Topic: Ok.....what as a guy can.......
purplecat's photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:42 PM
little white jackets......pockets full of packets..??bigsmile

no photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:43 PM
hahaha I know but I love jackets......all kinds.....Im attracted to all kinds of jackets.....

daleray1606's photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:43 PM

Do they have Ogre Sizes??

no photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:43 PM
<-------has some very awesome coats, jackets, blazers etc.......yep yep yeplaugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:45 PM

here they come ....the boys with the bright white jackets
I'm wavin my arms in the air !!
where did they get those jackets....
and what have they got in those packets.....?

izzie's photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:46 PM
:wink: bigsmile

no photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:46 PM
hahaha omg Trooper!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

daleray1606's photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:47 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

WTG Izzy

purplecat's photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:48 PM
oh I like jackets coats pants skirts shirts SHOES,,all them girlie underthings ... I dont wear jewelery got 14 earrings thats enough ... BUT I LOVE CLOTHES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oooooooooh shoppppppping if only I had a place to wear all this stuff I have been collecting , I started to actually just wear some of this stuff ,,might as well before the moths eat it or something...or I just keep shrinking and finally disapear(have you noticed I am losing my mind?)noway

no photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:50 PM
Hey purple!!! Just wear them even if you arent going anywhere!!! Dont wait for a special occasion because you never is too short!

izzie's photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:54 PM
i like shoes.... adn the vid was great!!!!!

purplecat's photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:54 PM
thats right ! I have LOTS of nice clothes ! I have been wearing a new outfit every time I go out lately .. just look fabulous to go to that grocery store an gas station ,,

oh ,,an ,,JEEZUZ !! the Spa was FANTASTIC,,BUT !! BUT !!
ARRRGH ,,,two hours later ,,the rash begins.........two days later I STILL have a rashy all over my face an my eyelids are burnin ,,ithchy ,,aaaaalllleeerrrggiiccc reeaction ..jeezuz..takin some allergy meds ,,probebly allergic to them too ,,they asked if I had allergies I said YES !! MANY !!oh ,,,ITCHY !!!!!!!!!! expensive ,,itchy ,,ARGH !!

daleray1606's photo
Sun 07/15/07 11:55 PM

Grabs Purple in an Ogre HUG.....

no photo
Mon 07/16/07 12:00 AM
the rash is quite normal purple.....most people get that from the spa!!! And good for you for getting dressed up to the grocery store. Not too long ago, our mothers used to get dressed up to go there as least mine did.

purplecat's photo
Mon 07/16/07 12:02 AM
awwwwwwww thanks (((((((Daleray)))))))) first hug I've had ALLLLLL day ..ugh..itchy four year old has been a night mare today tooo..I just dont know what to do with him when he has a screaming tantrum because he hurt himself ,, I try to kiss him better and hug him ,,and he gets madder ,,and madder ,, he screamed for over an hour .. my landlord tried to get him to settle down and gave him a squirt gun and my son continued to be angry and wound up breaking the squirt gun (my landlord does not know the kid broke it already i feel bad) I try the loving approach ,, i try the stern approach .. it was probebly just about 2 hours of him screaming at me bfore I started crying ,,then he felt bad and finally stopped crying and we hugged for about half an hour ,, its really draining ,, other things goin on makin me just ...sad.. I try to turn it around ,,every body just be happy damn it ,, I was even having chest pains for awhile after it all calmed down ,, I did pick up my mandolin and played for awhile that soothed both of us savage beasts.... I havent done that in a long time....whew..vent..Its been a day...noway

daleray1606's photo
Mon 07/16/07 12:05 AM
Too Much Stress...

The Ogre Dedicates Craig Morgan's Tough for Purple

no photo
Mon 07/16/07 12:06 AM
I thought my son was the devil's spawn too purple.....when he was 3.....he broke my bed room window even.....he took the curtain rod and smashed it. I went to the bathroom and cried. I couldnt affored to fix it....he still remembers me crying in the bathroom. I even went to a ADD specialist only for them to tell me he was "normal". I think alot of the time they are being bad to get attention. Any attention is better than no attention.

no photo
Mon 07/16/07 12:08 AM
thankfully he is a great kid now.......he seemed to outgrow it. I also had to take him to speech therapy because the specialists found that he had a hard time expressing himself because he was behind in talking. He would be sooooooo frustrated with the english language that he would act out...idk that is my experience

daleray1606's photo
Mon 07/16/07 12:08 AM
Wisdom Speaks Gypsy Ummm Wisdom that what my other green friend Yoda would say...

no photo
Mon 07/16/07 12:12 AM
haha Im no expert daleray!!! Im just saying I remember those horrible years!!!