Topic: People and Friends who are very cruel/users and when....
trying_to_fly's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:12 AM
Don't you think, that one of the BIGGEST loads of shit, and almost kind
of have to laugh at, are the people out there who are SO mean and cruel
to other people and when they see you face to face and treat you like
that and you stand up to them....THEY ACTAULLY GET PISSED AT YOU FOR
STANDING UP TO THEM....and call YOU an asshole and procede to go around
and spread a SHIT load of rumors and lies about you!! LOL!! I never
could figure that one out. Or how about when you think someone's a
friend and they sit there and take, take, take, take, take and you
FINALLY get fed up with being used, you stand your ground and NOT let
the bullshit continue, they look at you and say, "Man, I thought you
were a friend...You're such a selfish asshole!!" and would seem to
TOTALLY forget the last 999,999 things you did for them throughout the

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:15 AM
yeah, their bitches. it's bad enough when a woman does it but it is
especially bad when a dude ho's himself out like that. talkin all that
shit behind your back and when you confront him about it he denies it.
lol biiiiiittccchh

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:21 AM
They sound like desperet dudes to me.

Hey an't that a TV show or something? LOL

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:23 AM
my guess is that they want you to physically make them suck your dick.
it brings back some sort of secure feelings from their childhood lol

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:26 AM
I had some friends that I've known since grade 4..we went through
everything together. Everything was always shared. If one didn't have
smokes, the other two made sure he did, if we were going to a concert
and one couldn't afford it, the other 2 would kick in for his ticket.
Well, a couple of years ago one of them contacted me in desperation, he
needed to borrow some dough off me(I won't say how much but there was a
few zeros after the number). Anyway six months went by and nothing at
all came back to me..and they BOTH worked at Ford's(I should mention
here that they were brothers). My g/f at the time asked me if she could
talk to them. I said what the hell, I'm not getting
anywhere..anyway...these cocksuckers had the unmitigated gall to tell
her to keep an eye on me around her 15 yr old daughter, so when I sued
for the money, I also sued them for slander..that one idiotic bullshit
statement cost them twice what they owed me..the sad or funny part
was(depending on how you look at it)..a couple months after it was all
over, they actually had the NERVE to try and hit me up again. I haven't
spoken to them since and it'll be a cold day in hell before I do
again..with friends like that, who needs enemas?

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:29 AM
i would have punched him in the face if they would have asked me after
all that, that's some bullshit.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:30 AM
I woulda..but they were 3 hours away down the 401 lol..they got a hold
of me on my messenger..needless to say, it and their e-mail are blocked

trying_to_fly's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:33 AM
DUDE!! That SUCKS!! HARDCORE!! And especially bringing a child into
the picture!! I would'nt have sued for slander, I would've beat them!!
SEVERELY!! Not for the money but, for putting you in a LOT of DANGER
about the little girl!! Man that's just asking for war there!!! SHIT!!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:47 AM
THAT, more than the money is what did it for me. These fuckers knew me
for years and years, and to come up with such a vile, disgusting lie
blew me away..all because they didn't wanna pay me back. Fuck, money is
money, it comes and goes but something like that could stick with you
forever...good thing my g/f had some sense and didn't believe it for a
second. I mean hell, I drove her daughter to and from school, to her
boyfriend's, to parties, and I'd go pick her up when she was ready to go
home...and I wasn't even living with them. The only thing that lightened
it up any was when we told her daughter what they said, she laughed like
hell and even told her mom she felt safer in the car with me than with
her lmao and then told me she KNEW I wasn't that kind of freak..she
still said I was a freak, just not THAT kind ass little brat
I talked about how there is cosmic justice out there too, in another
thread, well, cosmic justice also prevailed cuz they're both losing
their jobs due to permanent layoffs. I feel bad for all the other Ford
employees that are losing there jobs, but I don't feel sorry for those 2
cocksuckers. Good thing they're blocked, cuz I'd bet dollars to donuts
they'd try it again.

chismah's photo
Fri 10/13/06 03:53 AM
ouch...I sense all need a big hug ^_^

(HUGGGgGGGggSss) your alllllllllllllllll better now...^_~