Topic: what does a woman realy want frm a man
no photo
Sun 12/04/11 09:01 PM
time for me to say g'night - it's been real.......really

and that is why I like Mingle!

navygirl's photo
Sun 12/04/11 09:03 PM

time for me to say g'night - it's been real.......really

and that is why I like Mingle!

Good night. Nice chatting with you.

sound_mind's photo
Mon 12/05/11 07:50 AM
For me the question has actually become irrelevant. It's taken me a long time, but once I finally came to just accept myself for who I am, faults and all, then the issue of wondering what a woman wants from a relationship really ceases to matter. If I were to come across some magical laundry list of things women generally want, what would be my reaction? Try to make myself into something I'm not, just to improve my dating chances? Seems like a recipe for failure to me.

No, I think it's better to just be who I am and let the pieces fall where they may. Sure, I can keep trying to make myself a better person - that never ends - but even then that's not just for the sake of finding romance. That's for just being a better person, period.

abottomguy69's photo
Mon 12/05/11 10:28 AM
devotion and trust and a big fat wad of notes in the wallet for them expensive dinners at Maccy D,S - LOL

navygirl's photo
Mon 12/05/11 01:56 PM

devotion and trust and a big fat wad of notes in the wallet for them expensive dinners at Maccy D,S - LOL

Yeah I dated guys with money and they were even bigger jerks than the guys with no money.

pyxxie13's photo
Thu 12/08/11 01:56 PM

devotion and trust and a big fat wad of notes in the wallet for them expensive dinners at Maccy D,S - LOL

Yeah I dated guys with money and they were even bigger jerks than the guys with no money.

So far that's my experience as well. I figure if you find someone you like..obviously you like them how they are..why try and change anyone? That's just setting them and you up for a disappointment.

navygirl's photo
Thu 12/08/11 02:22 PM

devotion and trust and a big fat wad of notes in the wallet for them expensive dinners at Maccy D,S - LOL

Yeah I dated guys with money and they were even bigger jerks than the guys with no money.

So far that's my experience as well. I figure if you find someone you like..obviously you like them how they are..why try and change anyone? That's just setting them and you up for a disappointment.

Yep, I agree. I think that trying to change someone is the main reason a lot of relationships fail. We all have flaws and we should accept the person for who they are. Sort of the analogy of people living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. :thumbsup:

no photo
Sat 12/10/11 12:03 AM
I dont think they really know.

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 12/10/11 01:30 AM
Edited by ujGearhead on Sat 12/10/11 01:33 AM

devotion and trust and a big fat wad of notes in the wallet for them expensive dinners at Maccy D,S - LOL

Yeah I dated guys with money and they were even bigger jerks than the guys with no money.

So far that's my experience as well. I figure if you find someone you like..obviously you like them how they are..why try and change anyone? That's just setting them and you up for a disappointment.

Yep, I agree. I think that trying to change someone is the main reason a lot of relationships fail. We all have flaws and we should accept the person for who they are. Sort of the analogy of people living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. :thumbsup:

We all have flaws? Speak for yourself! I'm PERFECT! Well, except for that I can only remember pi up to 9 digits(mmmmmmmm.....pi drool , one nut hangs lower than the other shocked (but yet, I manage to keep balance), I can't remember names what (so, I call everybody biotch or basnastard), one butt braid is longer than the other surprised and the fact that I can walk through walls (not as great as it sounds cause I forget it's a gift and when people follow me they bust their beak)frustrated .

no photo
Sat 12/10/11 03:23 AM
A few want what is shown in the movies, but there isnt any theme tunes in real life so they usually end up dissapointed.

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 12/10/11 03:33 AM

A few want what is shown in the movies, but there isnt any theme tunes in real life so they usually end up dissapointed.

No expectations = no disappointments....

no photo
Sat 12/10/11 03:43 AM

A few want what is shown in the movies, but there isnt any theme tunes in real life so they usually end up dissapointed.

No expectations = no disappointments....

Very True!!!! Take it as it comes usually find something else out about a person you didnt realise you would like.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Sat 12/10/11 11:11 AM
Edited by MariahsFantasy on Sat 12/10/11 11:15 AM

In their 20's:
A Hot guy; probably with a degree.

laugh not really. Though it helps that he's at least gone to school and tried it. I've done hot literally and its gotten me burnt every time. Guys in their 20s are still questioning everything. Of course it depends on the guy. I'd like to think not all guys operate the same way. I hope. embarassed

What do women want:

No bs, just an authentic guy who has an open mind and IS an open book. One thing that keeps coming up is truly honesty. I value that above all else. Takes care of himself, doesn't sit around, is active. Just...real.

no photo
Sat 12/10/11 01:21 PM
I can't really sit here and say "women want _______ from a man."

All I can tell you is what they want from me, which is for me to be somebody else.

navygirl's photo
Sat 12/10/11 05:32 PM

devotion and trust and a big fat wad of notes in the wallet for them expensive dinners at Maccy D,S - LOL

Yeah I dated guys with money and they were even bigger jerks than the guys with no money.

So far that's my experience as well. I figure if you find someone you like..obviously you like them how they are..why try and change anyone? That's just setting them and you up for a disappointment.

Yep, I agree. I think that trying to change someone is the main reason a lot of relationships fail. We all have flaws and we should accept the person for who they are. Sort of the analogy of people living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. :thumbsup:

We all have flaws? Speak for yourself! I'm PERFECT! Well, except for that I can only remember pi up to 9 digits(mmmmmmmm.....pi drool , one nut hangs lower than the other shocked (but yet, I manage to keep balance), I can't remember names what (so, I call everybody biotch or basnastard), one butt braid is longer than the other surprised and the fact that I can walk through walls (not as great as it sounds cause I forget it's a gift and when people follow me they bust their beak)frustrated .

Well, I stand corrected sir; you are PERFECT!!!:smile:

Seakolony's photo
Sat 12/10/11 05:52 PM
Edited by Seakolony on Sat 12/10/11 05:53 PM
Passion, love, a collective effort, a listening ear, a partner in crime, a friend to hold onto, a shoulder for support, compromise, honesty, faithfulness and a man that stands beside her.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 12/10/11 05:56 PM
Don't forget sex! We want sex, too.

no photo
Sat 12/10/11 10:41 PM
i need sex

no photo
Sat 12/10/11 10:42 PM
nice one

navygirl's photo
Sun 12/11/11 12:34 PM

Don't forget sex! We want sex, too.

You know just a couple years ago; I couldn't get enough sex and now I don't even have an interest in it. Guess that is mother nature trying to tell me something.