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Topic: Appeals Court Upholds Law Obama Health Care Law Ruling
msharmony's photo
Wed 11/09/11 10:37 AM

Noone expects an accident in a car or an illness on their life, but who should be paying the price when it happens? those who took precautions or those who felt like it wouldnt happen to them?

This is a different issue. If I don't have insurance and I don't have money to pay for medical treatment only I suffer.

If I get in a car accident and hurt someone else and don't have money or insurance they are hurt but I am legally responsible for them and can't pay anything. See the difference?

No edical insurance only effects yourself. No car insurance effects any driver you have an accident with.

this is not true. you are discussing direct PHYSICAL harm.

Financially though, the prices for those who take the responsibility to have auto insurance have their rates increased to cover the prices of all those who do NOT have insurance or pay their bills.

similarly, costs are increased for health insurance to help cover the uninsured and those who dont pay their medical bill when an accident or unexpected illness occur that the hospital is obliged by law to treat in an emergency room.

so where will the penalty taxes that the uninsured pay go? not to the insurance companies. not to the hospital emergency room that's required by law to treat the uninsured. it all goes to the treasury for congress to spend at will.

just like fines for driving without insurance dont go to insurance companies, its there as a deterrent/motivation,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 11/09/11 10:52 AM

Noone expects an accident in a car or an illness on their life, but who should be paying the price when it happens? those who took precautions or those who felt like it wouldnt happen to them?

This is a different issue. If I don't have insurance and I don't have money to pay for medical treatment only I suffer.

If I get in a car accident and hurt someone else and don't have money or insurance they are hurt but I am legally responsible for them and can't pay anything. See the difference?

No edical insurance only effects yourself. No car insurance effects any driver you have an accident with.

this is not true. you are discussing direct PHYSICAL harm.

Financially though, the prices for those who take the responsibility to have auto insurance have their rates increased to cover the prices of all those who do NOT have insurance or pay their bills.

similarly, costs are increased for health insurance to help cover the uninsured and those who dont pay their medical bill when an accident or unexpected illness occur that the hospital is obliged by law to treat in an emergency room.

so where will the penalty taxes that the uninsured pay go? not to the insurance companies. not to the hospital emergency room that's required by law to treat the uninsured. it all goes to the treasury for congress to spend at will.
that's just it!
Another Slushfund for them to spend,and when it is needed,it will be gone on Pork-barreling!

or, in budget terms, more revenue,,,

jrbogie's photo
Thu 11/10/11 05:59 AM
Edited by jrbogie on Thu 11/10/11 06:02 AM

Noone expects an accident in a car or an illness on their life, but who should be paying the price when it happens? those who took precautions or those who felt like it wouldnt happen to them?

This is a different issue. If I don't have insurance and I don't have money to pay for medical treatment only I suffer.

If I get in a car accident and hurt someone else and don't have money or insurance they are hurt but I am legally responsible for them and can't pay anything. See the difference?

No edical insurance only effects yourself. No car insurance effects any driver you have an accident with.

this is not true. you are discussing direct PHYSICAL harm.

Financially though, the prices for those who take the responsibility to have auto insurance have their rates increased to cover the prices of all those who do NOT have insurance or pay their bills.

similarly, costs are increased for health insurance to help cover the uninsured and those who dont pay their medical bill when an accident or unexpected illness occur that the hospital is obliged by law to treat in an emergency room.

so where will the penalty taxes that the uninsured pay go? not to the insurance companies. not to the hospital emergency room that's required by law to treat the uninsured. it all goes to the treasury for congress to spend at will.

just like fines for driving without insurance dont go to insurance companies, its there as a deterrent/motivation,,,

we have the liberty to freely chose not to buy auto insurance by simply chosing not to drive as million in america do quite legally. they break no law in chosing so and pay no fine or penalty. these people do not affect insurance premiums because they don't compound the risks that insurance companies take on. no risk because these people don't drive. one cannot be liable for a driving accident if one doesn't drive.

but the topic does not concern our constitutional rights to drive a car does it? it concerns our liberty and freedom to chose to not buy health insurance for whatever reason. we cannot opt out of living as we can opt out of driving a car so insurance companies and health providers will be impacted financially when the uninsured are treated. those uninsured did pose a financial risk to the rest of us and the insurance companies and the providers, no different than now, btw, and yet the penalty taxes go to the government. so what happens next? you guessed it; premiums for the rest of us will ries to offset insurance losses and health care will become even more expensive because hospitals and doctors will need to recover loses as well. and yet the penalty tax goes into the treasury to be spent at congress' will.

obama care changes nothing as regards the financial operatings of the health care industry. it's simply a scheme to raise taxes. insurance premiums will continue to rise as will the costs of health care and we will have sacraficed yet another liberty not to mention more tax dollars for government to waste.

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