Topic: Ever After
afriQueen22's photo
Wed 11/02/11 05:12 AM
There he is. Cool and casual, he stands at the front of the church. Their eyes meet. Her heart trips and starts, spluttering like an old engine and then suddenly revving to life, full of all the love she feels for him.

They could have been alone. With his eyes on hers, she couldn't see anyone else anyway. Her thoughts were of him; not of the white dress she wore nor were they of the marriage after the wedding. Just him. Always him. If she hadn't already known she loved him, there would be no denying it after today.
This single moment had fire curling in her belly, and a pleasant warmth spreading throughout her limbs. A single moment that erased many before and would likely never be dimmed by any thereafter.
Even as her heart fills, it shatters. She couldn't love him anymore. She'd long ago given up on trying to love him any less.

The wedding march begins. Smartly dressed guests fill the pews of the church. Some friends. Some family. Her gloved hand rests on her father's arm. Slowly, they make their way towards her future.

"There he is," she thinks again as tears threaten to blur her vision. There he is. The man she loves, standing beside the man she is going to marry.

no photo
Wed 11/02/11 05:50 AM
Excellent write.......smokin