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Topic: Impeach Bush
PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 10/12/06 11:43 PM
oh hell we got so many parties here in Canada, we even got parties
merging with each other and we got all the bases covered: liberals,
conservatives, commies, fascists, peace-niks, potheads and tree huggers.
And they ALL have official party status.
Now, you think what you just experienced is fucked, listen to this...we
don't even get to vote for our leader, we only get to vote for a party.
Here's the problem, and I'll use our current PM in this example, Stephen
Harper. We have members of parliament for each riding in the country
which is who we actually cast our ballots for. Now, if I think the local
representative is a total shmuck but I like Stephen Harper, I have to
vote for a total shmuck in order to make it a vote for Harper. The
opposite is true too, maybe the representative for my riding has been
doing a bang-up job but I think Harper is a shmuck. In order to vote for
the person I think would best represent my riding, it would also count
as a vote for Harper. The only ppl that had Harper's name on their
ballots were the ppl in the riding that he represents. We have a senate
that is NOT elected, but appointed by the current PM which makes it
pretty much useless in policy making..The ethics minister reports
directly to the PM. And the ethics minister is from the same party, and
to top it off, if the ppl we elect don't want to follow their party
leader's agenda, he can actually fire someone that WE elected in the 1st
place, which makes the whole thing pointless. We elect them to do a job,
and yet if the wishes of his/her constituents aren't in line with what
the PM wants and they push the issue they get fired, so they shut up and
tow the party line, which again, makes the whole procedure pointless.
I've made comments about Canada being or quickly becoming communist and
not just socialist, and this is just one of many examples to back it up.
The US is still a little noided out about Cuba, hell..take a look north
and you'll see the next up and coming commie regime. And ppl wonder why
I'm tryin to get out.
Any nice Americans out there wanna adopt a disgruntled but friendly AND
house broken Canuck? lol

no photo
Thu 10/12/06 11:59 PM
Folks, for what its worth. We are all part of a bigger game. I tell you
this because I have read enough about it. Dividing folks into parties is
what the money people that run the country want. As long as we are
thinking in "democrat/republican" mind sets they are happy because we
are not looking into their affairs. By they I mean the Federal Reserve.
They are as Federal as you and I put together. They dont pay taxes and
we pay income tax solely to pay the interest they charge the US for
issuing money. Google it. You will see that the income tax and the Fed
Res started the same year. 1913. They are a private corporation whcih
you and I cannot buy stocks in and they do not pay taxes. In 1992 alone
they made 292 billion dollars from interest the US (you and I ) paid
them. Only the banks that belong to this system can buy stocks. They
give the president a list of 4-5 names for the president to choose a new
Fed Reserve chairman. Not only do they choose the chairman they have a
14 year term. Hell our senators only have a 6 year term. So I tell you
folks read about the the FR and you will see that all the talk of
Republicans and democrat crap is merely a ploy to keep us divided and
off the subject of who is really running the show. I am b y no means a
fanatic. I served in the service from Jimmys term to Clintons term. I
voted for Ronnie,GB senior and Clinto. Could not bring myself to support
GB junior. So with that I tell you I am right donw themiddle of the road
nut only until I started reading about the Federal Reserve. I will even
give you a few sites to browse when you have time. You will see how
obvious it is when you really take the time.



7403366410552837196&q=aaron+russo Really good interview.


Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 10/13/06 12:07 AM
Sounds like US politics too. Only now if you voted mostly for one party(
Even though you registered as an independent) you are automatically that
party. So in the primary what ever party you voted the most in you are
that party. Kinda sounds like you have really no choice.
So if you voted mostly for republican and now you want to vote democrat
you have to reregister as a democrat
who the hell are they to tell me what I am.

I can see your point in Canada has a lot of parties which makes it
confusing. And voting for someone just to get the guy you really want in
office stinks too.

True democracy works. But it tends to hurt the ones that are
trustworthy. My uncle was in local politics. He said it's the most cut
throat and deceptive job you could ever know. People use to try to bribe
him all the time. So he eventually got out of it. Too many crooks.


no photo
Fri 10/13/06 12:12 AM
that is a good point taino. way too many people don't pay attention to
what is going on and they vote based on party affiliation without
finding out. alot of people automatically assume that all democrats are
for gun control and abortion and all republicans are for keeping the
poor poor. not too many of them are hard line anymore. with all of the
campaign speeches that bush made, he hasn't lived up to any of em.

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 12:13 AM
it's like having two completely different people if you compare how they
are whil campaigning and what they are in office.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 10/13/06 12:35 AM
that's fucked up Ghost. At least here we only need to be registered,
they don't give a fuck what party you want to be affiliated with altho
I'm proud to say I support and endorse the Marijuana Party of Canada.
It's kinda funny because my ex-wife's oldest son is the representative
for the Marijuana Party in Burnaby B.C.. The really funny part is, he's
never voted in his life, never paid a dime in income tax, isn't even
using his real name and doesn't even have a SIN, which is the same as
your SSN. Next thing you know, they'll be letting illegal immigrants
hold political office here.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 10/13/06 01:43 AM
Well, Animal. That's just typical. Why else are lawyers into politics.
Because they can get away with it.

The little people like us are shut out cause we have no connections.
Even if you are the pillar of the community, you have no chance unless
your well connected. My uncle got connected because of the firms he
worked for such as GE. So he became well established. But he did one
step further, He got to know the community. But as he got to the city
council he saw the dirty politics involved. People like Ed Kennedy don't
stay there without sucking up to local continuance. He definitely out
lived his tenure.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 10/13/06 01:48 AM
lawyers get into politics so they can fuck everybody at once instead of
one at a time lol

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 10/13/06 01:51 AM

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:27 AM
i don't know what it means to impeach bush but i like to impale bush
whenever i can

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