Topic: Is it right or sinful to be wedded in court | |
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Sat 08/13/11 09:50 AM
But regardless of what we KNOW, or THINK we know, the facts do not change. so, with respect to god's existence, what are the facts? atheists give me one answer, the faithful a different answer. of course both often rely on writings that are not proven to be factual. the god fearing will cite the koran or bible or some other scripture to explain how the universe was created and an atheist might cite hawking's description of the big bang in his book "the universe in a nutshell" as a basis of fact. of course even hawking does not accept the big bang as having been proved and yet i've heard atheists call it a fact. so in your mind, what are the facts about how the universe was created??? Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. youtube Video Proof of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's rise to fame. |
I think it doesnt matr if you get maried in court. God will be watching you,anyways anywhere you are making a comitment to god. The building is irelevant. If you cant aford a church weding god wil not condem you becuz ugot maried in court. |
I think it doesnt matr if you get maried in court. God will be watching you,anyways anywhere you are making a comitment to god. The building is irelevant. If you cant aford a church weding god wil not condem you becuz ugot maried in court. That kind of Church getting into our personal lives and personal business and spirituality is why I started the thread "God is not the Boss of me." What I really mean is that is my message to the CHURCH LEADERS who think they can dictate to me how to live my life because they think that have direct contact or understanding who or what God is and I don't. ![]() God is not the boss of me and neither are they. ![]() |
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Sat 08/13/11 01:00 PM
Today, all a child needs to know is how to read and write and get on the Internet. They can learn just about anything there. The future jobs will be on the Internet, the future schools will be on the Internet. You can get a high school diploma on the Internet, and a College degree on the Internet. The day of controlled education and controlled information are over because of the Internet. ![]() The internet doesnt teach the use of logic. The internet doesnt teach how to cope with stress or adapt to different, changing environments and situations. The internet is nothing but an ADDITIONAL resource for children. It could never be a substitute for everything else except reading and writing. The internet has nowhere near the protections and guidance for children that 'controlled' education does. The internet is not a solution at all. THe internet is full of information that can be 'learned',,,sure. But there are few internet checks and balances about the accuracy or even the veracity of what information is 'online'. Not to mention that children will still need to learn the SOCIAL and PROFESSIONAL skills that a 'controlled' environment involves. I do not look forward to the impersonal day when people all rely on TECHNOLOGY to produce and socialize. However bad it is now, that would be MUCH WORSE,, in my opinion. WE should always be striving to work with each other, in the flesh, face to face , eye to eye, and soul to soul. In a perfect world I may agree with that, but I do not trust my government to give a good education to my kids knowing how they operate. Fact is modern education or what passes for it, is more about their goals for the populace than our own futures. You can disagree with that if you want, but that is the reality of the system. So while the school systems may offer certain things the internet cannot, there is one very valuable thing the internet gives that they don't. Free flowing information, and at the end of the day regardless of all other experiences, that is what matters most when it comes to education. Because if you can't get all sides to a story, your perceptions of truth will be skewed based on what side you do get. By not giving them all the information free of bias, by not allowing them to think for themselves, you do the children a disservice. The modern educational system is setup in such a way that there is no room for outside thinking. You either believe as you are taught or you fail. That is not what learning should be about, and it's where the internet has it beat. |
Today, all a child needs to know is how to read and write and get on the Internet. They can learn just about anything there. The future jobs will be on the Internet, the future schools will be on the Internet. You can get a high school diploma on the Internet, and a College degree on the Internet. The day of controlled education and controlled information are over because of the Internet. ![]() The internet doesnt teach the use of logic. The internet doesnt teach how to cope with stress or adapt to different, changing environments and situations. The internet is nothing but an ADDITIONAL resource for children. It could never be a substitute for everything else except reading and writing. The internet has nowhere near the protections and guidance for children that 'controlled' education does. The internet is not a solution at all. THe internet is full of information that can be 'learned',,,sure. But there are few internet checks and balances about the accuracy or even the veracity of what information is 'online'. Not to mention that children will still need to learn the SOCIAL and PROFESSIONAL skills that a 'controlled' environment involves. I do not look forward to the impersonal day when people all rely on TECHNOLOGY to produce and socialize. However bad it is now, that would be MUCH WORSE,, in my opinion. WE should always be striving to work with each other, in the flesh, face to face , eye to eye, and soul to soul. In the future there will be SCHOOLS on the Internet. No, I take that back. THERE ARE ALREADY SCHOOLS ON THE INTERNET. "Controlled" education is actually inadequate for today's children. They are way behind the times. A mixture of both might be nice, where social interactions are provided. I see that happening with home-schooled groups all the time. |
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Sat 08/13/11 01:03 PM
Today, all a child needs to know is how to read and write and get on the Internet. They can learn just about anything there. The future jobs will be on the Internet, the future schools will be on the Internet. You can get a high school diploma on the Internet, and a College degree on the Internet. The day of controlled education and controlled information are over because of the Internet. ![]() The internet doesnt teach the use of logic. The internet doesnt teach how to cope with stress or adapt to different, changing environments and situations. The internet is nothing but an ADDITIONAL resource for children. It could never be a substitute for everything else except reading and writing. The internet has nowhere near the protections and guidance for children that 'controlled' education does. The internet is not a solution at all. THe internet is full of information that can be 'learned',,,sure. But there are few internet checks and balances about the accuracy or even the veracity of what information is 'online'. Not to mention that children will still need to learn the SOCIAL and PROFESSIONAL skills that a 'controlled' environment involves. I do not look forward to the impersonal day when people all rely on TECHNOLOGY to produce and socialize. However bad it is now, that would be MUCH WORSE,, in my opinion. WE should always be striving to work with each other, in the flesh, face to face , eye to eye, and soul to soul. In a perfect world I may agree with that, but I do not trust my government to give a good education to my kids knowing how they operate. Fact is modern education or what passes for it, is more about their goals for the populace than our own futures. You can disagree with that if you want, but that is the reality of the system. So while the school systems may offer certain things the internet cannot, there is one very valuable thing the internet gives that they don't. Free flowing information, and at the end of the day regardless of all other experiences, that is what matters most when it comes to education. Because if you can't get all sides to a story, your perceptions of truth will be skewed based on what side you do get. By not giving them all the information free of bias, by not allowing them to think for themselves, you do the children a disservice. in a global economy, this would be suicide,, sorry Im not willing to see us go into the dark ages because of our insistence on all this 'independent' and 'free' thinking we have to be 'competitive', we cant do that if we dont somewhat streamline the information to that which is going to be PRODUCTIVE and COMPETITIVE with what the rest of the western world receives and functions around,,, If I have a cold, why give me a cast and surgery, when what is NEEDED is medicine and rest? sometimes more stuff/access just means more clutter, chaos, and unnecessary confusion Show me where the internet has improved our childrens intelligence at large, and I may see the point of such logic but I fail to see the connection, in fact, I see where it has dumbed our children down much more than the opposite effect, because of all the DUMMIES who have free reign to post what they 'think' and 'believe' in websites across the internet that children can easily come to think of as 'fact' our culture already has a hard enough time distinguishing recognized 'facts' from common 'opinions' |
Today, all a child needs to know is how to read and write and get on the Internet. They can learn just about anything there. The future jobs will be on the Internet, the future schools will be on the Internet. You can get a high school diploma on the Internet, and a College degree on the Internet. The day of controlled education and controlled information are over because of the Internet. ![]() The internet doesnt teach the use of logic. The internet doesnt teach how to cope with stress or adapt to different, changing environments and situations. The internet is nothing but an ADDITIONAL resource for children. It could never be a substitute for everything else except reading and writing. The internet has nowhere near the protections and guidance for children that 'controlled' education does. The internet is not a solution at all. THe internet is full of information that can be 'learned',,,sure. But there are few internet checks and balances about the accuracy or even the veracity of what information is 'online'. Not to mention that children will still need to learn the SOCIAL and PROFESSIONAL skills that a 'controlled' environment involves. I do not look forward to the impersonal day when people all rely on TECHNOLOGY to produce and socialize. However bad it is now, that would be MUCH WORSE,, in my opinion. WE should always be striving to work with each other, in the flesh, face to face , eye to eye, and soul to soul. In a perfect world I may agree with that, but I do not trust my government to give a good education to my kids knowing how they operate. Fact is modern education or what passes for it, is more about their goals for the populace than our own futures. You can disagree with that if you want, but that is the reality of the system. So while the school systems may offer certain things the internet cannot, there is one very valuable thing the internet gives that they don't. Free flowing information, and at the end of the day regardless of all other experiences, that is what matters most when it comes to education. Because if you can't get all sides to a story, your perceptions of truth will be skewed based on what side you do get. By not giving them all the information free of bias, by not allowing them to think for themselves, you do the children a disservice. in a global economy, this would be suicide,, sorry Im not willing to see us go into the dark ages because of our insistence on all this 'independent' and 'free' thinking That's just it though, we ARE living in an educational dark ages, because we are allowing the state to dictate what the truth is to our kids, and to the populace as a whole. The actual truth to things is suppressed in favor of their version of truth. They control all the information that comes out or doesn't come out. This in fact is one of the reasons the internet is under attack anymore. Because it's the one resource that they really can't control or regulate. It's the one place where the truth they hide can be exposed, and that's a threat to them. Show me where the internet has improved our childrens intelligence at large, and I may see the point of such logic but I fail to see the connection, in fact, I see where it has dumbed our children down much more than the opposite effect, because of all the DUMMIES who have free reign to post what they 'think' and 'believe' in websites across the internet that children can easily come to think of as 'fact' So it's better to just let the state tell you what to think? Yes there is a lot of things on the net that may leave a bit to be desired when it comes to truth, but I'd much rather have it where we are allowed to make up our own minds one way or the other rather than having one idea shoved down our throats that we either accept or fail. As it is now, we aren't allowed that. |
Show me where the internet has improved our childrens intelligence at large, and I may see the point of such logic
My nephew does not go to school and never has. I helped teach him to read and navigate the Internet. He is home schooled, but not much. He has found a keen interest in watching historical documentaries about the world wars and other things historical. He is a wiz on the Internet and it was his motivation to learn to read. He will be getting his diploma via a GED. |
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Sat 08/13/11 01:17 PM
Today, all a child needs to know is how to read and write and get on the Internet. They can learn just about anything there. The future jobs will be on the Internet, the future schools will be on the Internet. You can get a high school diploma on the Internet, and a College degree on the Internet. The day of controlled education and controlled information are over because of the Internet. ![]() The internet doesnt teach the use of logic. The internet doesnt teach how to cope with stress or adapt to different, changing environments and situations. The internet is nothing but an ADDITIONAL resource for children. It could never be a substitute for everything else except reading and writing. The internet has nowhere near the protections and guidance for children that 'controlled' education does. The internet is not a solution at all. THe internet is full of information that can be 'learned',,,sure. But there are few internet checks and balances about the accuracy or even the veracity of what information is 'online'. Not to mention that children will still need to learn the SOCIAL and PROFESSIONAL skills that a 'controlled' environment involves. I do not look forward to the impersonal day when people all rely on TECHNOLOGY to produce and socialize. However bad it is now, that would be MUCH WORSE,, in my opinion. WE should always be striving to work with each other, in the flesh, face to face , eye to eye, and soul to soul. In a perfect world I may agree with that, but I do not trust my government to give a good education to my kids knowing how they operate. Fact is modern education or what passes for it, is more about their goals for the populace than our own futures. You can disagree with that if you want, but that is the reality of the system. So while the school systems may offer certain things the internet cannot, there is one very valuable thing the internet gives that they don't. Free flowing information, and at the end of the day regardless of all other experiences, that is what matters most when it comes to education. Because if you can't get all sides to a story, your perceptions of truth will be skewed based on what side you do get. By not giving them all the information free of bias, by not allowing them to think for themselves, you do the children a disservice. in a global economy, this would be suicide,, sorry Im not willing to see us go into the dark ages because of our insistence on all this 'independent' and 'free' thinking That's just it though, we ARE living in an educational dark ages, because we are allowing the state to dictate what the truth is to our kids, and to the populace as a whole. The actual truth to things is suppressed in favor of their version of truth. They control all the information that comes out or doesn't come out. This in fact is one of the reasons the internet is under attack anymore. Because it's the one resource that they really can't control or regulate. It's the one place where the truth they hide can be exposed, and that's a threat to them. Show me where the internet has improved our childrens intelligence at large, and I may see the point of such logic but I fail to see the connection, in fact, I see where it has dumbed our children down much more than the opposite effect, because of all the DUMMIES who have free reign to post what they 'think' and 'believe' in websites across the internet that children can easily come to think of as 'fact' So it's better to just let the state tell you what to think? Yes there is a lot of things on the net that may leave a bit to be desired when it comes to truth, but I'd much rather have it where we are allowed to make up our own minds one way or the other rather than having one idea shoved down our throats that we either accept or fail. As it is now, we aren't allowed that. we are in educational dark ages because 1. teachers arent TEACHING 2. children arent being sent to school prepared to LEARN or with learning as a priority 3. children arent being raised to 'respect' there is a priority placed on both RESPECT OF AUTHORITY and the significance of "LEARNING" in other cultures that we have just less and less of in America... and 4. teachers have to do as much correcting children who have not been taught the above than ever before, with less resources(Educational budget cuts), leaving less energy/time/focus to actually TEACH the state doesnt tell me or my children what to think, they do educate my children on what they NEED to know to compete when they enter the grown up , working world... |
Most children need to go to school because their parents don't take care of them at home. Many just send their kids to school for a free baby sitting service.
There are so many bad parents. |
I think it doesnt matr if you get maried in court. God will be watching you,anyways anywhere you are making a comitment to god. The building is irelevant. If you cant aford a church weding god wil not condem you becuz ugot maried in court. That kind of Church getting into our personal lives and personal business and spirituality is why I started the thread "God is not the Boss of me." What I really mean is that is my message to the CHURCH LEADERS who think they can dictate to me how to live my life because they think that have direct contact or understanding who or what God is and I don't. ![]() God is not the boss of me and neither are they. ![]() |
Most children need to go to school because their parents don't take care of them at home. Many just send their kids to school for a free baby sitting service. There are so many bad parents. most parents continue to send their children to school because is a pretty significant part of learning to socialize and be a part of something bigger than themself, 2. it is a very big indicator once they grow up (to future employers) of their experience and willingness to be a part of something bigger than themeself 3. it is a very big advantage over those that will not be able to prove that experience when they enter the working world 4. it is a way for children to develop a pretty large base of peers with which to develop alongside of,,, yes, there are many bad parents too, but I dont feel thats the major reason children are sent to school parents usually outlive their kids, it doesnt do children a service to create an environment where all they have or depend upon for knowledge is their parental environment,, THEY need social environments like school to develop to their fullest in most cases,,, and certainly to be competitive in an environment where such experience is a requirement for so many other things,,,, |
Show me where the internet has improved our childrens intelligence at large, and I may see the point of such logic
My nephew does not go to school and never has. I helped teach him to read and navigate the Internet. He is home schooled, but not much. He has found a keen interest in watching historical documentaries about the world wars and other things historical. He is a wiz on the Internet and it was his motivation to learn to read. Speaking about that, that's another problem with the educational system. Everyone is basically pushed along at the same pace, regardless of how prepared you may be for the next stage. I can't begin to tell you how many times in school someone would be called on to read aloud, and the person would struggle to do it. It used to bother me, but looking back I know why now. It's because they really weren't allowed the time to learn that at their own pace, but rather were just lumped with everyone else. This also does the kids a major disservice. Kids need to be able to learn at their own individual paces, not everyone is going to learn things the same way or at the same time. Some may learn faster, some may learn slower depending on the person. But the current system generally speaking doesn't really provide for this, so kids are stuck learning at a pace they can't keep up with, or learning at a slower pace than they really need. So all sides lose. |
Most children need to go to school because their parents don't take care of them at home. Many just send their kids to school for a free baby sitting service. There are so many bad parents. This is a whole other topic here. Going back a long time, part of the reason women were taxed and pushed to work, starting somewhere in the late 60's I believe it was, was for the purpose of giving the state the chance to raise the kids moreso than the parents through the school system. That's part of why kids are in school now, out of necessity, because in a lot of cases both parents are working and don't have the TIME to educate the kids. This has all been done by design to usurp the parental authority and in effect become the parents. |
Show me where the internet has improved our childrens intelligence at large, and I may see the point of such logic
My nephew does not go to school and never has. I helped teach him to read and navigate the Internet. He is home schooled, but not much. He has found a keen interest in watching historical documentaries about the world wars and other things historical. He is a wiz on the Internet and it was his motivation to learn to read. Speaking about that, that's another problem with the educational system. Everyone is basically pushed along at the same pace, regardless of how prepared you may be for the next stage. I can't begin to tell you how many times in school someone would be called on to read aloud, and the person would struggle to do it. It used to bother me, but looking back I know why now. It's because they really weren't allowed the time to learn that at their own pace, but rather were just lumped with everyone else. This also does the kids a major disservice. Kids need to be able to learn at their own individual paces, not everyone is going to learn things the same way or at the same time. Some may learn faster, some may learn slower depending on the person. But the current system generally speaking doesn't really provide for this, so kids are stuck learning at a pace they can't keep up with, or learning at a slower pace than they really need. So all sides lose. working with each individual at their personal individual pace would require more teachers there are schools just for this, which do have more teachers to go around and a much smaller pupil:teacher ratio they are called montessouri schools, and are usually considered with high esteem by others,, public schools however, are run by PUBLIC funds, so that a collective style of teaching must be used as to not 'unfairly' disseminate information and knowledge in public schools, PARENTS are permitted to know the curriculums and what will be expected to prepare their own children and make sure their children are prepared to learn at the level they are in |
Most children need to go to school because their parents don't take care of them at home. Many just send their kids to school for a free baby sitting service. There are so many bad parents. This is a whole other topic here. Going back a long time, part of the reason women were taxed and pushed to work, starting somewhere in the late 60's I believe it was, was for the purpose of giving the state the chance to raise the kids moreso than the parents through the school system. That's part of why kids are in school now, out of necessity, because in a lot of cases both parents are working and don't have the TIME to educate the kids. This has all been done by design to usurp the parental authority and in effect become the parents. Education was still done in the school system after the age of five, even when women stayed home. |
Show me where the internet has improved our childrens intelligence at large, and I may see the point of such logic
My nephew does not go to school and never has. I helped teach him to read and navigate the Internet. He is home schooled, but not much. He has found a keen interest in watching historical documentaries about the world wars and other things historical. He is a wiz on the Internet and it was his motivation to learn to read. Speaking about that, that's another problem with the educational system. Everyone is basically pushed along at the same pace, regardless of how prepared you may be for the next stage. I can't begin to tell you how many times in school someone would be called on to read aloud, and the person would struggle to do it. It used to bother me, but looking back I know why now. It's because they really weren't allowed the time to learn that at their own pace, but rather were just lumped with everyone else. This also does the kids a major disservice. Kids need to be able to learn at their own individual paces, not everyone is going to learn things the same way or at the same time. Some may learn faster, some may learn slower depending on the person. But the current system generally speaking doesn't really provide for this, so kids are stuck learning at a pace they can't keep up with, or learning at a slower pace than they really need. So all sides lose. working with each individual at their personal individual pace would require more teachers there are schools just for this, which do have more teachers to go around and a much smaller pupil:teacher ratio they are called montessouri schools, and are usually considered with high esteem by others,, public schools however, are run by PUBLIC funds, so that a collective style of teaching must be used as to not 'unfairly' disseminate information and knowledge in public schools, PARENTS are permitted to know the curriculums and what will be expected to prepare their own children and make sure their children are prepared to learn at the level they are in Two things though, firstly the higher schools are more expensive so not a lot of people can afford them. Second, while it may be all well and good, some parents simply do not have the time to prepare them like you say. And even if they try, some kids STILL may need more time than they are given. Kids should not be pushed along like cattle either way though. |
Edited by
Sat 08/13/11 01:39 PM
Show me where the internet has improved our childrens intelligence at large, and I may see the point of such logic
My nephew does not go to school and never has. I helped teach him to read and navigate the Internet. He is home schooled, but not much. He has found a keen interest in watching historical documentaries about the world wars and other things historical. He is a wiz on the Internet and it was his motivation to learn to read. Speaking about that, that's another problem with the educational system. Everyone is basically pushed along at the same pace, regardless of how prepared you may be for the next stage. I can't begin to tell you how many times in school someone would be called on to read aloud, and the person would struggle to do it. It used to bother me, but looking back I know why now. It's because they really weren't allowed the time to learn that at their own pace, but rather were just lumped with everyone else. This also does the kids a major disservice. Kids need to be able to learn at their own individual paces, not everyone is going to learn things the same way or at the same time. Some may learn faster, some may learn slower depending on the person. But the current system generally speaking doesn't really provide for this, so kids are stuck learning at a pace they can't keep up with, or learning at a slower pace than they really need. So all sides lose. working with each individual at their personal individual pace would require more teachers there are schools just for this, which do have more teachers to go around and a much smaller pupil:teacher ratio they are called montessouri schools, and are usually considered with high esteem by others,, public schools however, are run by PUBLIC funds, so that a collective style of teaching must be used as to not 'unfairly' disseminate information and knowledge in public schools, PARENTS are permitted to know the curriculums and what will be expected to prepare their own children and make sure their children are prepared to learn at the level they are in Two things though, firstly the higher schools are more expensive so not a lot of people can afford them. Second, while it may be all well and good, some parents simply do not have the time to prepare them like you say. And even if they try, some kids STILL may need more time than they are given. Kids should not be pushed along like cattle either way though. there is no system that is going to do all things for all children though parents AND teachers have to work with kids instead of just pointing fingers at each other you get what you pay for, public school is 'free', or at least VERY cheap , so we cant expect what we arent willing to pay for we have to work with what we bought(And noone ever wants their taxes raised, it seems), so we as parents should expect to put in a bit more work instead of just pointing at the educational system to have full responsibility for each child and to be able to educate EACH one at their personal and individual level I agree, the dynamic of our economy has truly changed our family dynamics and I believe women working has done alot more harm than good to the family dynamic, as necessary as their employment has now become to the financial dynamic but, until we can CHANGE the economy and mindsets to where parents would want and be financially able / secure to remain with their children at home,,,,we have to face what we have now which is two parent homes where both parents work and children only have the media or the school during those hours their parents are working we need to do more about MEDIA too, but that will never fly because of the complexity of 'free press/free speech', though we can still make changes with our pocketbooks(money talks) teachers are competing with the media out there which is not at all teaching children(mainstream media at least) about the values and standards which prepare them for successful lives and educational journies there is ALOT going wrong that cant possibly be placed at the feet of 'formal' education, which seemed to work quite well for generations past and still does for other current cultures |
Show me where the internet has improved our childrens intelligence at large, and I may see the point of such logic
My nephew does not go to school and never has. I helped teach him to read and navigate the Internet. He is home schooled, but not much. He has found a keen interest in watching historical documentaries about the world wars and other things historical. He is a wiz on the Internet and it was his motivation to learn to read. Speaking about that, that's another problem with the educational system. Everyone is basically pushed along at the same pace, regardless of how prepared you may be for the next stage. I can't begin to tell you how many times in school someone would be called on to read aloud, and the person would struggle to do it. It used to bother me, but looking back I know why now. It's because they really weren't allowed the time to learn that at their own pace, but rather were just lumped with everyone else. This also does the kids a major disservice. Kids need to be able to learn at their own individual paces, not everyone is going to learn things the same way or at the same time. Some may learn faster, some may learn slower depending on the person. But the current system generally speaking doesn't really provide for this, so kids are stuck learning at a pace they can't keep up with, or learning at a slower pace than they really need. So all sides lose. working with each individual at their personal individual pace would require more teachers there are schools just for this, which do have more teachers to go around and a much smaller pupil:teacher ratio they are called montessouri schools, and are usually considered with high esteem by others,, public schools however, are run by PUBLIC funds, so that a collective style of teaching must be used as to not 'unfairly' disseminate information and knowledge in public schools, PARENTS are permitted to know the curriculums and what will be expected to prepare their own children and make sure their children are prepared to learn at the level they are in Two things though, firstly the higher schools are more expensive so not a lot of people can afford them. Second, while it may be all well and good, some parents simply do not have the time to prepare them like you say. And even if they try, some kids STILL may need more time than they are given. Kids should not be pushed along like cattle either way though. there is no system that is going to do all things for all children though parents AND teachers have to work with kids instead of just pointing fingers at each other you get what you pay for, public school is 'free', or at least VERY cheap , so we cant expect what we arent willing to pay for we have to work with what we bought(And noone ever wants their taxes raised, it seems), so we as parents should expect to put in a bit more work instead of just pointing at the educational system to have full responsibility for each child and to be able to educate EACH one at their personal and individual level Again though it's TIME a lot do not have, again by design. It's not as simple as you make it out to be. I mean people are struggling just to make ends meet for crying out loud, let alone educating their kids too. |
Show me where the internet has improved our childrens intelligence at large, and I may see the point of such logic
My nephew does not go to school and never has. I helped teach him to read and navigate the Internet. He is home schooled, but not much. He has found a keen interest in watching historical documentaries about the world wars and other things historical. He is a wiz on the Internet and it was his motivation to learn to read. Speaking about that, that's another problem with the educational system. Everyone is basically pushed along at the same pace, regardless of how prepared you may be for the next stage. I can't begin to tell you how many times in school someone would be called on to read aloud, and the person would struggle to do it. It used to bother me, but looking back I know why now. It's because they really weren't allowed the time to learn that at their own pace, but rather were just lumped with everyone else. This also does the kids a major disservice. Kids need to be able to learn at their own individual paces, not everyone is going to learn things the same way or at the same time. Some may learn faster, some may learn slower depending on the person. But the current system generally speaking doesn't really provide for this, so kids are stuck learning at a pace they can't keep up with, or learning at a slower pace than they really need. So all sides lose. working with each individual at their personal individual pace would require more teachers there are schools just for this, which do have more teachers to go around and a much smaller pupil:teacher ratio they are called montessouri schools, and are usually considered with high esteem by others,, public schools however, are run by PUBLIC funds, so that a collective style of teaching must be used as to not 'unfairly' disseminate information and knowledge in public schools, PARENTS are permitted to know the curriculums and what will be expected to prepare their own children and make sure their children are prepared to learn at the level they are in Two things though, firstly the higher schools are more expensive so not a lot of people can afford them. Second, while it may be all well and good, some parents simply do not have the time to prepare them like you say. And even if they try, some kids STILL may need more time than they are given. Kids should not be pushed along like cattle either way though. there is no system that is going to do all things for all children though parents AND teachers have to work with kids instead of just pointing fingers at each other you get what you pay for, public school is 'free', or at least VERY cheap , so we cant expect what we arent willing to pay for we have to work with what we bought(And noone ever wants their taxes raised, it seems), so we as parents should expect to put in a bit more work instead of just pointing at the educational system to have full responsibility for each child and to be able to educate EACH one at their personal and individual level Again though it's TIME a lot do not have, again by design. It's not as simple as you make it out to be. I mean people are struggling just to make ends meet for crying out loud, let alone educating their kids too. so how would eliminating the school system help those children whose parents are 'struggling' too much to educate their own children? |