Topic: I think I need a womans perspective
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Fri 09/30/11 02:22 PM
Hello all, I come to the advice forums with a problem about a girl. I've always been kind of shy around girls in person. At my friends advice I decided to try facebook as a way to meet girls. Needless to say it failed miserably, but one of the girls I tried to talk to now works at the gas station I regularly stop in. I don't know if she recognized me or not, but I would really like to say something. My problem is I don't know what to say, if I should say anything at all. I've even considered switching gas stations so I don't have to deal with that awkwardness, but I would have to pay an extra 10 cents for gas.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 09/30/11 02:37 PM
'Hey, you're new here, enjoying the job?'
Might get you in the door.

I probably would not bring up the FB approach
as it seems to have not gone so well.
Real world time here now.
Lots of smiles, easy chat, listen well.

no photo
Fri 09/30/11 02:44 PM

'Hey, you're new here, enjoying the job?'
Might get you in the door.

I probably would not bring up the FB approach
as it seems to have not gone so well.
Real world time here now.
Lots of smiles, easy chat, listen well.

Admittedly I worry way to much about everything, but I just feel like if I try to talk to her it will just come off as creepy or like I didn't get the hint or something. I suppose it's worth a shot though better to try something than sit and do nothing.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 09/30/11 03:23 PM

'Hey, you're new here, enjoying the job?'
Might get you in the door.

I probably would not bring up the FB approach
as it seems to have not gone so well.
Real world time here now.
Lots of smiles, easy chat, listen well.

Admittedly I worry way to much about everything, but I just feel like if I try to talk to her it will just come off as creepy or like I didn't get the hint or something. I suppose it's worth a shot though better to try something than sit and do nothing.

Well, a really good way to get really good at it
is to be really really bad at it to begin with.
All glory from here on in :-)

So, don't assume she knows who you are,
or aren't.
So trust me
Don't talk if you don't feel like it.
Just look friendly.
Smile, look her in the eye.
Repeat as needed.
She will notice.
NOTHING draws a chica out
faster than a guy who seems to..
withhold a bit.
Okay, don't leer.
When she smiles back, we can move on.

krupa's photo
Fri 09/30/11 03:40 PM
Just a thought bro. Just do casual conversation and if SHE brings up the FB can always say "Holy Schitt! That's YOU? It never even occurred to me. Cool!!!"

Deceptions are also truisms for survival and success. Just ask any chameleon.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 09/30/11 03:47 PM

'Hey, you're new here, enjoying the job?'
Might get you in the door.

I probably would not bring up the FB approach
as it seems to have not gone so well.
Real world time here now.
Lots of smiles, easy chat, listen well.

Admittedly I worry way to much about everything, but I just feel like if I try to talk to her it will just come off as creepy or like I didn't get the hint or something. I suppose it's worth a shot though better to try something than sit and do nothing.

What hint didn't you get?

Nothing ventured nothing gained.

No risk equals no love.

I would not say you saw her on FB right away for sure though that will come off creepy. We know we are seen online. I have ran into people who have seen me on another site I am on but if I felt like they were stalkerish it would cause me to treat them as such.

no photo
Fri 09/30/11 06:12 PM

Hello all, I come to the advice forums with a problem about a girl. I've always been kind of shy around girls in person. At my friends advice I decided to try facebook as a way to meet girls. Needless to say it failed miserably, but one of the girls I tried to talk to now works at the gas station I regularly stop in. I don't know if she recognized me or not, but I would really like to say something. My problem is I don't know what to say, if I should say anything at all. I've even considered switching gas stations so I don't have to deal with that awkwardness, but I would have to pay an extra 10 cents for gas.

paying 10 cents more for gas to avoid a girl who you really do not want to avoid makes no sense or cents

(I have a homonym fetish...)

so the rest should be obvious - say hello to her. A lot of people reserve FB for friends and fam only so it prolly had nothing bad to do with was prolly because she has no idea who u are ...just say hello and if she seems receptive talk to her

no photo
Fri 09/30/11 08:14 PM

'Hey, you're new here, enjoying the job?'
Might get you in the door.

I probably would not bring up the FB approach
as it seems to have not gone so well.
Real world time here now.
Lots of smiles, easy chat, listen well.

Admittedly I worry way to much about everything, but I just feel like if I try to talk to her it will just come off as creepy or like I didn't get the hint or something. I suppose it's worth a shot though better to try something than sit and do nothing.

Liek all the advice above. Don;t mention the FB thing. IT is a little creepy when someone tries to hit on you on Fb. First thought is kinda like "Do I know you?" I'm with Soufie, start with "Your new here, liking it?" "ITs nice to see a friendly face-- since you said you frequent it often." Just be casual and friendly. And try and stay positive.
Good Luck

oldsage's photo
Sat 10/01/11 08:41 AM
Nothing ventured; nothing gained.

Just do it.

carold's photo
Sat 10/01/11 09:06 AM
Seems like you need a boast in confidence. I was really shy when I was young, over that. Maybe it came with age. Plus just learning to get out of myself helped. Plus I have wonder lust. Nothing ventured nothing gained. flowerforyou flowerforyou Good luckflowerforyou flowerforyou

dcool007's photo
Sat 10/01/11 01:31 PM
I neer suger mummy let me geve it to 24 7 hot and cool ur ***** 4 life

Goofball73's photo
Sat 10/01/11 02:23 PM
I've been here before dude, and speaking from experience, I will give you this tid bit. You want to ever have a chance at a date with this girl, you have to make a move. Being shy isn't a bad thing dude. Just don't allow it to dominate you. When you go to pay for something, just be nice...cordial...and smile. A smile goes a long way dude.

Aiza_misao's photo
Sat 10/01/11 04:14 PM
Just be a man dude