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Topic: polygamy
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Sat 07/21/07 06:11 PM

Your attack on sororitygurl4life demonstates a complete lack of class. If someone makes a stupid statement or uses flawed logic, it's fair game, but making ad homimems should be beneath you.

mckeachie's photo
Sat 07/21/07 06:47 PM
Its called being quick witted, I think she is a very sexy girl and happen to like her profile. I dont think she was being mean I thinnk she was being a smart ass as so was I. As for quick witted yes I believe a truly am lol I dont want her to think every thing I write is a cut and paste as it was kinda of suggested gigles. as for a lack of class I doubt it, coth maybe just cause am not affriad what people think of me or if they know what am thinking. and nothing is beneath me if a person wants to joke about my topic then be ready to be joked with. Who knows maybe she will let me take her to dinner or vaction sometime flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 07/21/07 06:53 PM
>> Its called being quick witted,

By some people, yes, but clearly thats a misnomer.

mckeachie's photo
Sat 07/21/07 06:56 PM
your calling my post a stupid statement or flawed logic, so it is fair game thats not a nice thing to do its a dating site I am trying to find people with my same interest not trying to debate my beliefes. am sure there are some people that like debates on here thats kool beans.
One part of finding someone that has the same interest as me is showing my personality. which is being quick witted and sometime a little mean but only in a playful matter.
So ya this is a DATING SITE yess polgamy is apart of my religion. and yess am a real person with feelings poke me with a stick I will poke you back!!! if you like it I will give you my number.
Good luck everyone on finding that special someone and God bless.

no photo
Sat 07/21/07 07:04 PM

I called your post an Ad Hominem, but your preceeding and following posts are full of flawed logic and stupid statements.

mckeachie's photo
Sat 07/21/07 07:20 PM
Lets just get the sticks out and poke each other for a minutesmokin

mckeachie's photo
Sat 07/21/07 07:20 PM
Lets just get the sticks out and poke each other for a minutesmokin

mckeachie's photo
Sat 07/21/07 07:27 PM
O boy its getting late. I wish I could stay I bet all the fun stuff happens when I leave. So if the cute girls come out when I am gone please forgive me and leave a post I would love to hear from ya. Phillflowerforyou

mckeachie's photo
Sun 07/22/07 03:49 AM
:tongue: well am awake now, GOOD MORNING!!! flowerforyou anyone have any qustions on polgamy? any one have any polgamous friends?

mckeachie's photo
Sun 07/22/07 07:26 PM
Mormon Census Form
1. _____________________ (Given name)

2. _____________________ (Surname)

3. Descendant of:

A. Adam and Eve _____

B. Cain and Abel _____

C. Laman and Lemuel _____

D. Laurel and Hardy _____

4. Tribe: _____________________

5. Number of occupants in home:

(Categories listed in chronological order)

A. Nursery _____

B. Junior Primary _____

C. Senior Primary _____

D. Young Women’s _____

E. Young Men’s _____

F. Relief Society _____

G. Elder _____

H. Dearly Departed _____

I. High Priest _____

6. Occupation:

A. Amway dealer _____

B. Shaklee dealer _____

C. Nonie juice dealer _____

D. NuSkin dealer _____

E. Melaleuca dealer _____

7. Automobile:

A. Station Wagon _____

B. Van _____

C. Suburban _____

D. School Bus _____

E. Double Decker _____

8. Favorite place to eat the night before Fast Sunday:

A. Chuck-A-Rama _____

B. Hometown Buffet _____

C. Sumo Sam’s All You Can Eat Feeding Trough _____

9. Favorite Hero:

A. Nephi _____

B. Abinadi _____

C. Samuel the Lamanite _____

D. Steve Young _____

E. Johnny Lingo _____

10. Which of the following do you bring to church:

A. Scriptures _____

B. Daytimer _____

C. Pen/Pencil _____

D. Lifesavers _____

E. Tic Tacs _____

F. Game Boy _____

G. Big Gulp _____

H. Cooler _____

I. Sony Walkman _____

J. TV Watch _____

K. All of the above _____

11. Do you prepare your lessons:

A. A month in advance _____

B. A week in advance _____

C. While in the bathtub _____

D. While on the toilet _____

E. During Sacrament Meeting _____

F. During the closing prayer of Sacrament Meeting _____

G. During the opening prayer of the class you’re teaching _____

H. Just wing it _____

12. Do you think pews should be permanently equipped with

Big Gulp holders: yes___ no ___

13. How many years has your family sat in the same place for Sacrament Meeting:

A. 10-20 years _____

B. 20-30 years _____

C. 30-40 years _____

D. Over 3 generations _____

14. How much time does it take for you to fall asleep during a high council talk:

A. 1/100,000,000th of a second _____

B. 1/999,999,999th of a second _____

C. 1/999,999,998th of a second _____

15. Which day of the month do you go home/visiting teaching:

A. 31st ______

B. 31st ______

C. 31st ______

D. 31st ______

16. How many church basketball fights were you in last year:

A. 1-10 _____

B. 10-20 _____

C. 20-30 _____

D. You’ll have to ask my lawyer _____

17. Which of the following has been your most effective Family Home Evening:

A. Arguing about getting along _____

B. Having an opening and closing prayer with dinner _____

C. Gathering around the television to watch, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" _____

18. How many times a year do you make:

A. Jello salad _____

B. Funeral potatoes _____

C. Cabbage and Top Ramen salad _____

D. Turkey, cashews and grape-stuffed croissants _____

19. How many water-filled two-liter bottles do you own:

A. 1-2 thousand _____

B. 2-3 thousand _____

C. 3-4 thousand _____

D. Enough to fill the Great Salt Lake _____

20. Which of the following do you feel is the most secure facility in the nation:

A. Alcatraz _____

B. Fort Knox _____

C. Ward Libraries _____

21. How many aerodynamic, mechanical and structural engineers do you hire annually to insure you’ll win the pinewood derby: _________

22. Keeping the Word of Wisdom in mind, how much of the following do you consume:

A. Chocolate:_____ pounds daily X 365 days annually = ____

B. Cola: _____ gallons daily X 365 days annually = ____

23. If you had to choose between witnessing the Second Coming or attending a BYU/UofU football game, which would you choose?

A. Second Coming _____

B. Football game _____

mckeachie's photo
Sun 07/22/07 07:53 PM
Q: Why do Mormon women stop having babies at thirty-five?

A: Because thirty-six is just too many.

Q: What do you get when you cross a Kleptomaniac and a Mormon?

A: A basement full of stolen food.

An LDS child needed to bring an old shirt from home for a school project about drug prevention. The mother was busy and handed her child an old T-shirt without examining it. Later, she was appalled to see her child wearing the T-shirt through the mall. On the front it said, "A Family is Forever." On the back: "Be Smart, Don't Start."

mckeachie's photo
Mon 07/23/07 08:01 AM
Good morning, is there anybody who belongs to a family orainted(badspeller) religion even tho I am not LDS i would be interested getting know and sharing ideas. phill

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