: See Invisible (
"I see, so it's just hard luck when human beings happen to die, is it?????? " REPLY: Please quote where I said that. "I thought civilization should stand above that, and when people are beaten to death, so what? They are only terrorist, yes? " REPLY: I SPECIFICIALLY stated "I don't believe in torture". Your desire to make me into the boogey man forces you to twist what I say and make up new statements. I don't support the death penalty, I would rather see everyone live a long natural life. "In my eyes they are still human, whether you like it or not. " REPLY: I have defended murderers in this forum. We are all human, no matter how inhumane our actions are. All humans deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. "Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, has the right to torture. " REPLY: I agree. I think we disagree on the definition of torture. If loud music is torture, then call the UN! My neighbors play loud music all the time. If a hot room is torture, then somebody better arrest my landlord for not giving me a AC unit. "it's against the bible. " REPLY: You are appearantly the Biblical scholar, can you tell me where in the Bible it tells you to not place a terrorist into a hot room and play loud rap music at them? |
Well, they hardly die of rap-music, do they?
and if it was only that, the law wouldn't be needed to protect the ones who do it, would it? And in the bible it says to turn the other cheek, you should know that. |
"Well, they hardly die of rap-music, do they? " REPLY: That's the point! Are you listening? I don't want the terrorist murdered. Get it? Stop thinking you know what I believe and read what I post, it will save us time. "and if it was only that, the law wouldn't be needed to protect the ones who do it, would it? " REPLY: The President doesn't want foreign countries to determine what is and is not torture. If they decide that loud music, sleep deprevation or a hot/cold room is torture, that means some of our GIs could get the death penalty, which isn't called for in the least. Which is why the President wants us to use the US definition of torture and not the defintion of a country / organization whose goal is to hurt America. "And in the bible it says to turn the other cheek, you should know that. " REPLY: I've posted a lesson on what that verse means TWICE in the relion forum and you participated in one of the threads. It would do you good to actually read one of those threads and see what I posted. Your first post in the one thread is telling someone "don't be quiet because he (speaking of me) tries to shut you up", which was hillarious, because I had just asked her to clarify her post. I didn't try to shut her up, I asked her to post MORE. You have hated me so long, you have no idea why you do. Your first EVER reply to me was "This isn't a Bible quoting contest Spider." and you went on to talk about how I had no thoughts of my own. I remember that because I had read your posts and liked a lot of what I had read. I also liked your picture of the black cat, because I had a black cat named Onyx that I loved a lot. Kind of a silly thing to feel a connection on, but I love animals. I think if you took the time to read my posts and NOT read anything into them, you would realize I'm not the person you think you know. |
Cripes Spider, you are so full of yourself. Why in the world would I hate you???
I really couldn't care less whether you are there or not, but with your temper by now it is really fun to tease you. |
Hello you two - are you playing nice?
Do I have to bring out the sumo wrestling suits? You can't wear those and not giggle yourself senseless. |
No wrestling suits, they are not needed
But I do like rockets. |
Darn I can't get anyone to put them on and they are such fun.... or I seem to remember it being fun in College... maybe it is just a College thing
Sweet day to you |
I wouldn't have the figure for them anyways, I'm not a buddha
Have a good day for yourself |
no no Andrea
They are these big oversized full-body costumes ... when I was in one I needed help getting up - they are awkward to move in... that is why it was so funny. Big and padded for running into each other. It is my solution for war ... the leaders wear them in a ring and everyone else goes home. No one gets hurt. After half hour or so, the leaders are exhausted and in a fit of giggles. A pay-per-view event. Proceeds raised support building homes, education and food for those in need around the world. |
Ok, send me a ticket when you have found your contestants, or send me two, I might want to bring somebody
Gee who is the mysterious invisible, is this an alter ego of someone who posts her under several other names. Check out her photos there is the same one that bl8ant uses and also the same photo that Ocean what ever used. Very interesting.
You are hilarious, gardenforge
Oh, do you want me to post one of your pictures, too??????
"Cripes Spider, you are so full of yourself. Why in the world would I hate you???"
REPLY: Because you are a hateful person? I don't know, just a guess. But since you attack my posts frequently and make ad hominen attacks against me in almost every post you direct at me, the only logical conclusion is that you hate me. Seriously, you claimed in this thread that I wouldn't care if people are beaten to death, would you so that about someone you liked or were indifferent to? "I really couldn't care less whether you are there or not, but with your temper by now it is really fun to tease you." REPLY: So you don't believe the stuff you were posting, you were just saying it in an attempt to make me mad? In that case, I guess I'll have to stop replying to your posts altogether. |
If I didn't believe it I wouldn't post it, but I always know what your reacting will be.