Topic: Why? | |
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Fri 08/12/11 07:50 PM
The bible tells us that God is a He.
So here's a question. Why is God a He? The Christian belief that Christ was God walking the earth intrigues me. If Christ was God,and Christ Died for three days... Does it follow that God Died for three days? Is it even conceivable that God Died for three days? And if God Did Die for three days Who the Hell[pun intended]was Running the Universe? Also,when Christ prayed to the father Was he talking to Him self? If each of us Perceive differently creating a unique subjective individual reality Does that mean there are Seven Billion Gods? And Finally I was walking through a forest A tree fell right in front of me I didn't hear it |
IT doesnt matter anymore than it matters why some spanish words are masculine and some are feminine.
The message is more important to me than racking my brain over every detail. And, I consider myself Christian, but dont believe Christ was God walking the earth. |
The bible tells us that God is a He. So here's a question. Why is God a He? The Christian belief that Christ was God walking the earth intrigues me. If Christ was God,and Christ Died for three days... Does it follow that God Died for three days? Is it even conceivable that God Died for three days? And if God Did Die for three days Who the Hell[pun intended]was Running the Universe? Also,when Christ prayed to the father Was he talking to Him self? If each of us Perceive differently creating a unique subjective individual reality Does that mean there are Seven Billion Gods? And Finally I was walking through a forest A tree fell right in front of me I didn't hear it The religion of the Bible has had 2000 years to weave chainmail against the arguments for unbelief. When you think of it, the enigmas and paradoxes that are its cloak really aren't any more profound than such statements as "You're unique, just like everyone else" or "What is the sound of one hand clapping." The real hard work is thinking about your place in the grand scheme of things and using those answers to do something to make things better-- not just for yourself, but for those who come after you. And so far, religion has performed that task rather miserably because it purports to do all the thinking (work) for you. If you don't do the work, you'll never understand, and that which you do not understand in this universe can frequently cause you harm, however indirectly. -Kerry O. |
The bible tells us that God is a He. So here's a question. Why is God a He? Because the Hebrews modeled their God after Zeus. They also used their fables of God to support their male chauvinism and belittle their wives and daughters. They couldn't do that very well using a female Goddess. The Christian belief that Christ was God walking the earth intrigues me. Well, don't take it too seriously. Jesus was never handed the throne of King David like the prophecy of a messiah requires and so it's not realistic to believe that Jesus was "The Christ". This is one reason why the Jews have never accepted those rumors. ~~~~ I always point out that Jesus taught against the immoral teachings of the Torah and instead taught the wisdom that is normally associated with Buddhism. Therefore Jesus was most likely a Jewish Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva who actually rejected the Torah as being ungodly. Even the rumors about him have him proclaiming the Scribes and Pharisees to be hypocrites. The Torah taught people to seek revenge as in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Jesus renounced that and taught people to forgive each other instead and to turn the other cheek. The Torah taught people to judge each other and stone sinners to death. Jesus renounced that as well and clearly taught people not to be judging other and not to be throwing stones. Clearly Jesus was teaching the far superior moral teachings of Buddha. So the New Testament is most likely nothing more than grossly superstitious and misunderstood rumors about the teachings of this man named "Jesus". If Christ was God,and Christ Died for three days... Does it follow that God Died for three days? I don't know, but since Jesus could not have been the Christ the question is moot. ![]() Is it even conceivable that God Died for three days? And if God Did Die for three days Who the Hell[pun intended]was Running the Universe? Again, it's a concern that needn't worry anyone. Jesus couldn't have been the Christ in any case. Moreover, it's most likely just hearsay rumor that he rose from the dead anyway. Do you realize that in the Bible it wasn't just Jesus who had supposedly rose from the grave, but at that same time a multitude of saints had been jostled from their graves and resurrected in bodily form like zombies. And they supposedly when into the Holy City and showed themselves to the people there. Matthew 27 [50] Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. [51] And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; [52] And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, [53] And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. So Jesus wasn't the only one rumored in the Bible to have been resurrected at that time. However, there is absolutely no independent historical evidence of anyone in the holy city having ever seen these zombie saints. You'd think if such an event had actually happened someone would have mentioned it independent of the Biblical gossips. But it was never mentioned in normal history. Thus you can rest assured that it's quite safe to recognize that these biblical stories are indeed just exaggerated superstitious rumors at best, or completely false fabrications at worse. Also,when Christ prayed to the father Was he talking to Him self? Well, again, Jesus could not have been the Christ since he didn't fulfill the necessary prophecy. He probably was a spiritual leader leading a civil rights movement and trying to get people to quit doing the horribly immoral things that the Torah had taught them to do (not the least of which was to instruct them to crucify heathens for blaspheme against the Torah). The fables claims that Jesus said something alone the line of: Matt.27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? If the man Jesus actually did cry this out he was probably talking to the crowd themselves wondering why they had forsaken his civil rights movement. He probably mean, "My God! My God! What have you people forsaken me?" In other words, why didn't they stand up against the authoritarians in support of the brotherly love and compassion that Jesus had taught. After all, why would a demigod who had been born of a virgin woman and who had claimed to be ONE with the Father suddenly believe that the Father had forsaken him? That doesn't even make any sense at all. ![]() ~~~~~ Also, according to these biblical gossip rumors all judgment of mankind had supposedly be handed over to Jesus. John tells us this: John.5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: But then when Jesus is dying on the cross these rumors claim that Jesus cries out: Luke.23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do Well, if the Father judgeth no man and had committed all judgment unto the son which is supposed to be Jesus, then why would Jesus be asking the Father to forgive these people? Clearly these fables are riddled with inconsistent rumors. Here's another one based on this very same idea: Matthew has Jesus proclaiming the following: Matt.10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Well, Jesus is not only supposed to be a man of his word, but he is supposed to be the WORD of God made flesh. Well if that's the case then we would expect that he should say what he means and keep his word, But like was already shown above they later have Jesus supposedly saying: Luke.23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do So here is Jesus pleading a case before the Father for people who are clearly denying him. But he supposed gave his WORD that he would not do that. Thus this brings into question the reliability of the Jesus' WORD. Or more more realistically, it brings into question the reliability of these biblical gossip rumors. I personally accept that it is the rumors that are flawed and false, rather than blaming it on the actual man named Jesus. He probably never said half the things that are being put into his mouth in these rumors in the first place. ![]() So there's no need to call Jesus a liar. Just realize that these biblical rumors are nothing more than exaggerated rumors, and potential outright lies (or misunderstandings) of what the man named Jesus actually said or meant. If each of us Perceive differently creating a unique subjective individual reality Does that mean there are Seven Billion Gods? See Pantheism and the Eastern Mystical views of spirituality. There are indeed many ideas of how each of us could be a facet of a supreme consciousness, where we each are having a unique "Dream". Yet we are able to share this in a larger framework of a shared "Dream" called "Humanity on Planet Earth". There are many interesting possibilities in those philosophies. And Finally I was walking through a forest A tree fell right in front of me I didn't hear it So? Make an appointing for a hearing aid. Or maybe it was a moss-covered forest floor? Trees don't make a lot of noise when they fall over into deep moss. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 08/13/11 05:22 AM
This is not true. The Bible says that God is formless and unimaginable and sexless. So the premise of the question is an error. See for example... |
And Finally I was walking through a forest A tree fell right in front of me I didn't hear it hardly an impossible event if the and the forest had been transplanted on the moon. of course they'd all fall eventually and you'd never hear one of them. of course it could have happened right here on earth and you wouldn't hear it if you had a severe enough hearing disorder. |