Topic: What's YOUR idea to repair America?
smart2009's photo
Wed 11/09/11 07:51 AM
**** The System

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 11/09/11 07:54 AM

I am just curious...I am involved in Occupy Seattle which I do understand is controversial. I am proud to say ours is the 5th largest occupation in America. It's nice to see that the average American CAN make a difference. My questions to you are: What difference would you like to see in American politics / government? The banking industry? Wall Street? Education?

1. Single Payer Health Care System modeled after France's current
best in the world system - which will give universal coverage and
at less than half the cost of our current system. This is the single
most fiscally important thing we could do. Single payer dentistry too.

2. Retroactively take back at least 95% of the bonuses of the Wall
St. pigs who ripped us all off with bogus mortgage backed products
for the 10 years prior to the mortgage meltdown. We need that money
back now to pay back all the working class people from who it was
stolen under fraudulent misrepresentations of the products. This
should be good for over $100 billion easily.

3. Make a national bank lender who will extend the most favorable
lending terms to all Americans who would like to refinance not just
for those who are in default. Possibly legislation to heavily
tax banks which are not lending their funds - something like a
windfall profits tax. Definitely stick it to the banks and insurance

The sentiments are aimed in the right directions but not well thought out. In fact those who currently have all the power in this country to make those things happen, are the people against whom some of the most severe action should be taken.

and who are they?
Seek no further than the "Hallowed Halls" of Congress!
Wallstreet wouldn't get away with what it does without the consent of the Body Politic!
That's where the Rot is!sick

SCAREY! scared I'm beginning to agree with you on some things lately! rofl

smart2009's photo
Wed 11/09/11 08:07 AM

I am just curious...I am involved in Occupy Seattle which I do understand is controversial. I am proud to say ours is the 5th largest occupation in America. It's nice to see that the average American CAN make a difference. My questions to you are: What difference would you like to see in American politics / government? The banking industry? Wall Street? Education?

1. Single Payer Health Care System modeled after France's current
best in the world system - which will give universal coverage and
at less than half the cost of our current system. This is the single
most fiscally important thing we could do. Single payer dentistry too.

2. Retroactively take back at least 95% of the bonuses of the Wall
St. pigs who ripped us all off with bogus mortgage backed products
for the 10 years prior to the mortgage meltdown. We need that money
back now to pay back all the working class people from who it was
stolen under fraudulent misrepresentations of the products. This
should be good for over $100 billion easily.

3. Make a national bank lender who will extend the most favorable
lending terms to all Americans who would like to refinance not just
for those who are in default. Possibly legislation to heavily
tax banks which are not lending their funds - something like a
windfall profits tax. Definitely stick it to the banks and insurance

The sentiments are aimed in the right directions but not well thought out. In fact those who currently have all the power in this country to make those things happen, are the people against whom some of the most severe action should be taken.

and who are they?
Seek no further than the "Hallowed Halls" of Congress!
Wallstreet wouldn't get away with what it does without the consent of the Body Politic!
That's where the Rot is!sick

Papa Don ' t Preachlaugh

smart2009's photo
Wed 11/09/11 08:08 AM
Edited by smart2009 on Wed 11/09/11 08:10 AM

I am just curious...I am involved in Occupy Seattle which I do understand is controversial. I am proud to say ours is the 5th largest occupation in America. It's nice to see that the average American CAN make a difference. My questions to you are: What difference would you like to see in American politics / government? The banking industry? Wall Street? Education?

1. Single Payer Health Care System modeled after France's current
best in the world system - which will give universal coverage and
at less than half the cost of our current system. This is the single
most fiscally important thing we could do. Single payer dentistry too.

2. Retroactively take back at least 95% of the bonuses of the Wall
St. pigs who ripped us all off with bogus mortgage backed products
for the 10 years prior to the mortgage meltdown. We need that money
back now to pay back all the working class people from who it was
stolen under fraudulent misrepresentations of the products. This
should be good for over $100 billion easily.

3. Make a national bank lender who will extend the most favorable
lending terms to all Americans who would like to refinance not just
for those who are in default. Possibly legislation to heavily
tax banks which are not lending their funds - something like a
windfall profits tax. Definitely stick it to the banks and insurance

The sentiments are aimed in the right directions but not well thought out. In fact those who currently have all the power in this country to make those things happen, are the people against whom some of the most severe action should be taken.

and who are they?
Seek no further than the "Hallowed Halls" of Congress!
Wallstreet wouldn't get away with what it does without the consent of the Body Politic!
That's where the Rot is!sick

Papa Don ' t Preachlaugh laugh
**** The System

no photo
Thu 11/10/11 11:20 AM

I spent 10 days at "Stop the Machine! Create a New World!" occupy movement in D.C. last month. I specified this because there are 2 Occupy D.C. groups. We closed banks, picketed, marched, protested & educated. It was exhausting, but empowering.

The first step would be to arrest everyone involved in forcibly closing banks or marching/protesting without a permit. Forcibly closing down private businesses is a crime, so is organizing a protest or "occupying" public property without a permit. Public property is there for all of the public, not just a small group of people who want to protest whatever the heck OWS is protesting.

1) Eliminate all laws on weapons, except in the case of violent felons. Every adult who wants to be armed should be armed.
2) Legalize all drugs.
3) Eliminate the Fed, the FDA, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Department of Energy (move Nuclear to Department of Defense), Housing and Urban Development, Department of the Interior, Department of Labor and Department of Transportation.
4) Privatize Education, road work, highways, police, fire department, etc. Anything that can be done by the private sector should be done by the private sector.
5) Legalize prostitution.
6) End all Government subsidies. Government subsidies create enough air for executives to get outrageous pay, benefits, bonuses, golden parachutes that some OWS seem to be upset about. If large companies were forced to compete on even ground with small and medium sized companies, the Diseconomies of Scale would force the large companies to offer more reasonable pay and benefits to their executives.
7) Use prisons only for violent criminals and repeat offenders. Most criminals should perform community service while continuing to live their normal lives.

That's a good start.

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 11/10/11 11:29 AM

I spent 10 days at "Stop the Machine! Create a New World!" occupy movement in D.C. last month. I specified this because there are 2 Occupy D.C. groups. We closed banks, picketed, marched, protested & educated. It was exhausting, but empowering.

The first step would be to arrest everyone involved in forcibly closing banks or marching/protesting without a permit. Forcibly closing down private businesses is a crime, so is organizing a protest or "occupying" public property without a permit. Public property is there for all of the public, not just a small group of people who want to protest whatever the heck OWS is protesting.

1) Eliminate all laws on weapons, except in the case of violent felons. Every adult who wants to be armed should be armed.
2) Legalize all drugs.
3) Eliminate the Fed, the FDA, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Department of Energy (move Nuclear to Department of Defense), Housing and Urban Development, Department of the Interior, Department of Labor and Department of Transportation.
4) Privatize Education, road work, highways, police, fire department, etc. Anything that can be done by the private sector should be done by the private sector.
5) Legalize prostitution.
6) End all Government subsidies. Government subsidies create enough air for executives to get outrageous pay,
benefits, bonuses, golden parachutes that some OWS seem to be upset about. If large companies were forced to compete on even ground with small and medium sized companies, the Diseconomies of Scale would force the
large companies to offer more reasonable pay and benefits to their executives.
7) Use prisons only for violent criminals and repeat offenders. Most criminals should perform community service
while continuing to live their normal lives.

That's a good start.


RichardH11's photo
Thu 11/10/11 06:54 PM
I think the occupiers should get jobs and get off the streets, no one dese

Peccy's photo
Thu 11/10/11 07:27 PM

1) Eliminate all laws on weapons, except in the case of violent felons. Every adult who wants to be armed should be armed.
2) Legalize all drugs.
3) Eliminate the Fed, the FDA, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Department of Energy (move Nuclear to Department of Defense), Housing and Urban Development, Department of the Interior, Department of Labor and Department of Transportation.
4) Privatize Education, road work, highways, police, fire department, etc. Anything that can be done by the private sector should be done by the private sector.
5) Legalize prostitution.
6) End all Government subsidies. Government subsidies create enough air for executives to get outrageous pay,
benefits, bonuses, golden parachutes that some OWS seem to be upset about. If large companies were forced to compete on even ground with small and medium sized companies, the Diseconomies of Scale would force the
large companies to offer more reasonable pay and benefits to their executives.
7) Use prisons only for violent criminals and repeat offenders. Most criminals should perform community service
while continuing to live their normal lives.

That's a good start.

drinker drinker

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/11/11 06:44 AM

1) Eliminate all laws on weapons, except in the case of violent felons. Every adult who wants to be armed should be armed.
2) Legalize all drugs.
3) Eliminate the Fed, the FDA, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Department of Energy (move Nuclear to Department of Defense), Housing and Urban Development, Department of the Interior, Department of Labor and Department of Transportation.
4) Privatize Education, road work, highways, police, fire department, etc. Anything that can be done by the private sector should be done by the private sector.
5) Legalize prostitution.
6) End all Government subsidies. Government subsidies create enough air for executives to get outrageous pay,
benefits, bonuses, golden parachutes that some OWS seem to be upset about. If large companies were forced to compete on even ground with small and medium sized companies, the Diseconomies of Scale would force the
large companies to offer more reasonable pay and benefits to their executives.
7) Use prisons only for violent criminals and repeat offenders. Most criminals should perform community service
while continuing to live their normal lives.

That's a good start.

drinker drinker

Yer right Peccy drinker .... I would have removed the 1st part (obviously the only part he didn't copy and paste) too! laugh

no photo
Fri 11/11/11 06:58 AM

1) Eliminate all laws on weapons, except in the case of violent felons. Every adult who wants to be armed should be armed.
2) Legalize all drugs.
3) Eliminate the Fed, the FDA, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Department of Energy (move Nuclear to Department of Defense), Housing and Urban Development, Department of the Interior, Department of Labor and Department of Transportation.
4) Privatize Education, road work, highways, police, fire department, etc. Anything that can be done by the private sector should be done by the private sector.
5) Legalize prostitution.
6) End all Government subsidies. Government subsidies create enough air for executives to get outrageous pay,
benefits, bonuses, golden parachutes that some OWS seem to be upset about. If large companies were forced to compete on even ground with small and medium sized companies, the Diseconomies of Scale would force the
large companies to offer more reasonable pay and benefits to their executives.
7) Use prisons only for violent criminals and repeat offenders. Most criminals should perform community service
while continuing to live their normal lives.

That's a good start.

drinker drinker

Yer right Peccy drinker .... I would have removed the 1st part (obviously the only part he didn't copy and paste) too! laugh

I wrote the whole thing. When I copy/paste, I include a link to the source.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/11/11 07:44 AM

1) Eliminate all laws on weapons, except in the case of violent felons. Every adult who wants to be armed should be armed.
2) Legalize all drugs.
3) Eliminate the Fed, the FDA, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Department of Energy (move Nuclear to Department of Defense), Housing and Urban Development, Department of the Interior, Department of Labor and Department of Transportation.
4) Privatize Education, road work, highways, police, fire department, etc. Anything that can be done by the private sector should be done by the private sector.
5) Legalize prostitution.
6) End all Government subsidies. Government subsidies create enough air for executives to get outrageous pay,
benefits, bonuses, golden parachutes that some OWS seem to be upset about. If large companies were forced to compete on even ground with small and medium sized companies, the Diseconomies of Scale would force the
large companies to offer more reasonable pay and benefits to their executives.
7) Use prisons only for violent criminals and repeat offenders. Most criminals should perform community service
while continuing to live their normal lives.

That's a good start.

drinker drinker

Yer right Peccy drinker .... I would have removed the 1st part (obviously the only part he didn't copy and paste) too! laugh

I wrote the whole thing. When I copy/paste, I include a link to the source.

Then please forgive my insolence blushing My disagreenent with the non-itemised portion of your statement stands however.

I still believe in the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence proclaiming peoples rights.

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 11/11/11 07:48 AM

I think the occupiers should get jobs and get off the streets, no one dese

Its a Long way to commute to China

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/11/11 07:54 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 11/11/11 07:54 AM

I think the occupiers should get jobs and get off the streets, no one dese

Its a Long way to commute to China

Better pay in Germany and a shorter commute!

Maybe Cain will pick up the gas tab to get the jobless masses off their a$$es and making something of themselves! rofl

no photo
Fri 11/11/11 07:57 AM

I still believe in the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence proclaiming peoples rights.

And you think I don't? I'm opposed to a mob shutting down legitimate businesses and I'm appalled by public defecation and urination and somehow you think that means that I am anti-rights?

Oliver Windell Holmes wrote "The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins." That means my rights end where they infringe upon another person's rights or where my behavior becomes a danger to others. Public defecation is a sanitation problem and can cause the spread of many diseases that have been all but eliminated in the USA. A mob closing down legitimate businesses infringes upon the rights of the business owners and their customers. Don't try to hide your support for mob behavior in the Constitution and Declaration, it doesn't belong there. You are defending the indefensible.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/11/11 08:09 AM

So we protest banks, corporate greed and inequality by picketing what? A child care facility? A vacant lot? Maybe your house?

You steal from me and what... I yell at you?


Some freedoms require a direct approach and a little sacrifice to avoid revolution!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/11/11 08:11 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 11/11/11 08:12 AM
When blood is running in the streets, who will the criminals be?

Ask the Kent State students!

no photo
Fri 11/11/11 08:14 AM

So we protest banks, corporate greed and inequality by picketing what? A child care facility? A vacant lot? Maybe your house?

You steal from me and what... I yell at you?


Some freedoms require a direct approach and a little sacrifice to avoid revolution!

So you admit that the problem is "THE PEOPLE WE HIRED TO PROTECT US"? Then protest politicians, go to their offices! Go to DC, but don't shut down businesses. It's LEGAL to protest politicians, it's NOT LEGAL to defecate in the street and close down businesses.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/11/11 08:19 AM

So we protest banks, corporate greed and inequality by picketing what? A child care facility? A vacant lot? Maybe your house?

You steal from me and what... I yell at you?


Some freedoms require a direct approach and a little sacrifice to avoid revolution!

So you admit that the problem is "THE PEOPLE WE HIRED TO PROTECT US"? Then protest politicians, go to their offices! Go to DC, but don't shut down businesses. It's LEGAL to protest politicians, it's NOT LEGAL to defecate in the street and close down businesses.

OK..... so we protest where they can apply the Patriot Act, proclaim everyone as "TERRORISTS" and can mass murder everyone without FEAR of prosecution instead of arresting them....! GOOD PLAN!

no photo
Fri 11/11/11 08:22 AM

OK..... so we protest where they can apply the Patriot Act, proclaim everyone as "TERRORISTS" and can mass murder everyone without FEAR of prosecution instead of arresting them....! GOOD PLAN!

Tea Parties organized protests outside of politicians offices and in DC and they weren't murdered, even though Democrats did compare them to terrorists. Your fears are irrational. If you actually believe that what you described could happen, then you need to seek a qualified therapist.

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 11/11/11 08:23 AM

I think the occupiers should get jobs and get off the streets, no one dese

Its a Long way to commute to China

Better pay in Germany and a shorter commute!

Maybe Cain will pick up the gas tab to get the jobless masses off their a$$es and making something of themselves! rofl

Those Idle poor..who do they think they are:smile:

Love The Shirt...Not Keen on the Hatdrinker